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<br /> �r. ----_—=�—_----_-_--- ---�---:—.`..—_---- _..,_ _.--,�—_--_--
<br /> tit�trTc.hc;c:Lonr,�v�. L22750 MGIC
<br /> .� -------- ---.
<br /> y ��wA�Lna�.NavTt�cscpxtsc�;N�rs:l�t,at Robert E. Obst and ,Janice L. Qbst, eack� in his and her
<br /> �'" �.'
<br /> own, ri�ht and as spouse of each ather
<br /> ` , � , ��MorcKagqr,w}lether�one or i73ure,in considexaiidi?of the stim:of �� � �
<br /> � F�fty Thcrusand Fnur Hundred and No/10Q------------- -----:------- --------------_not.[,n[is
<br /> ,�. � � �loaned,�tu said rnc�itga�or by The&yuitable�B�iEding and Luan Ai..uciutipn ef C;rand Icland,Ne�hCaska,bAortgagrr,�up�n �QL� shares of stuek qf � � . � . . ��
<br /> sa�d ASSGCIATlON, Ctrt�fi�ate No..i: �Z75�� �"}�i��lieicby �.rant, convey and morigage ,uitr> tl�e said. ASS�CI:ATIQN�ttie folluwin� �
<br /> s� � o�eseiihe'cE;teal est�ate��s,tua�ec� ii: !{ail.�County,'Nei�r�sle�,: � � �
<br /> ti
<br /> (;9) 41ES1" QF TiiE 5TH P.NI. , HAL� ;CQiJNTY, NESRASiCA.
<br /> . .tm�ether uvoth a�f thr tea��p�enC�, tiq���eiJitm�r �ttS xicid.appuctet��n.,me t4i�,reu�nto be'dUnging, �i��cludin� aaFachei f1�V�r �over�i�r��s.�ull��ven�o�4 s�ree�,rysy � . � . � .
<br /> � � �ki'ndivw sVSad,n,b'�ln�u.�i;Jr_�i���u�n�l�ws,�1�wnin6s.YaeaSiu�K,�u d�i§1}�i ienin���,an�3 ylcvm�lyi�ib;a'nd Wa4ereq�u'y��ph�Nutand�cp,�,t,s�ries tMare[o.FP�'d�PS,si�v�s�, . ., -
<br /> .� ��rCr�geo��ta,rs.,and oTher�tixtures siid e,q'ulpriia«�,nAew��r�hi,r,r.af[�r attn�c�h0fl t�,b�Jr used ii5:,OYu�i.ectioh wiak�"s�us�l c„�1 estat;e��. � , � � . �
<br /> Ar�il�wher�as the��.�i i tiu�.rt�,a��r li�s+sbi�ed an�9 i oc.,lye��eb� grc:�� t.h.�� t�iiy trna.�,ee,�.x�sh.ill a��u will pay..all�?.�::ee a:�d.ass'essmertls I�ti:ed�ur . . .
<br /> �. �'�S.eptet� �upinii..a�d jn:ce��s�:,and�ia�nn tF,is muc4ga6��9nd tl��c br;ynd,e��urcd tl<•reh�� hetore Th� same s1i�1'4�badorpe�5�e6nqile'n't�to i'nrrtisl9 epyrqvpd � . . � .�
<br /> i�r,�iu�in ��up�n tlic h;iii ing�c n :,ui 1��� nitscl nu,z.eu.i��the suiii ul'S �J�Q�QQQ.QQ P�vei�le �c ssi� ASSC)CI4l'10?� 3nd to de?iv.er tu s�id. .
<br /> . ASS�JUATIC),N�Le Eaa��bicu.t��+i seid mt�rai�ci,and ncu�.a�}cpmnt�i� ei pecm�jt ar,Y wapsre nn or aby�.ut sai��}�en�,�,t;s;� � �
<br /> f.. i,ix.� 1 f�ael; i.i tlic��c=.fo m��nqe R�f any��f tht ternv�s.nd e,cmltSi�n' of tli;s �ou�rt�aEO oe�t.h�a bo 7.1 secpre�l h�re:by',Yh�moi'tgagee sf;311�, . ' �
<br /> �ip dc�nyniJ,be �.utlaicd.[a una�ned��tc�po,$sessio:��rf;th�rwrt�,uged�ir�ttiinscs snd the mort�,:��u� d�areby� os�'igr?s, ti�nsfer'�s �nd sets bver 1a� td�tiE .
<br /> � , �nuit�,t�gee�tl th�r��t�,r v:n.i�ts and u�a�qn Fe�ty�denved V;�'cirrf.tl�e iu��ct���,e�� preiv�{se,:dueing�'�trch eima.as tnr.in�rt�ug�t inJeB�trdness.s1�6e11 c�anai,n', � � . �
<br /> � wip.��d ,i r.;it n 'g,a�.e�sF..+il h:ive tL�.�uivcr tn aEspc�u t i iy u�;ent o��gv�sus �� may devre fiir.Qis purpose o[r.epairir�.g,s;�id pr�a�:�se&�4nd;enrliig. ���� �
<br /> � � ifie sam�-a�n4 c:,��:lecurig 1he reuts,�rereuues�nd in��ur,ie,�nd it nYuy pay out. uL said incurzie al1 e:epenses bf :zpuiring said �remises and r�ecessaiy � - � ��
<br /> � eoinmissions and txpenses incurr�;d in renting anrl mannging the sumr and of cuilecting rentak therefrom: the bala�tce reinaining, if any,[o be � � �
<br /> ; applied toward the dischargc of said rnortguge mdebtedness;these rights of the mortgagee may be eaercised at any tinte during the exis[ence of such � �
<br /> . drf�,tult,irrespective of any temporan�H aiver of the sarrie. � � � �
<br /> These Presenis,hi�wrver,xre upon tha C�+ndition.7'lzst if the said 4lortgagor sltall repay suid luan on or b�fore the m�turity of said s}'iares by � ��
<br /> . pay�ment;pay month(y to said qSSOCIA7lON uf the sum speciiied in Uie Bond secured hereby as intetest and principal on said loan,on or before - � .
<br /> � the Tµ�enticth�day uf cuch and ever}-month,until seid loan is fully paid;pay all tx�es and assessments levied agsinst said premises and on this Mortgage � . .�
<br /> �, �nd Ihe Bond s�cured thereby,bel rr delinquency;furnish approved insurance upun the buildings there�un in Lhe sum of S 5�s 4��.�� payable � �
<br /> � to snid ASSOCIATION;repay to neid ASSOCI9TION upon demand all mone}'by it peid for such taxes,assessmenls und irsurance with uiterest at � �
<br /> the maximum Ie�al rute:hereon frnm dnie of paymcnt all of which�tongagur hereby agrees eo p�y;pertitit iw waste on said premises;keep and comply � � .
<br /> withi alt the ubi�ements and condi�ion�o(the[3ond fur S 5��4��.�� this da}' given 6y the s'aid M11ortgagor to said ASSUCIATION,and comply � � . .
<br /> with all tlte rz{uire+nten[s of the Cunslitution xnd By-Laws of said ASSOCIA7'10.'d; then these presents sh�ll beco�ne null at:d vuid,othecwise thay � � .
<br /> shatl remain in full iurce arid rnxy be lbredosed at ihe optiun of the said ASS(�('IATION after fuilure fo[ Ihree months to makz any ot said �.� ���
<br /> paymentti or be three months in arreurs in i�n�kin�sx3d monthly puyments.or ta kee�i end comply with the agreenzents and condi[ii�ns of said Liond: � �
<br /> nnd Murtgagur:tgrees to have a receiver uppuinted forthN�iih in such(oreclosure proceedings. . ' � � �
<br /> � II'U�crc is any�ch�nge in vwnership of the real estste murtgaged herein,by sale ur otherwisz, [hen the entire remaining indebtedness hereby � �
<br /> i
<br /> secured eh�ll,at tbe option of The Lquiwb(e 13uilding and Loan Assuciation of Grand Islund,Nebraska,beeome immediately 3ue and paysble witl�uut . ��
<br /> � furtf��r�wticc,and tiie :a7�uunt rcma�ning due untler said bond, and any other bond for eny t�dditiunal advances rnade tliereunder,shall,Crom the �
<br /> t�� . dele ul exercise uf�said opGon,bear imereet at thc muximum legal rxte,anc� this inurtgage rney then be foreclose� to satisfv the am�unt due on said ��
<br /> bond,and any other bond fnr additional advances,together wrth xll sums paid by said Tf�e f:quitable Building and Loan Association of Grxnd Island,
<br /> Nebraska for insuranm,taxrs and ussessmen�s,and abstraciing extension charges, with inierest thereon, from dute of payment et [he maximum � �
<br /> Irgal ratr. �
<br /> As pruvided in the I3ond zecured hereby,while thu mortgage remains in effecz die murtgagee may herrafter advunce additinnal sums to Yhe . .
<br /> mak�rs e�f said Bund,theic assigns ur wccessors in inierest,which wms shall be within the sec�rity of t,his mortgage the sarne as the fun�s uriginally � .
<br /> sccur�d�thereb��,the tut�l amount o(principnl debt n�t to e�ceed a�any ti�ne tltu original uinoun[ol'diis i�iortgage.
<br /> Dated this �4 th daY of �U�y n.n.,i9 ��
<br /> . / ,''C' , .__
<br /> i ,.-1 ---�-"`_�-, < in'S�
<br /> -- ________--------
<br />�'' Rob,ert E. Obst
<br /> ,,. . , , ,
<br /> �anice L. Obst
<br /> STATF'Of�NEF3RASKA, ss. On this
<br /> 19th dayot July t977 ,betoreme,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALI_� 1 ,
<br /> the undersigned,a Notary Nublic in and for said County,personallV came '�� '-� ��°Y
<br /> Robert E. Obst and Janice L. Obst, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each �
<br /> other `+'hO dPE Personally known to I �
<br /> me to ht ihe identicat personS whose na�neS dY'2 aFGxed to the abuve instrument as mortgago� and they severally �1``
<br /> 1� acknowledged the sa�d matrunten[to be thei r volun[nry xct and 3eed. /��_�-�'�� �^• �"`�
<br />•. UIT�,`!CC {, ..i . �,�Ca,i.�. ...,.-,:.i \ l, ..-� / � �
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<br />� ,. . �d. i � � �?Cotary Publlc �
<br /> sa.2rt k%r �y� rr .�;:.t . �%.:
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