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<br /> _ �� � _�_------. --— —_ _��.—..__— _
<br /> I�10RTl;AGL LC)Ah Nfl.�2,2�49__`
<br /> Krro��wLr�r���:ti 4sr TEiesr rr�r:si�rs:ri,�� Mar,vi n D. Br,adsby > a si ngl e persan
<br /> I
<br /> , � � � � � Mort�a�or,whether one un mtir�,in cansiderati��n uE tha xum of �
<br /> . Twenty=Five_Thousand Six Nundred �nd;_N�100-__-�__=__=-_----_-___�__�LLARs
<br /> �. '.�•lua�ied to sa��l mart.�agar by 17ie�.yuitable Bullding�and Lc�aii Associatlon'erf Grand Island;,Net�rasl:a,Mor;tbagee,upon �56`� s}�aies of stack�of � �
<br /> � ��..said ASSOCIATION, Cer2ificuie No. I:�z2]�� , ,dq herehy gran[, coti�y�y and mortf;age�untp t}le�said AS;iOCSATJON th� FolY�wing � �
<br /> . � , � described�real Yst�ac; s'rtuatee���In}!all County,Nrliruska: � :��� ,.��, � . �
<br /> �� CfJUNTY, NEBRASKA.
<br /> y
<br /> �' , �
<br /> .,together tyrd� �❑ tt,e tenen��ents,tier:�+ditaments��d .�ppi;�i�nances (Ei��reur,fo�bi:pa��ing, ineiwden};.att;ci�e4 fi���r.c�vuruig,s�,al' wlndow icraens,., � ����
<br /> , window'slaarJ�>,hlin�s,stoirn wincluws,awnings,heat�ng,x�r t•t�ri�itionii�ks�J�d�l.uatbir�k arvd wtiter equip�nent anJ.aecessories iheret�,Fumps,stoves;� � -
<br /> �ruC ig�rat�'in,and a.atPie�r Sixtures.�nd e�}6.iipi,p,ent i�olv�r�h,e,5�at�i�r��,tta.�t�od'dr�ar u�e�i,ir�eperrie'c[ioh wlth�aie'i re;al zscruto•. � � � . . ..
<br /> � �� Ancl�whe�exs tii8 said n�urigagar Ib�<�;;hrecd a.n;1�ipes-leereby aKrec ihat rhr, �n9elga�or sl�al( and wq11�uy all:t:xxe�urid;asazssinents levied ar�.�� � �
<br /> zssessed upon said prrm3seti a��d�apern tliis�t�rtga�i.and tl�e�bond sec:ured tlrer�by'�e�'ura the same stial! beec,me drlmyueri2;�tu 1'urnisfi'appr��Ved. � � �
<br /> ` ,insuiance.upcin tiie builJings o�r s.aid F�cini•��x s�tupted in tl��sum uf��5: 60Q.0� Payahle tq gaid ASSOCIATIO� and W cleliver tu sai3" , � � ,:�..,���:
<br /> ; ;ASS(1l'IAT10n da�pi>lir.ies fur saeJ,ius:urunce;and.-.n�t io cairi�nic car pe�iaii��ny wasz.t e�n or:y:h,c,ut said�iienius,;. � .�:� •..� � . . . .
<br /> ��- In ruse ni deta`ult i��the�peif�m�an�e�ctany��ot�the acrrns.:and cr�nditions c�C ilais niortgttz:.e o¢ r1ie.�bonv sec��ired Fie�ebw>,the morr,�agee shall,',��' �
<br /> on dernaud,°be aaititled ta im�necliatc p��ssess'u�n of tlie mortgageJ�,remfsas .�nd t7ier murtg;i.si�c heeehy assigris;�tr�nsfers�and set�'�o��ec t�r.thie � . .
<br /> � �mortgagee'all tlie i�nts reW�ennes und incun7e tc�l.�e deri��ed frqrn clie niu�:t�sged Vren�ise��tiuring�siis:h[ime�as the md�,rt�a�e indeh[edr.ess.sHall reniafi���� � � �
<br /> �` . ,�` .;unpai�i:a��il�.ihr morfgaF.n shall;}}ava t!ie pi:wer to appomi any;i,gent nr agznts .t rn3y desir�.f�r the purpust�f re�?airing said,.prenrises an�i ranting'� � �
<br /> �::the same aiid ooliecting tlie�ruts,revenuesan.i ini•nene,an�i it�ma+y p:ev uut'�f said�ir.cc,mr a11�expenseg �C repairing said premises andi��nt.:essary,r� �
<br /> ���:��nm�s�ion-,�-nd cxpur.ses iiicurred u�renting and��managing the samc and �f'coliecting reiital5 eherefrom; the�balance remaining,iY�any,to be � ��� �
<br /> ' appl�ed tow•ard thr discicarge of said mortgage indebtedness;these rights of the murtgagee ma��be exercised at any time during tlie existence uf such � �
<br /> �,.� default,ircespective of any temporary Gvaiver of the s�me. . . .
<br /> y, These Yresents,however,are upon the Cundition,That if the s;�id Mortg:�gur shall repay sssid loan on or betbre the maturi[y of s:iid shares by ��
<br /> payment;pay mont}�ly t.o ssid ASSOCIATION uf the sum specifled in ihe Bond seeur�cl hereby as interrst and principal on said toan,on or bzfore �
<br /> E° ilie Twentizth dey of each and evep�month,until said loan is fuily paid;pay all taxes and assessments]evied aguinsc said premises and on tiiis!14ortgage'�� , � �
<br /> y�w
<br /> � and the Bond secured Ihereby,before delinquency;fumish approved insurnnce uptin the buildings thereo�i in qie sum of S 25�(7QQ.QQ payable •
<br /> � w said ASSOCtA"TIOt�; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand xll money by it paid for sucti taxes,assessments and insurance with interest at' � � � -
<br /> y: � the maximum legal rate thereon frum date ot payme��[all of whic{:Mortgngor hr�eby agrees to pay;perrnit no waste un said premises;keep and cumply'' .
<br /> � with all tl�e agreements and conditiuns of the l3ond fur$25 6Q�.Q� chis day givrn by the esid'��lortgagor tu suid ASSUCIA'i'lON,and comply � � �
<br /> , . with all the reyuiremen[s of the Constit�tion und Hy-Laws o�sxid ASSO(:IATION;then these presents shall 6ecome nul! and wid,otherwise they �
<br /> : shall remain in full Curce and may be furcclused at the option uf the said ASSOCfAT70N after failure for three months to makz uny of suid � �
<br /> , payments or be three months in errears in snakieg said monthly payments,ur to keep and comply with the agrnements and cunditions of said Bond; � '
<br /> � �nd Morigagur agrees to have�receiver appointed forthwith in such(oreclosure proceedings. -�
<br /> If[here is any change in ownership uf rhe res�.l estate mortgaged herein,by sale or otherwise, then t}�z zntire rema:ning indebtedness hereby � �
<br /> secured shall,at the option of The L'yuitable Building and Loan Associatiun of Grand Isiand,Nebr�ska,becume immediutely due�nd payable witliuut
<br /> � further notice,:�nd the amount remaini.ng due under said bond,and any otl�er bond for any additional udvances made thereunder,shatl,from the
<br /> Jate of exercise aE said option,bear interest at thc maximu�n]egal rxte,and tYiis mortgage rnay then be foreclosed xo satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> `� � hund,and any other bond far additional advances,together with all sums pnid by s�id The 13quitabiz Buildin�and Loan A�suciation of Grand(sland, �
<br /> n:�� Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting extension charges, witli interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum �
<br /> �. legxi rnte.
<br /> As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advence additional sums to the
<br /> makers of said$ond,ihcir assigns ur successors in interest,which sums shall be within the security of this mortgage che same as the funds uriginally
<br /> secured thereby,the total amuunt of pru�cipal debt not to excced at any time the original amounr of this mnrtgage.
<br /> ,�'bated this 15t �ay� Ju 1y � I>.��77
<br /> s ,iZfG��j���i% _
<br /> rv�n D. ra s y
<br />��
<br /> COUNTP OF IiALL ss. On this 1 5th. day of �U�y 19]] ,before me,
<br /> �
<br /> . the undersigned,a Notary Yublic in and for said County�,personally came '��'
<br /> Marvin D. Bradsby, a single person . R �. •' :
<br /> � whu j 5 personally known to
<br /> me to be the identical person whose name� j S affixed to ihe above instrumen[as mortgagor and he X3�Cy���l, � ���
<br /> agkRow�edged th�..sa.idvu2rument.to be hl S wluntary act and deed. � (+���; ' .
<br /> � '� .�'" � `GVI7`N�"S5 my hand and Notarial Sea]the date aforesaid. / ��� �("`� �
<br /> £g �, ,
<br />� � � �,. M •..m is x ires `��% � .
<br /> r� �� h ti�on i L ��i61 I'� f�39� P ����
<br /> �.._` /�/ �� L� /��. 'L-,i
<br />�.� . .. s-ism ai LJ'" Notary Pub�lic—
<br />� , /Y� /..t'—� �q
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