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<br /> 3
<br /> ' I Datie JulY 12, 1977 �
<br /> „' � 1 s�
<br /> � " Dovle Hulme and Kay Verlee Aulme, husband and wife; and Orville Hulme ` �
<br /> � �
<br /> �� and Erna Hulme, husband and wife � ;
<br /> ; � � , Mortgagors,
<br /> {i . . . . . . .. . . .
<br /> �� � �r Hall County, Nebraska , in cor.slderation of �
<br />� s; i ����tne advance of ttie princlpal sum r=clted Si1 the note lier2lr,sStar descrioed,raca.pt cf :^...:c.*. ?s ack^�wlen¢ed, hereb:� � ;
<br /> � '; � . . . .. . . . � ( ���.�
<br /> mortgage and convey to �
<br /> t 7�E PEDERAI LAnD BAkK OF O�AAHA, a Corporation, �
<br /> ;; � of Omaha, pouglas County, Nebraska, whose address � , �
<br /> ,r }i is rarm Credit Building, Omaha, Nebraska 68100, �
<br /> � YS ��Mortgagee (sub,lect to oil, gasc and mineral rlghts owned by parties other than Mortgagors; exlsting�easements of 9 .
<br /> 1 recqrd; reservatlons in United „tates and State patents; and the rights of the public in all hlghways), the Solluwing- �
<br />�� { Hall NEvr�ska i � �
<br /> ��. p� described real estate Sn County, :
<br /> t . � o r_ � ,..
<br /> � � S� SWl-GS and W� SE 4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J4V ; ,
<br /> � i` E'-� NWZ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 -
<br /> �i All in - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11N 12 W 6th P.M. � ,
<br /> r�. . . . . . . � .
<br /> i� �
<br /> F
<br /> } Together with all wells, pumps, motors, and equipment located _.,,;, � �
<br /> ; on and used to irrigate said premises, and any additions 'to „ `' ? �; � '
<br /> ; � ' replaceWe^ts thPreof, which items are declared to be a part�:� , �! �,;J �;,
<br /> t y, the mortgaged premises and appurtenant to said real estate, �� �a, "�� =�
<br /> � � � J.: -� �� s � �
<br /> �
<br /> � �� �� ; � � �
<br /> r _:� ��; p
<br /> 1 " _ _ �, � �f :���'
<br /> y , �_ � �{ � � �'
<br /> t ' ;� :�, � � . '
<br /> � '' contalning 240 acres, more or• less, together wlth a].l�of the riqht, title, ar,d SntereSt i � �
<br /> �jnow owneaoi•iir.realCer� auquii�euj uf the Mortgagui�s iti >aiiS pro�,er�iy, inciutiing ali ouiiaings, lmprovements, TSxture8;
<br />� ,; "i � or appurtenances thereon or hereaiter nlaced thereou: all w�.Cer, irriaation; and flr+�in�ge r±�htG; rr,o r�.,om�.,rG � . �_
<br /> � � �neredlt�ments, e.ntl appurtenances Lhereto antl tt�e rents, Issue>, crops, and prniits arlsing irom said lantis; and (lf ! �
<br /> the Mortgagors� rlKhts in the public tlomain are requlred by Mortgagee for securiCy purposes) all leases, permlts, 4 + �. �
<br /> 1lcenses,orprlvileges, appurtenant or nonappurtenant to sald mortgaged Premises,now ar hereafter S,sued, extended, �
<br /> _ or renewed to the Mortgagors by the United States or the state Sn which the above-Aescribed pr•operty is lpcated or � � � � �
<br /> any department, bureau, or agenc,y thereof. �
<br /> i.�� !; This mortgage Ss F,lven to secure a promissory note oP even date herewith, executed Gy Mortgagors to Mortgagee, in � " � �
<br /> � � the prlricipal sum o2 ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-ONE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100 - n0�t..atts,
<br /> � ' �Pv �2 � .,o-......... ........_.a:.... r,. ..i.� i.,..,... ,r �,�,� � :.. 5.. ri;:.� , . i.i._ i, . _� . .r. . . t .. . ::,, �
<br /> � ... ,,..,...� ..,..,...�.. n . .,.,..._ ........ ..u.,_, ...._ .__ r-...._... . ..�., _.. _.. r._.,_ '_ _.. _:_ _., � . . .
<br /> � of MarCh,y 2006 � . Ttiis convey:j.nce shall be vold upon tt�.e payment oT said promissory note. � � � � � �.
<br /> � .. . ''� . � .
<br /> �j � 2hls.mortgage�ls�sub,7ect to the provlsions of THE FARM CREDIT ACT and all xcts amendatory thereof or supplemental � � �. : � � � � �
<br /> EI. , thereto. The proceeds of the loan secured hereby w111 be used Sor the purposes speclSled in the Mortgagors� appll- � � � � �
<br /> cation for said�loan and authorized�by said Act. � . .. .
<br /> � 4�� The �Mortga,gors, and each oP them, hereby warrant that they are fee owners of the mortgaged rea2 property; that Chey � � � � � �
<br /> �.. will defend the title agalnst all clalmants whomsoever, and that sald property is Sree Srom all encumbrances; that � ' � � � � � . .
<br /> they will keep all the improvements, flxtures, and a�purtenances occupied and Sn good repalr ��d permit no acts o7 � . .
<br /> � waste• and they wlll.relinqulsh all rigrits of homestead Sn sald premises, andcovenant and agree with the Mortgagee, j � � . � �
<br /> . i;. as follows: . . � . . .
<br /> ,
<br /> t',-� (1) That they�w111 pay ��hen due all taxes, liens, Judgments, or assessments which may be lawfully assessed agalnst b
<br /> �the property hereln mortgaged: � � .
<br /> { :;
<br /> � �(2). That they wi11 Snsure and keop Snsured bulldings or other Smprovements ncw on or which �nay hereafter be placed � . .
<br /> on seid�premises to the satisfactlon oT the Mortgagee, svchlnsurance pollcy shall be endorsed with a mortgage clause ? :� � �
<br /> ; with the loss thereunder to be payable to the Mortgagee, pr�y sums received may be used ta PaY for reconstruction � � � �
<br /> ' oS�the destroyed improvements; or, iS not sa applied, may, at the optlon oS Lhe Mortgagee, he ap�lied Sn payment oS � � � � �
<br /> � '; any Indebtedness�, matured or unmatured, secured by this mortgage.
<br /> � '.� ��y. �� (3) �To pay all rents, fees, or chasges no��due or to become fl���w�der t1;e Lerms oS eact, lease, permit, l;cense, or . �
<br /> 4
<br />— - . � 'a�,a ;,n C'i� Fubiic d,--- ':.i c',. ' �"vr�,.�z�u:� �. ..,.:sy,,,,.�caa..t '„ "ie r;^:tg�ve,. ,,,a�_sts, �..:lc: :.�.�• �ee: � .
<br /> ;? Sssued, extended,or renewed byLlthelUnited StaCes or�Uhe state�in which the abcve-described property is located; anA �
<br /> a' �to.periorm.and observe every act, covenant, condltion, �and stlpulation necessary to keep each of the same Sn good � �
<br /> << �standing;�and to take.every necessary step Co�secure the relssue, renewal, or extenslon of each ot Lhe same; anG to � � ; �
<br /> 1� assigq, waive, pledge,.or endorse to the MortgaEee eacri lease, permlt, license, or privilege if Mortgagors� righY.s
<br /> i! :Sn publin domaln are required�by Mortgagee�for securlty purposes. � .� . .
<br />� .y �,�x"�.
<br /> I� �(4) That in.the event the�Mortgagee !s a party tu any�lltlgation aflecting the security or the llen�of Sts mort- � � � ,�.� ,
<br /> � �gage, including�any suit by the Mor�tgagee to.foreclose chls mortgage�or any suit in which the Mortgagee may be named f � a ;
<br /> ` � - i1 �a party :defenciant in which St Ss obligated to protect its rights or lien, Sncluding condemnation and baqkruptcy �
<br /> ' _� �' �proceedings, the�Mortgagee may�.lncur.expenses and advance.payment for abstract fees, attorney fees (except to the � � . �, .
<br /> �i � s� .�extent�.prohibited'by�law.),�.costs,��expenses,�and�other charges. i , r
<br /> �. �s , . . .. ... : ..._ . � p � � :,�.'� .
<br /> (5) That in the event.the Mortgagors�.fal2��to pay�when due�any taxes, liens,��udgments, or assessments, or fail to r �
<br /> rc
<br /> �� �s ��.maintaln��insurari.ce as�2iereinbefore provided, or� Sall���t�o pay rents,.fees, or.oharges under the cerms of any lea�e, p . � � . �
<br /> � � , }t �.Fermit,���licanse, ur�Gi'lvliage; or Mortgagee.�ls requlreu�Lo iracur axpensas Zui aLstrucC i�cs, u;.turiiey 'e��s, �.u���, .
<br /> .� � -�exPenaes�,�and ot.her�char�es in c�nnection with dStSgatlon, Mortqa¢ee may m�ke s�irh payment orProvide surh insi.irainc�e. � - � �
<br /> �� �� or incuz����such�obligatlon, and the amounts paid thereSor shall become a�part of the 1.ndebtedness secured hereby due ; �
<br /> ' f'. �-sad payable Smmedlate�V,.�and shall bear Snterest trom Ghe date oi payment at.t�e sama rate as provided for defaslt ? - �
<br /> �i � � Sn the note. . � . � .. . . � . . � ' � � � ? ��
<br /> • y
<br /> _ x_ ..,�::;: . _._,.,�,:_. ._._.._.�._. .... __:�:�. ..._. :.�.�. . .... ;.., .,,. ..... . _. _.. . .__.. .. ...... .. . .. . . ..... . .. ..
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