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<br /> t�ot extend or �zost.pone the due date oi tl�e roonthly iustnihnents referred to in paragraphs ] and 2 hereof or
<br /> change the Amount oi sucl� insiuli�tients. '
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of thc tinie tor payinent or modification of amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this Mortgage gr�nted by I.ender to any ,uccessoi in incerest of Borrower shall not operate to release, �
<br /> in any manner, the liability of tl�e original I3orrowe� .ind 73ori•owci 's successor, in interest: Lender shall not be
<br /> r�quired to commPr_c� procee�ings again;t sueh auccessor or reiuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify
<br />� r aruortization of the sums secured by tl�is \Iortgabe I�y reason of anv demand �nade by the original Borrocver and �
<br /> . LSOCIVWCiA BuCi.cn"ovTe iP: ...�... ....,,�,. � �� . . � . . : � . � . . � . � . . . . : '
<br /> ' ' � 11. Forbearance by Lender No# a Waiver. Any Sorbearance by Lender in exercising any rigiit or ,e;,.edy
<br /> �j hereunder, or otherwise affoTded by appiicable la�a, shnll not be a �vni✓er of or preclude the exercise of any right
<br /> �r or remedy hereunder. The procurement of msurance or the payn�ent of tnxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br /> .�s shall not be a wssiver oi Lender�s rigi�i io acc eiurat� t1;e mµti.::t;; o.^ tl�e inda6teclness secured by this Mortgage. �
<br /> j ��",,,,� 12. Hemedies Cumulativ�. �11 remedies provided in t6is \7ortgage �tre distinct and cumulative to any other
<br /> ,� right' orremedy undei• this .14brtguge or ':�fforded hy l��v or eryuit,y, and iitny be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> ; � ently or successively. '
<br /> � 13. Suceessors- �d Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and ageeements
<br /> herein contained shall Uind , and t6e rights hereunder shall inure to , thc respectivc successors and assigns of Lender '
<br /> and Borro�ver; subject to the provisions oP piaragraph 1 i l�ereof. All covenants and igreements ot Borrower shall
<br /> be joint and several. The captions :�nd Leadings af the paragraphs of th�s \lortgage are for convenience only and �
<br /> ' are not to be ased to interpret oi� define the provision5 Lei•eof.
<br /> ! �. Nofica. � Any notice to Borrower j>roci<�ec! ror in tlzi� 11ort6 �gE eh11 ! be gh•ert by mailing such ciotiee by
<br /> ceriified mai: .iddressed to Bon•mver at the Yrolierty Addresx Stated below, except for any notice required under
<br /> ° paragra�h 18 hereoS to be given to liori•o�s-er in tlie manner l�i•escribed t>y applicable It�,w. Any notice provided
<br /> � � � for in this 1�Iortgage sh�,ll be dermecl to hace been given to 73orro�rer when given in the wanner desigiiated herein. �
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. This form of mor[gage combines uniform covenants
<br /> - for national use and non-uniforn� covent�nts with limited �•e�riations by jw•isdiction to constitute � uniform secu-
<br /> rity instrument covering real property. i'his \1ort.gage sh� ll be governed by tdie law of the jurisdiction in which
<br /> the Property is located . In the eveni that any provision or elausc of this D4ortgage or the Note conflicts �vitl�
<br /> � applicable lacv, such conflict shtill not iiffect otlier pro��isions of this \lortgage or the Note which can be given
<br /> effect without tl�e conflicting provision , and to i.his end the provisions of the Mortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br />�; ,� 16. Borrowei s Copy. Borrower shall be furnishecl a conforined copy of this 14ortgage at the time of execu-
<br /> *:�n pr gSt.er rCCOrdat:on liereof.
<br /> � 17. Transter of the Property; Assumption. If all or any I�art of the Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower without Lender's prior written consent, escluding ( a ) the creation of a ]ien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to t2�is viortguge, ( b ) the creation of ei purchase �noney security interest for household appli- s '
<br /> } ; ances, ( c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of la��• upon tl�e death of a joint tenant or (d) the grant of
<br /> s ,! any leasehold interest of three years or less not conta,iniug an option to purchase, Lender muy . at Lender's option, �
<br /> declare all the sums secured by this Mortgage to bc inmiediately duc nud 2�uyable. Lender shall have waived such { '
<br /> " option to accelerate if, prior to the sale or t.ransfer, Lender and the person to ���hom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reaeh agreement in writin� tl�at tLe credit of sucL person is satisfactory to Lender and tl�at the interest
<br /> payable on the sums secured by this 14ortgage sl�all I�e at sucl� rate as I.ender shall request. If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in this parxgraph 17 a�id if 13ori•ower's successor in interest. lias executed a writ-
<br /> ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting by Lendei•, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under
<br /> this Mortgage ana the 1� ote.
<br /> � If Lender exerciees such option to aocelerate, Lender sha11 �uail Borrower notice of acceleration in sccordance � - - --
<br /> s with paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice sh311 pro��ide a period of not less thau 30 days from the date tdie notice is
<br /> mailed within which Borrower m�y pay the sums declared due. lf RorrowAr fails to p�y suct� sums prior to the
<br /> f expiration of such period , Lender may , �vitliout fw�tlier noticc or derri;�nd on B'orrower, invoke any remedies per-
<br /> y mitted by paragraph 18 liereof.
<br /> iv�ox-LTxiFoizri CovFxnrTs. 13oi•i•o�ver and l.ender fui•tl�ei• covenant and a;�ree ati follo�vs :
<br /> 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Except as pro�•iried in � �auugra� ,li 17 Iiereof, upon I3orrower's breach of any
<br /> covenant or agreement of I3orrower in iliis \Tortfia�;c , inclu�ling CLe covenants to pay when duc any sums secured
<br /> by this 1lortgage, Lender ��rior to accclerat,ion shull iu:�il notice to I3orro�vcr :is � iro��ided in paragrapi� 14 l�creof
<br /> : specifying: ( 1 ) the breach ; (2 ) the .iction rcquired to cure sucli breach ; 13 ) a datc, not less tiian thirty days '
<br /> i frorn the date tlie notice is �nailed to I3on•on-er, b}� ��� l �ich eLu�L lirer�el� uiust be cured ; anci l41 tliat failw•e to curc
<br /> f such breach on or before the date specified in tl�e notice ma,y result in ucceleration of tl�e suws secured by this
<br /> �Sortgage and sale of the Property. If the breacl� is not cured on or i�etore tl�e date specified in tl�e notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option may declare all of the sums secw�ed by this Jlortgage to be immediately due and payablc
<br /> i without further deinand and �nay foreclose tl�is \4orCgage by� iudicial proceeding. Lender shall be entitled to coliect
<br /> in such proceeding all expenses of foreclostu•e, incliuling, birt not liinited to, costs of docuinentary evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Bonowez's Right to Reinstate. NotN•i[ l�standing I.ender's uccelei•ation of the sumc secured by this
<br /> b4ortgage, Borrower shall have tlie right to ha�•e any proceedings begwi hy Lendei• to enforce tliis �[ortgage dis-
<br /> continued atany time prior to entry of a j �dgment enfo�•cing thie �Iortgage if : ( a ) Burro�ver pays Lender all
<br /> sums which would be then due wider t.his \Iortgage , the Note and notes securing Future Advances, if any, had no
<br /> aceeleration oecurred ; ( b) Borrower cures all breaelies of �n}� other co��enants or agreements of Borrower con- '
<br /> tained in this Mortgage ; (c ) Borrower pays all reasonable ex��cnse� incurred b�• I.ender in enforcing the covenants
<br /> � � and ttgreements of Borro�•er contsined in thi; ASorteuga :�n3 in ei� forriu� Leu�ter's reinedies 3s � >ruvided i�i para,- �
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, reasonable at.toincy 's fec, ; an�l ( d ) I3orro«�er takes such action as
<br /> Lender tnay reasonably require to assure that the ]ien of this �Iortga�e , Lender's interest in the Yroperty and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thi; llortgage shall cuntinuc unimpaired . Upon ;uc2� payment
<br /> and cure by Borrocver, this D4ortgage and the obligations secnmd l�ereb�• �hall recnain in full force and ef9'ect 3s if
<br /> no acce]eration had occurred. `'"� � � „ ;,. +��.'
<br /> 20. Assigameat bf Reats; Rppointmeat of Receiver; Lendez in possession. :�s additional cecurity l�ere- r ',� `.�t;=�" '
<br /> under, Borrower hereby assigns to Lender tlie rents of the Property , provided tlist Borro«•er shall , prior to neceler- � t '
<br /> ! ation under paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the Property, ha��c the ri61rt to collect and retain such rents ! �"
<br /> as theybecome dne and payable_ ; ,��� �
<br /> Upon acceleration under psragrapir 18 hereof or abandonment of the Yroperty , Lender, in ��erson , Up agent
<br /> or by judicisliry appointed receiver shall be entitled to enter upon , take Pos�e�sion of and manage the Property � `
<br /> aucl 6u collec:t #.he rents of the Properiy, including, those past due. .911 rents collected hy Lender or the receiver ` ,,,
<br /> shall be applied first topayment of the costs of inanagement o( tlie Property and collect�on of rent�, including, but.
<br /> not limited to, reeeiver's fees, ��remiums on receiver s t�onds and reasoniible attorney 's fees . and then to the sums
<br /> � eecured by this Mortgsge. Lcndcr and the receiti•er sl�all bc lia.blr. to � account onl}� Cor tLu,� re,u �r :zclu:�lly receiv�.I .
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