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<br /> fSUI'F'L.�"lEt�'!'AL AGREE2SQ'f�'
<br /> 1'hie erupplemeatal agre+�aeat enCered into Lhis bth dap af Ilecembtr ,
<br /> s . ^ 1975 , be [ween Franklin Lunney and Nozma 7 . Lunney , of the First Part and
<br /> ° ;
<br /> ; A2vah Carl Stahlnecker and Rarae i,yn Scah2necker , garties �€ this Seeond Pazt .
<br /> t►nd supplemenCa the real estate contrac [ of sal� between the partfess drsted
<br /> Auguat 1, 1975 .
<br /> Said agreemenC of Augast l , 1975 , bet�aeen the partiee 1e amended
<br /> t �
<br /> and sugp2emented as follows : •
<br /> 1 . It is agreed that the support judgment of the A3strict Court of
<br /> i Hall County , "iebraska , providing L.hat Franklin Lunney pay support z"or his
<br /> minor children is a ,� ud �,ment li.en of record and constitutee a lien of reeord
<br /> j � gainat the teal estate descri.bed i. n the, agreemettt dated Au�uet 1 , 1975 ,
<br />� and Lhat Che balance due under said judE�nent aPproximates $ 610 . 90 presenC2y
<br /> 3ue and owitig .
<br /> 2 . That in ardez Lo eample �e the agreement the parties are willing
<br /> % that Winkler Realty Ccr . , as Escrowae , shall hold back finnl payments under
<br /> i
<br /> the agreement dated Auguet 1 , X975 , in the s � of $ 1 , 000 . 00 to sssure Chat
<br /> i � . tt12 tudement� lien �ha17 }iP nA { tl �n . ft� ll nrnvillnri Fi� tS� n� �l�o � tyF �� ti�^�
<br />� _ - r r -
<br /> parties exercise thair option to pay ttie contract in Lull , then in thac evenL �
<br /> 4
<br /> the sum of $ 1 , 000 . 00 shall be held itt escrow bq Winkler Reslty Co . untiZ �
<br /> the Statute af Liciitations has barred said judgment debt on or before
<br /> Decembez 18 . 1981 . _ -
<br /> 3 . Sn the event Second Parties desire to sell said seal escaCc , thea
<br /> if neceasary to cleas the Litle the eserowee st�ell pay the jvdgment debt o .-
<br /> said escrow RCCOUIIL ]ri3p b@ cont£nu�d unti2 Lhe judgment debt 3s barred byr
<br /> the Statute of L1mi � ations et the written option of the new iouyer .
<br /> 4 . In the event said $ 1 �, G04 . (70 is pl �� ced 3n escrow priar to the termina-
<br /> tion af this �gree�nent ratner fihan vaiting until tY, e expirati�n af the psay-
<br />� w2nta un3er eaid agreemeng , tnen in that event the Escsowee sha22 hold yald �
<br /> sum for the henefit s+ f P ; ze , pss �y ir. ar, insure� savir� g,� r, ccounc or cercii3ceCe �
<br /> . .. � . . � . . . ,L� _ T + �
<br /> of depasit at tt�e hl�hest sate of interesc bcing pald , it heing the 2ntex� xiaa � r ,�„i �,�„`�
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