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<br /> MORiGAG£-�aviaqs and Laan Form—(Diraet Crodlt Ylmn).�255-Z (Spadal) � � � � � . � � � '��
<br /> �L�.�a��. f� . M� �� 6'�����`s���
<br /> - `'•�d�- '� rA�H�.. �
<br /> �� �. TFi18�INDENTURE.�.made�Ihle� .�22Pd .day�at_--��'�' . , 15�by aad between:. , ,.:,
<br /> . . . . .. . .. � . . . �� ,
<br /> I]AN IF 'i PFTFRSF�ANF1 RONN I F R PFTERSEPL h icband and w i fP Pa�h i n hi� and har �
<br /> ;t � �� cwtn ri�t an�i�'�as � �i��a nf thr nthc r� ---- �
<br /> } �.oy � �"�a� � � � County,Nebraska, ae:mortgagors aad Home Fedazal Savingu and Loaa Aanociation o!Grand Ialand,
<br /> sj .�c corpordtion orgaaised�aad esiatiag undor the lmvs of Nebraeka with lte prindpal oifice and place a}buaineea at Grand Isl�d.Nebraska, � �
<br /> j m:mortga4er, � ��.. � � . . . . �� � �. . . � � � .
<br /> x j WITNESSETH: That�sa3d morigaqor_5, for and tn conaideration of the sum of
<br /> TWENTY-SFVFN THOUSAND S I`,SJ-IUNORED F I FTY AND NO/I 00------------_�oua:s (b�/•650.00 >,
<br /> �� the receipt�of which is haieny acirnowiadyed, 3a_�. bg thase p:e�eata ccrtgag� aad wmrant unto�eaid mortgagee,�its euccenaou and��� � �
<br /> � as�iqn�,fore�er, a7! the fottowing deacribed raal estate, situated in ihe nounfy of_ _}�..�_�--.— -- �
<br /> n
<br /> aad�Stale'of�Nebmeka. to-wit ' . � � . . �� . � � . . . . ..
<br /> � j �
<br /> F
<br /> HALL CUUNTY, NEBw15i� '� �
<br /> ,,�
<br /> � �
<br /> 1 �Toqeth¢r wilh all heatiag, lighting, and plumbinq equipmea[ and fixluree, indudinq stokero and burnere,acceeas,awnings. etorm windowe
<br /> �� �and doora, and wlndow ahadee or blindn,ueecl on or In �onaectlon with e¢id property, whether the same axo now located on said property
<br /> or horeattez placad thereon. $F
<br /> � � . TO HAVE AND TO HOLD SHE SAME, together with all and einqular the tenemanta,hereditaments and cappurtenaaces iherew�to be3ong- �S$ .
<br /> ing,or in anywise appertatning,forever,and warrant the title fo the same. Said mortgagor�_ hereby covex+ant�_ with said mortgagae tf
<br /> 3 j$� �
<br /> that —�he�L_ ��"A , at the delivery hereol,!he]awful owner__S.of the premiaee above conveyed and deecnbed. and_��P 4+
<br /> � � seized of a 400d and indefeasible estate of inhexitance therein, free and clear ot all encumbrances,an3 that .the_Y_ wili warranl cmd +S � � � _
<br /> $ . deianA the titie thereto iorever agccmnst tee ciaima and demands oi all persone wnomsoevea. � .
<br /> �� PROVIDED A1.WAYS, and this insttumen[ ia executed and delivored to secure the payment o!the aum of
<br /> % _TWFNTY-SEVFN THOUSAND S 1 X H{Jj�If]RED_F I FTY AND NO/1 nn--_--------- notla:a ts2Z.F5n_0O ),
<br /> with interest the:eon, togother with auch charqea and cdvances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terau and � . � .
<br /> conditions of tho promissory note o! even date herewith aad secuzed hereby,ezecute3 by eaid mortgagorS._to said mortgageo,payabie �
<br /> � �ae espresaed in said note,and to aecure the periormance of all ihe terma and conditions contained therein. The terms of eaid note are
<br /> hereby incorporated herein by thia reference. f$f$f$r ' .
<br /> � �It ie ehe intention aad agreemant of the partiea hereto that this mortqage ahall atsn secure any Suture advances mado to said j � . � �
<br /> mo»gagor_S._ by nmd moztgagee, and any and all iadebtednesa in addition �o the amount above etated which said moztgagora,�or aay � � �
<br /> o! them, map ewa to said morigagee, however evidenced, whethez by nole,book account oz otherwise. This mvrtgnge shall remain in 1u:1 t � �
<br /> forca and elfect betwaea the pactiea hereto and their heire, peraonal repreaentatives, succeesora and asaigne, until all amounte sacured $ . .
<br /> � � her¢undez,including tuture advancea.are paid in full witti Sntereat. �Sc . . .
<br /> She moregaqor�.- hereby aeaiga�_ to eaid moztyagee all zeate and 3ncome arising at any and oU timae trom said proparty and i?
<br /> hereby authorize said mortqaqee or lts ugenl, at ita option, upon delault,to take charge of ya;d property nnd collect nll rents and iaeoma 3�
<br /> t dheretrom and apply the same.to the payment ot inrerest, principal. Snsurance premiuma, taxeu, asseesmenta, repaira or improvements nxoe-
<br /> nazy to�kaep eald property In tenaatable condition, or to o�her chargee oz puymenta provided fo:herein o:in the neta hereby secured. 7his . .
<br /> � �rant assfgnment sha11 continue Sn torce until ihe unpaid balance of eaid note is fully paid. Tha takinq of possesseiun heceunde[ehall ia no � � � �
<br /> maaner prevent or retard aaid mortqagee la tha collectien of said sume by 3oreclos{�xa ar otLerwiea.
<br /> i. � The failure ol the '�.� ".',ktt,�r o!.i4�.riqhts hereundez at aay tla,e ehal]not be conatrued as a vvaivez oI ite right to aaeert �
<br /> $ tbe�same at any later g rn�� nrid.@afpxca atrict eomplianca with oil the lerms and prooiaiona o! eaid note and o1 thie j —
<br /> ; mortgage. � ' '� }
<br /> �%�*�a '� .
<br /> s Z: aaid moz2gaqo: �s�iC�ccuer to be paJd to ueid mcrtgagee tha entire amoimt due fl hcr�ur.der and,under Ihe terma and provision�
<br /> � ��ot s¢id�note hereby seCured�includinq lutuce advnncea.and any exteneione or reaewaln t2sereof In acco[d�ace with the tervev �d proviaionG
<br /> ���thereol;aad fl�.eaid mortqagor�_.�hall comply with all the provS�oaa ot wid aote and o} this moztqago,t}.ea these preeents nhali be void; � � � �
<br /> �.��� otherwiee�to�remain in full loree�d�eflect, aad eaid mortgaqee ehaII be enHQed to the posuession oi all of said property, and may, at ib . �
<br /> � optio�n,deelare the.whole of iald aote and all indebtedaeu repreaented Weieby to be immediatety due and payable,and aiuy toreclose thia
<br /> .�- . �� , morigaga,oz�take any otLer-1eqa1 actioa to.protect ite ziqht, aad trom the date oi such defaulc a1! items ot indebtedaess �ecured hereby ,#y,� . - �..
<br /> ' ; �hatl r�aw intoTest at�h9I�6�,�ypec anaum. Appratsement waived. ' '�-� a-. }° 1
<br /> �� Shle awrtqaqe�a6CYi�be��bindiag upoa�and ehalt enuzs to ths 1»netit ot the heir�, eueC�+tors,.Gdmfnietrato.a, �uccanaors aad nssiqns o! �
<br /> t � .
<br /> , the respective partle�heteta..� . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . S � � .
<br /> �" IN WITNESS WHEAEOP. wid Mortqagor.�. hnvw h�zeunto �ot thai r 3 ,,., ',, - .
<br /> ._ ,.__�:aadS_. �ne dal and year Sirat abovs
<br /> ;�. S .w:ittea. .� . . . . . . � . ., . /��� .,...,- �
<br /> ? � -��i .�� �
<br />� _ � �df72=7'(/ ._.__ �� .�.. �'.�_ �-���_�_._ �
<br /> - AN1EL J. Q�ETC S''V .,nlNIE P.. PETER�EN { ,
<br /> - --------- f�
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