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<br /> ^ .' . .MORTGAGE—Sav[ngs and Loaa��Foan--(Dia....��Crsdtt Plm)�.�255-2 (Spedal) . . � � � � .
<br /> ��`_.�..y..` �. ��
<br /> � �/.;(�fl 121 G : MOf�TGQ►GE
<br /> �No ,�
<br /> I Julv is 77 bY�a nea.�a
<br /> rtt[S Irm�'rusE,maae m�. 25th d�r ot
<br /> JAMES E, TCIMBROUGA AND MARILYN K. KIMBROUGH' husband and wife each. in his and her own
<br /> ; ri�ht and as spouse of the other `
<br /> � {.� ot� �11 �'Couaty.Nebcaaka,as mortgaqor S and Home Federd Saviagn�ead T.oan Aaeodation�of�.Graad Ialmid, �� ,
<br /> a��corporation orgaaiaed and�e�dattaq under tha�lawr ot Nebraska�with its prindpal oltlea aad place o!buaiaesn aT GranH Ie1�d,�Nehraska,
<br /> . ;as mortqagea7. � . � .. . . . . . . �
<br /> ���W27D1ESSETH: Thpt eaid moriqagor �S !or and ia�caasiderafion of tha sum af � �
<br /> ; FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100--------------------- ---------t,.,uars (5 48,,000.00 i,
<br /> 5. tlae�.ieceipt ot��which�1��hereby acknowledged, do_ by�theee pre�enta mortgage and watrant unto said mortgagee.��im euccemor��`aad�� , �;��
<br /> � -�assigas, lorever, all t6a tollowiag deacribed real e�tate, eituated in tha county of �11 �
<br /> ���' '��aad�State of�Nebraska.towir� � . .. . . . .. �. . . . . . . .. . . � � . . _. .
<br /> t �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> i
<br /> ; . . ,,
<br /> . f �Toqelher with all hea4ng, lighting, and plumb[ng equipment aad lixtures,inciudinq �token and bumera, acreens,awninqe,elozm wiadowe
<br /> . ,.�,� and�doore, and wlndow�shades or blinda, ueed on oz fu connection with eaid property,whether the eame are now�located on said properep
<br /> or horeatter placed�thereoa.
<br /> <
<br /> � � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TfiE SAME, together with ail aad ningular the tenements,hereditameats and appurtenances thereunto beloag- �
<br /> - .� � �� ing,or in anywise appertaining,lorever,aad warrant the ritte to the same. Said mortqagor S hereby coveaant—_ with eaid mortgagee�
<br /> ��? iha�—t1,e�_ are .�ihe delivery hereot, the lawtul owne$_o! the premises above conveyed and deecribed, and Sre� � � {
<br /> � �.. $ seized ol a�good and indofeaeible estate of inheritance therein, izee and dea: oI all ancumbrancea, and that t he'}�_will waa�t�d. �i
<br /> � 3 detond the title therato torever agaiaet the elaims and demanda ot all persons whomaoever.
<br /> � � PROVIDED�ALWAYS, and this instrument is ezecuted aad delivered to secure the payment ot the aum of �
<br /> � y FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100-----------------------------------noltacatS 48,000.00 �, _.. .
<br /> � ? with interest.thezeon, together with such chargee and advaaces as may be due and payable to aaid mortgagee.undor �he terau�aad
<br /> ' � conditions of.the promissory aote of aven date herewith and aecured hereby,ezecuted by sald mortgagor_�.to eaid mortgaqoe. papable
<br /> � .��.� aa expresaed in aaid�note,and to eecure the performance of all the torma aad aondi6ons watained therein.� The te�m9 of eaid.note are �
<br /> ' ! hereby incorpozated herein by tLL�zelerenee. . �. � � �. � .
<br /> a
<br /> � ��� It ie the intantion aad agreemaut of the p¢rties hereto that this moztgage ahall alao aecure aay !uluze advancea made to eaid
<br /> � morlgaqor s by said mortqagee, and any and all indabtedneas in addition to the amount above atated which eatd mortgagors,�.or�aa.q
<br /> af them, may owo to eaid mortgaqee.howeve: evidencod whether by note,book accouat or othemine. This mortgage ahall remain in tull �
<br /> force.aad effect-between�the pazties hereto and their Leirs,personal repreeentaUvea, eucceeeora and assigna; ua61 all amounb cecured � � .
<br /> � � hereuader,including future advancea.are paid fa lull with intezest. � . � �� � �
<br /> The mongagor�_.hereby�anaig� to eaid mortqagee all reata and iacome axieing at any�aad aII times Srom.eaid property�.and
<br /> hereby wthozize e�d mortgagee or i1e ageai, ¢t ib optlon, upon dataull,to take charge of eaid proparty and eollect a11�rente aad.tneome �
<br /> therelrom and opply tha eame to ffie payment o[ iaterest..pr3ncipal,inauranee�premiums, taze�,asaeaements. repmn or improvemente necee-
<br /> snzy to kaep wid pzoperty in tenantable conditlou, or to other charqee or paymenta pzovided tor Lerein oz ia the aote hereby aea�rad. 2Lis � ��
<br /> zeat asalgnment shall coatinue in lorce until the unpaid balance of said note is fully paid The taking of posaeseion heceuaden ahall fn no �
<br /> ��� manner prerent or celard��aid�morigagee in the wllection ot said suma by toreclosura or othe�wiee. �
<br /> ' �.�.� � ,The failu�e ot t�f6���qdge�"ttl'"�'� a�ghte hereunder at aay tlma sha]l aot be eoastrued as a waiver o!its riqht to aesert � .
<br /> ths�.wme at aay la�Y " ' �� ' d3tdwiiaipjcce rKict mmpliance with all the terma ead proviaioas o1.uaid note aad .of thia �.., ��
<br /> , moatga4e. � d � '!'f�4'dR�WaaYl"�at"V��a:3:d-ar + . . � . � . . . .. . ... ... . . �
<br /> , ��'� ...It�said mort a om S��" mp,t..�g:X#�.c"+3,s �:'.�n.s,� ,.,:,�., . . .. .
<br /> q g afia�Y.eauw to�'ba pald to.aCSd mortgagee the entlre amount dua it hareunder,aad under tha terms aad pzaviriona.
<br /> . i` �of�saidaote�hereby.aoeurod,�ladudinq.future�advmcea,aadany�ezteaaions or :eaewaL iLereot ia���accordaace with�.�tLe lezms��d�proviuoas � ��
<br /> �. � . . . � .. � . . � .
<br /> ; .�. thezeot.mad-I!wid�.moriga9�.—_S+�11.wmply wiW all ths provldoaa qf wid aote�d of thi�mortga4e. thea�hese presente nhall�he void: . � k �
<br /> ���,S ofherwise to��remcia-ia��lull loxa aad.elleet. �d wid�mort4agw shall be eatltlad to tha poueeeioa ot�all of.aaid P+opesiy. �d.may..ot tb �
<br /> o tion,�daclare tLe wLole of�.s�d note and.all iadebtedneu� rs��ated�hereb M be Smmed3ateI dua aad� .. ' �� �
<br /> .' .P . �P Y Y PaYable,and may�fore�loao thia . .,,,,:� ' ,��, '.
<br /> ' �� �� mortqage or-take aag othar legal aclioa�to proteet tts��dght,�aad�from the daie�o[ eueh detault all Ireau o[ iadebtedneea�secured Loraby �" {,+ ,�- �,��.
<br /> �hal1 drmv inte:�at at� psr anmw. ApprNsemsnt waived. . . . � � . .. . .� � N � "'""d� "
<br /> y . ,
<br /> � �. . . 1 � . , . .. .. .� .
<br /> . . 'ihis�ortqago �nll�.;De bindin4 upon and dw71 snurs !o Ih� b�aetit�d lha h�in. �zecylor�. admini�tratoza, avcce�eon�aud'asslgns of� � I '. �",�.
<br /> � the re�peaLLw Partl�s hsreto. ��. � . 4 .� .� . . J -
<br /> ' _ . ,�,��
<br /> r �� IN WITNE$$ Pirf¢.REQF, qtd.:Mortqagor $ h�Ye L�s�uaAo��et t�ix'� � . haa � th day and ycar iirai abo . .. . �:.' ;;• '
<br /> .: n. . r . � . � � . . � �.. � .. .. . .. (:,.; ;
<br /> , d i .� :. ... . � .
<br /> ���� . .�. .: . .
<br /> �amas E. Kim�raugh �-� Mari yn K. brough ' �
<br /> v
<br /> ,
<br /> � � �..� �
<br />