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<br /> not extend or postpone the due date of the inontlilv inst .illments referreci to in p.�rsgraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br /> � change the amount of sucli installments. � - . �
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. �xtension of the time for �ia,ymeut m� �uodification of amortization of the sums
<br /> secured by this Mortgnge granted by I,eader to any �uccessor in interest of Borro�+�er shall not operate to release,
<br /> in any manner, tlie liabilitv of t.l�e original Borrower �ind I3orroti�-er '; successor� in i��terest. Lender shall not be
<br /> � required to commence proceedings againsc such successor m• reiu,e Lo exienci iime for paymeni or oiherwise modiTy
<br /> arnortization of the sums secured by ttti� \Iortgage by reason of .� ny demand made by the original Borrower and
<br /> Borrower's successors in interest.
<br /> 11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> . . {� �Io n�h9:'::':80 nA'��.�l�.l 1�.. � . �I :CP.�3�:: �a`:'� �S�::C�� ..C;, �:L .... .. . ... JF O j:,"C::iuC:C �:::. ..::i.iui'ac 'vi niay ii�iiu
<br /> � � . .... .... ..: � C:' .. . .,. ..� .:i:}..
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or tl�e paymentWof taxes or other liens `or charges by Lender
<br /> C,� shal! not be a �vaiver of Lender's right to acceleratc the inaturity of the indebtedness secured U}� this Mortgage.
<br /> 12. Remedies Cumulaiive. All remedies pro}�ideci in t.his 14ortgage arc distinet and cumulative to any other
<br /> C'' right o: remedy wider this �Io:tgage �r affordecl !�p law or equity , and �u:z}� be exercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> c' ently or successively.
<br /> � 13. $uccessors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Several Liability; Captions. Thc covenants and agreements
<br /> � herein contained shall bind , and ihe rights heraunder shall inwr to , thc respective successors and assigns of Lender
<br /> h., and Borrower, subject t,o the provisions of p� rahraph 17 hereof. :� 11 cove�� ants and agmements of Borrower sha]l
<br /> �'� be joint xn¢ several . 'I'he captiona and l�eadings of the ��ar.agraphs of tlii, \ Iortgage are for convenience only and
<br /> are not to be used to inteTpret or defirie: the provis�on, l�ereof.
<br /> 14. Notice. Any noticc to Borrowea• pro�•ided for in thi. Z1ortRagc siiail i�e };iven by �nailing such notice bt�
<br /> certified mail �ddressed to Borro�ver at the Yrolierty .9dd � ess '�tated helow , c�cept, for any noticc required tmder �
<br /> puragraph 18 liereof to bc given to Borro�cer in tl�c manner ��n°soribed by xpplicnble la«�. Any notice provided
<br /> for in this \lortgage shull be deeined to havc becn given to 33orro�+-er ���1 �en given in the manner designated tierein.
<br /> 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law: Severabilify. 'I'l�i� foi•m of mortgage coinbines uniform covenants
<br /> for national use and non-uniform covenants n�ich limited variat.ions by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu- � � �
<br /> rity instrument covering re�l �>roperty. 1'liis \ Iortgage shall be govei•ned by the law of tlie jurisdiction in �vhich
<br /> , the Property is located. In td�e event thst any provision or clausc of this \-1m•t�age or the Note conflicts witl�
<br /> applicable law, sucl� confiict sh:zll not. afl'ecl ut.her pro��isions o( ihis \iortgage or the ATote which can be given
<br /> effect without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions of the �Iortgage and the Note are declared
<br /> to be severable.
<br /> 16. Bonower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed coE>y of this �lartgage at the time of execu-
<br /> tion or after recordation hereoL
<br /> 17. Transfer of the Property; Assumption. If all or any part of the Yroperty m• an interest therein is sold
<br /> or transferred by Borrower �vithout Lender's prior written consent , cxcluding (a) the creatiou of a lien or encum-
<br /> brance subordinate to this \lortgage, ( b ) th� creation of u purchase moneV security interest for household appli-
<br /> snces, (c ) a transfer by devise, descent, or b,y o�>eratioi� ol la�� upon the death of a joint tenant or (dj the, grant of
<br /> any lessehold interest of tliree years or less not containiiig :in aption to purchase, I.ender may, at Lender's option,
<br /> declare all tl�e sums securer3 by this Mortgage to be irnmediately �{ uc und pa�yable:. Lender st���ll have waived such
<br /> option to accelerate if, prior to tl;e sale or trrxnsfer, Lender uud tlev persou to whom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> transferred reach agreemeni in writing t6at the credit, of sucli person is satisfactorp to Lendr.r and that the interest
<br /> payable on t.he sums secured by ihis �lortgage sl�a�ll be ;�t such raie .�s Lender shull request. If Lender has waived
<br /> the option to accelerate provided in tl�is paragrapli 17 atid if 13orro«�er's successm• in interest l�as executed :t �vrit-
<br /> ten assumptimi agreement accepted in �vriting by I.endcr, Lender shall release Borrower from ull obligntions under ,
<br /> this Mortgage nnd the Note.
<br /> � If Lender exercises sucli option to ssccelerate, Lender shall � uail }3oi•rower notice oi acceleration in accordance
<br /> �vitl� paragraph 14 hereof. Such notice shall procide +� period of noc Ie�ss than 30 days from the datc the notice is � �
<br /> inailed within which }3orro�vei• may } >aY thc sutn, declured duc. Ii 13orro�s• er fail� to pay sucl� suu�s prior to the
<br /> expiration of such period , Lender m� y , ���itl�out Iwiher notice or �le�uand on I3'orro���er, in��oke any remedies per-
<br /> mitted by paragra��h 181�ereoL
<br /> ' �Tox-17xrrox�:K Covsxw�•rs. Bori•o�cez• i�nd Lender £in�Y�l�er coveuant and a;•ree as follo�e5 : � � �
<br /> 18. Acceleration; Remedies. Exce�t as pro��i�led in puragrapli 17 l �ercof , upon Borrower's breach of any � � � �
<br /> covenant or agreetnent of Borru�ccr in tlii� \1ort �age , including tlie covenants tu pay �ti�6cu i�ue any sums secured
<br /> , by this lfortgage, Lencier i �riur to :�cc•elc+rutio�7 �linll � u:� il nutiee to 13orro�� er sa � iro�'ided ii� paragrapli 14 l�ei•eof
<br /> specifying : ( 1 ) the breach ; ( 2 ) f�1�e :iction required to cure suct � brcach ; � 3 ) a dutc , not less thttin t�hirty days � � �
<br /> Srom the dato the notice is maile�i to I3w•ro�ccr , ln� ��'I � ich :�ucli brc;lch must be cured ; and (§ ) tl�at failurc to cure � � �
<br /> � such breach on or before tl �e date specified in t1re uotice �nay result in ar. cel��r:ation of tl�c sums secured by this
<br /> \Iortgage �nd sale ol tl�e Property . If the lireach is not cnred oi: or before the dut.e ,pecified in the notice, Lender
<br /> � � � � at Lendei•'s option �ua,y declare all of the tiun�s secured by thi� Atortgage to be immedi� tcly �9ue i�nd payable � � � � �
<br /> without further detnand and may foreclose this �'Iertgnge b�� ,iudirial proceeding. Lender shall be cntiticd to collect
<br /> in such proc�eedin� all expenses of foreclosurc , inchidin �, but not liiuited to , costs of documeniary evidence , � � �
<br /> ' abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. $onower's Right to Reinstate. \ot�iithstandi�i�; Lender', uccelerattion of thc+ sun» secured by t}iis
<br /> � Mortgage, Borrower sliall have tl�e right to ha�-e an�� proceedin�;� begun by Lender to enfarce� tLis �4ortgage dia- � � ��
<br /> continued at any time prior to entry of a ,judgment erifoxcin� thi. \Iorcgsge if : ia1 Borro�i•er pays I:ender all
<br /> sums which would be then due under this \lortgage, thi� Note nnd notes securin� Futurc Ad���nces , if Any, had no
<br /> xcceleration occurred ; ( b ) Borrower curc:s all hreai•he� of an}• other co�'enant. or a�;rrement, of I3orrower con-
<br /> , tained in this ivIortgage ; (c ) Borrower ��aya all reawo .ibic� e�� �ou�r= iu�urred 1'n� I ,enrler in enforcing the coccn:Lnts � � � �
<br /> and agreements of Borrow•er contained in this \lortR:ihc :ind in eniorc�n�, Lcoacr'. remedies :is provi�.ic�ci in ��ara-
<br /> graph 18 hereof, including, but not limited to, re�isonable attm•ney ', iec� , an�i id ) I3orroti��er takea �uch uction as
<br /> Lender may reasonably require to assure tliac, tl�e lien of thi� \Iortga�c , Lender's iirtem;t in the Yroperty and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by thi� �1oitRage �hatl coritinue unirnpaimd . I?��on sucti pa,yinent
<br /> and eure by Borrower, this Mortgage and the obligiiiion� secumd herebc slzall reuiaiu in full force und efTect as Sf ""'s.� ' ,` �''�,
<br /> ' no acceleration had occurred. `` N "'`_ "�`'
<br /> ' 20. Aasignnaent of Rants; Appointmeat oi Receivez; Lender in Possession. �s additional security here- � y ?i
<br /> under, BorTower hereby assigns fo Lender tl�e rents of the Yropert �• . pro�-ided that E3orro�cer sltall , prior to acceler- a�
<br /> � ation under paragrsph 18 hcreof or abandonment of the Property , ha��c the ri�ht to collect and retain such rents �
<br /> r� ,
<br /> as they t�ecome due and payable.
<br /> Upon acceleration under paragra}�h 18 hereof or 3bandonment of the YropErtv, I.ender, in �icr,on, b�� aRent.
<br />� or b� jadicially appointed receiver shall bc entit3ed t,o cntrr upon , take T>os. e. :.iot, of snd m1n:x�c the Propert��
<br /> and to collect the 'rents of the Property , including th�se pact ciue. :� 11 rentc collected by Lender or the ieceiver
<br /> shall be applied first to payment of the costs of tnanagement of the Yroperty und collect�on of rent�, inc lu�im�, bi�t
<br /> not limited to, receiver's fees, premiams on recei�•er's bond� and rensonable attorney'� fees . and then to the �um�
<br /> � secured by Lhis lortgage. Lender and the recei�'er .hail f �e liul�le to .iccou�ic only iur t.ho�e reiii. ucLuuliy �reri � e.i .
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