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<br /> . MORSGAGE ''aHnq� aad Iacn Fo:m--(Pisect.Czedtt Plaa) 255-2 (Spectal) . � ���
<br /> . ��S � � � � � � . . . . . . , .
<br /> � �7- �?�)4�ti� M�7K7 VAV C �
<br /> �� r.�'xo
<br /> rxcs tnmsxrv�te:maaa c�.t. 22nd d�y or Julv .is 77 br'ama t»��a �
<br /> � � � STEPHEN A. SHETLAR AND CHERYL SHETLAR, husband and wife, each in his and her own riQht
<br /> � ��
<br /> 3 and as s ouse of the other �
<br /> � �
<br /> o� � 'H811�� � � _���y.,Nebraeka,ap�mortgagor S�d Eiome Federal Savings aad�Loaa AmociaHoa of.Grand Ial�d.�.�
<br /> a wrporalion organized and easting under the laws ot Nebraska with ita priadpcl ofliee�d place ot buaiaeea at Graail.Idrmd, Nebmaka, �
<br /> .. m mortgaqee: . � .. � . . . . . . .. . . .
<br /> � �WITNESSETH: �That eaid morigagor S foz aad ia aonn[deratioa of the sum of � � .
<br /> THIRTY SEVEN TROUSAND 'THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100--------------------- o���s �g' 37,300.00 �,
<br /> ' �'���fhe'reeeI t�of-which�is�hezeb aclmowled ad, do__ b these � � �� �� "
<br /> P . y g g -preeeate mortgaqs aad�warzaat uaso wid morigages,'��iin euceeeao�e aad�.�.
<br /> aaaigns,�forevar, nA the following described real eetata, sltuated in the oountp of HaZ 1 � � � � � �� � � �,:�
<br /> S
<br /> �.�mid.State of Nebraska,to-wft . � � � � . � ., —
<br /> 5 �
<br /> $ Together with ull heatiag, llghting, and plumbing equipmeat �d lixturee,includinq�token aad burners.sereeaa,awniaqe,storm wiadowa �
<br /> $S aad doora,and wlndow shadee or blinda, used on or ia cowecfloa mith eaId proparty,whether the came are now Ixated on said propezty . ,
<br /> 1 or herea(tnr nlaeed th r
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Tt� SAME, �ogether with all aad singulaz the tenemente,hereditamenm and appuzte¢anees thereunto beloaq- .
<br /> iag,or in aaywiae appertaining,lorever, aad w�zaat the title to the same. Said mortqagor S hereby covenaat—_ with eaid moctqagee �
<br /> �
<br /> that_�e.`L_ are at the dellvery hereoi, the ]aw4u1 owner g of the pramisas above eonveyed and de�cslbed, and dT0 � �
<br /> eeiaed of a qood aad indeleasible estvte of inheritaace therein, iree aad clear of ali aneumbranees, and that t ha}= wlll wasr�t �d �.
<br /> detead the Hfle therero forevea against the clmme and demanda ot all pereons whomsoever. , �
<br /> � PROVID£D ALWAYS, aad thia inatrumeat ie executed aad dellvered to secure tha payme¢t of the sum of �
<br /> THIRTY SS��EN TH9JSAND THREE HUNDRED AND NO/100------------------- o���s �g 37,300.00 a,
<br /> w3fh iatere�t thareon, togethez with 6LC}3 chargee and advancee ae may be due �d payable to sald mortgagee.under the�tezms aad � - �
<br /> conditlone ot tlse promissoxy aote of even date herewith and secured hereby,ezeeuted by satd mortgagor S to eaid mo:tgagee.payablo �
<br /> as ezpreseed in wid note,aad to necure the per[orm�ee of all the tarmn aad eonditIoni contalned therein. The terma oi eaid nme aie � � �
<br /> hereby inmrporated hereia by thia relexence. � � � � � . � . �
<br /> , It 4 the Snteatioa and agreement o!the pariies herato that tlue mortqage ahall alao eocure vay future advancea made to eaid ' . �. � .
<br /> mortgagor S by emd mortgagee, and any �d all iadebtednese fa addiHon to the amount above stated whieh eaid�morigaqon, or:�mty �
<br /> �o! them, may owe to satd mortgagea,howevez evidenced, whether by aote,book accouat or otherwtse.� Thia mortgaqe nhall remaia in full �
<br /> fozce �d eElect batwaen the partiea hereto aad thelr heirs,peraonal xapreeentaGvee, succeseon and_.asslqaa, until all mnounts secured . . �
<br /> hereundar.9acluding futura advaacea, are p�d in full with interest. � � � � � � � �
<br /> � � Tha mortgagors hezeby aealq�_to sa[d mortgagee ail rents and lncomo eisinq a2 aay. aad all Hmes Srom amd propestp �d . � .
<br /> . hereby autLorFas amd morigagee or 3ts aqeat, at ite opHon, upoa default,to taka ch�ge of satd pzopecty aad.colleM all��rents and income �
<br /> thorelrom and apply the eame to the payment ot taterest,p¢indpal,fnauraace.pxamtums, taze�, aasecameate, zepairs or�improvemeate aecea- �� � �
<br /> � eary to keep said propertp in teaantable candifloa, or to other chmgas oz paymsab provided for here3n orla the note herebp.seeuzed. ThL� � � �
<br /> zant a�eignment shqll continue!a lorce until the�unpaid balanca o! ccsid aote ia fully pald_ The taking ol poaneaetoa hereuader ahall in ao � � � � �
<br /> �� m�nar preveat or zetard sNd mortqagee ia the eoLeetion of maid wma by torecloaure or otharwtee. � �
<br /> � � The fmluze ot the mortgaqes..fo.,aeaazt mp�of�1L righte hereuader at any time ahail not be conatrued as a wmver of 3L riqht to assart ��
<br /> � it2 tha aame at any lafer�time.aad,to,ju�slet::upoa�amd eaiorca�tziet compHcmce with cll the terms.and provLioas o! eaid nole �d of thin .
<br /> �� mortqaqe. - .���� .:� �; . . . .. . .� .. � .
<br /> If said mo gagoi B ahail't+¢v�e to:be..paid,�o eald morigaqee the eatlre�ouat due it hereunder,and undar the tarms and provieioas
<br /> � c!acid n�qe�az�'�y s�ccze3,Iacludissg�uhua advancaa..and any e�etensiona or tanewuls thereot in accordmca with tha terms �d pmvl�ion� . . .
<br /> �thereot,�d.ii eaid mortqagor S ahall crompip with a12 the provWcn�of sald aote aad of thls mortgaqe,thea the�s�preseab ahalt be void;
<br /> �i otharwise to remafn;in Eull Sores cad ettect, �a.aca mortqaqw th¢ll.ba sadtled to the pouairloa o! all ot evid propertp, cnd may, at ita� � � � . .
<br /> opdon,�deelare the whole of wid aote and all indabtmdne�s�repras�ted there6y to�be immsdiately due and payable:aad may fotacloee�thL � . .
<br /> moriqaqe.or talw �p ot6ar.leqal adioa to protec[.Sb�.rlght aad Srom�ths dato ot sueh delault all item� of iadebtedaees seeured hezebp ' �
<br /> rhall draw intersat at� per anaum. Appr¢i�ement watved. �. � � . ""'��a^� "
<br /> Qu
<br /> ThL mortqege shaII..be bindlag upoa..�d sha11 oaun to�.lh� 6�natit ot ths hHn, eseeuton.¢dmfnlstrators. �uaesson and asaiqn�d �� �y �'x+ ".
<br /> � the�rwpxtivo..pcalle�Leseto. � . � � � � ��� ^$
<br /> ' r.. .. .. : �� .,-� . ���� ..� � �... . _ . . . . . .. . . . , i
<br /> j IIJ WHEEAEOP. d Mnrtqayoz S ti� Ve h�rounto �se � their�� �.�d�, �.�,e dvy�and year firat above ;;� ^+
<br /> . 1 � . . . . . . � � .. � .
<br /> .. .. �. � . . . T . _ . . (.���_v��ri-,C—.—� 4C!ft P_�Ct�!� '
<br /> te hen A. Shetl r Chery� She��iar ,,,
<br /> � _
<br /> �v�,�, � � �_ �
<br />