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<br /> � Tf�5 AGR�"FT , mnde and entered inLo this '.��� day o3' At�ust 1�"'j$ t ip�
<br /> and 3eLwesn Frasilclin LYu�ney tind f'o�,o�a J . LUnne�+ , `rari,ies ai the �"irst }?art � srad
<br /> n d �
<br /> A1vah Carl Stahlnecker and R.anae Iyn Stahlnecker , Parties oS #.he ,^�eca�n�d Paa�t. .
<br /> That seid Party ot the First Purt hgs `_ his de,v � el� anci 8y �heoa pre�mnta
<br /> agreee to sel.l ar.d convey ta the Socaz�d Part.ies � tl � e failow-in� premieeaf to-�wi,i. ;
<br /> ; Lot II.even (11 ) / Htock Tuenty-Thres ( 23 ) �in Gntlege A3c�.ition to
<br /> West Lawn � City of Grand Islandr Ha11 County , Net,raskg , Prctip�rtg
<br /> also }mown �s 2114 �orth Grand Ialand Avc,n+ ie , Gr.�nd I�land � Nebrae3ca .
<br /> together with all appurtenances thereto belonging , fc+r which the Parties of the Seccsr, • '
<br /> ParL hereby agree to pay the Sum of Ten Thous�ncz Five NuTi� i• ed anci no�10v—Dollar3
<br /> { �10 , $ t70. 00) � payable as follows :
<br /> Qne Thrnisanc3 Fifty arui no%1C� Dalle�rs ( $7. , 050 . 00>; �.ri.71 be paid
<br /> downy receipt whereo£ � s 'hareby ac}czurilec3gad . With `.he remainder
<br /> oS Nine Thousand Fovs Hundrecl Fifty and tio�1. �7 D�llars � $� , t+� O . OQ)
<br /> ` with interest, of 9;� per aruium , payni�l e tts f o11 u•„�4�
<br /> $?9 -31 an or before the lst at August , 1975 � r�id or. or UePore ihe 2st day oi sach mo: . tt: �
<br /> theseci2'ter until said swn o� principal and interest at t�n = ha11 have been paid in f:u : ,
<br /> r from each pa,yment wtren made there sha11 be deducted ths interesL on the belance or tl-, r. �
<br /> principal swn unpaid snd the baZance remai�ting shall. ba credited � u�on tt�e principal. .
<br /> In addition to the Second P+�rties agree ta pey an ���c3i.tionai ri?m of 1%1. 2th ot.` the yee7ly
<br /> taxes and insurance each month in en eacrow account . 5hcriz3d the 1�12th tax and in � u *- 3nc �
<br /> payF�ent not be �uffi. ciPnt to take care of the real estate tc�ces or insurance peymer. t , t.he
<br /> eecon�i Partiea eha11 pay the dif' farenae on dernand , i zi event sai � sum ahall be in exc � : +
<br /> oS said real estate taxas , �^ insuranee pqymanta3 the balance shall. b� cra�i: ted on t.� � _
<br /> psincipal . The escrow agenL � providad �c�id pa}nnents are ma � o � asseunes Lhe responeib. --
<br /> lity of patiying the ta�ces before f�hey t� ecome d�linquentt and t,he insurance before i �
<br /> lapsea . The First Party agrees to p�p aI1 the taxe � end arq Ut1-�er assessmentG a�ui :�s ' •
<br /> said real estata up to and inclu3ing the 19?4 taxes and x11 pz- ior yEars , and the 1 �=7�
<br /> taxea prorated to dste of possessian . The Second Pxrtiea aha1l pay a11 ta�ces anci �ri�- '
<br /> '`1RFACSmPfi'F y vti:s'.e oni�ci c . � . . �. . �: . �
<br />� It is agreed that the Second Partie'ave the ri �,wht tv pay off ar�* psrt of �
<br /> thi� loan at ar�q tisne or a11 of it at ar�y ttme without Y, enalty , However � any part
<br /> payments shou2d be in multiples equsl to the next, succeedirx�• pr� ncipal portions on
<br /> the amortization table . However any assessments that mr�,y be ;s � :;essed aEainat the
<br /> property from this dat e forward is the Second Partioa oL7 -�. ;� a ' •ion .
<br /> The Secund Parties agree to keep the property i.nsured for fire � windsterm
<br /> and F�ctended Covara� e with a loss payable clause in favvr rf the respecLive parties
<br /> as #.heir inLerest ma,y appear � fas� the sum of 510 � 5(?O . ilC : r��i aL g1I ti�nes to c �arry
<br /> sufYicient cwerage to covor the balanee owii� .
<br /> The Soi2owint; r. an i•eal estate iteme are to sl,c�� or3. t.t� t.he pr � erty : al.l
<br /> attached fixturesT rind everythi:� in and ozi t.t: � �,rc+� ert�� � :: :it, � t,ands tcxiay 4+}iic2 �
<br /> belcmgs to the FirsT. P:irty . �
<br /> It is a reed Lhat a termita ina ectio�� hsll he .,s� IF o:7 this ~
<br /> 8 P � Pro�,arty nn �lfp � �„
<br /> if 2ive ter�aites are found in the hozise oi� dw4''.. l � ng tT ,ey ; r. :.'. 2 be trested et t,ha 'F�
<br /> sallera expense . Tne cosL �f the i.nspectior, s'r, i11 t; ewnver u�� :+<� .ae at wha b�y� rs ex=,�e , ,., .
<br /> A coay caf this conLrac�. together ►�. i,'r� �1arr �!:1.y '1�«„ t o a�i�? �;: ��„ a � � �i F r
<br /> ganea°a], covenanLs o� �larrantyr origS.zia2 ins�si�5.nce poli.cy r• ad vo�trait of titla shnil ' �
<br /> � v` A,..w....Jl �, � ' at 1i _ t �� ._ \.n n _ _ l1 __ n �. . P rt.�.... _ s • • � .
<br /> . �. � . ...'v�...a.a u o u w i ��a . �s s c a.a.i u u. oi 1lOiLLtr, vai . � .i�. us. atru l �idr[u � ['.Uu S S X i i � t i 6 C J C S'�K�. E���P L � . � .
<br /> w'ith instruetione to c'. ;:Jiver said Deed � ir.se� rancrs pclicy at�d ih�tract of title to
<br /> the Firat Psrty . The Revenue :tamps uporc �t. e ssid �: e�� � , ' :�e u ��:ucte3 :rcn: tf, e *'�'� • ,. '� :'
<br /> seller ' a receipts at, the end of Lhe trar �ssc * ivr. , ti' � ^M� ''
<br /> � The First Part2 �� 'agraethat thpr will bring "..he •ib� ,r� et of Lit1e Ln date on �
<br /> , or before the 1et of ,tugust , 197� and wi11 d�ljvnr ;,.se :.r�str�� c :, of Tit.le to said Secrn �� � /,c.. �"" ` .
<br /> Fax•E,ie � anaxi. e markeistsle 1e �1 titie to hu ves ;.� d in r �.`. � , F� rst i'arL�:es frae • � "
<br /> n8 8 � �r�i ..?b
<br /> �i r .t om liens and encumbrances whaLsoev� ^ �xcent as mr�r l�e pinced or suffered
<br /> o �s p�ace�he:eon by the �6ectrnd Part � es and ',hey aru : c ,� �pt � t� tnis Froperty sub,jec '
<br /> to any ensemeats res�;Y•icL3ans � or covcnan � � of recflrc: .
<br /> � ' _ , �i� ' �/ / EXHIf3ZT TO �dTRY �+ 28 �/ � _ {,- �. (' . . '3 -`' . �:
<br />� �
<br />� � . - � �
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