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� <br /> r , � <br /> �� <br /> ; � , :� <br />� 4 ._ <br />.� � � ', • ::•N. ,�* <br /> � <br /> �. <br />��� <br />��� <br />��� <br /> ,:,�: ;��'� (,(��_l �� <br /> 'n�oaTcacE <br /> ,� � ___.__—.—�__. ._—.—=____=-_..�__ �__ --- — <br /> --_—._—__ <br /> n�oaTr��N���r.h� _� ?2.725._—_ <br /> �. � tcrraw n�L Merr�Y Tri�se,ruLSF�Ts:Tt,ac �}erry M. RacJc7 i ff and Joan K: Radcl i ff, each iri hi s and <br /> � <br /> her own right' anci as spou5e of each nther <br /> � ���" �� �� � ' Matgagair,,wh.:thei:onE or mUre i�r ctinsiderauon.�I4he,surn i�.f � � � <br /> � Fort,�r-One Thousand'Six Hundred and IWo%100--�_- �--_,.------- --,.-- _----------p�,I.�,�RS <br /> — ---- ----- ---_ ___— : <br /> x : loaned tti seid mortgagcu by'Ctie�t yui4able�$uilding ai��i L��an�.Asso��ia[itiri.oCGraud'lsian��,Nebraska,hl�rigagee�,up�n 4�.����� shares�f stock�ui � � � � �� � <br /> I: SaiJ A.SSOCIATICIN;,Certrficatc Nu. L ������y ,�to f�eieby grant, �onyey and mc�ri�a�e uriw the 5ai� ASS(SC7,�lTt(JN tlte fullowing <br /> .descr�bed,'ra�al �stete,situated.��n liall C�m�,ty,,Ncbr:�ska� � ��� � � � �� � � �� <br /> �. . . ., . . .. . <br /> C(�T ONE HUNOREq THIR7'Y ETGHT (138) TIV BUENa VTSFA SUBD£UTSIflN; ' <br /> r A�V ADD37IO�J TQ THE CTTY OF GRAND IS,LRND, HALL COUNTYr NEBRAS.KA: <br /> ' SOUFHERLY SEVEN7y FEET (70'} OF L.OT FIVE (5} IN [�LOCK C7NE <br /> ; HUNDRED A�JD tHREE (103) I�� KDENTG AND WIEBE`S ADDI7ION T0 THE <br /> CITY OF fRpND ISLAND, HALL COUf�TY, N�E#RtkSKA, <br /> c ' � <br /> � � ����rw ti�ddh �ld, Ihe� tenemcrup',�. he�ed�t�a,nienl��n�;ap�9ein,enancex t1�iFre�m�• �,�w:lpn��rrg, ie;cludm�����etache�i.flo��i�_�ne�J'. � is, . . <br /> � n�s�,al� Hin���v�� �crevi' <br /> �' cGiiigeratUrs;xn�lbotix•t�lixtWei�uzd�e[�u�ipmeo�ino���.dr�here.�!(er�atta J�i.•d�to�u�usrd��i���onnCCt�c�n����h�sa���s��.'�ctics>unr5.tlieret�,puilips.s[oves,. � � <br /> ;. � ,� ... . e a..,. . � <br /> ' ;:�. � And whcn:as�t1ie sald rri6rt�,xgor hus ag�eed�anti��.clues hereMy aqree�tha! xS�e.ii»itK,gur sfrait and�wi71 pa��aL.taxes ai?d avsessnients levied�c:r ��..-� � <br /> tissessed �pon aaid premises and.upur.tliis.rnortKage ai�d the nrind s:::�uecd lhe;ehy,��c!ore iiaa. sar[�e tih�.11 becUnt^.:1.eLn�;ue�Yt.tU furnisti.:apprn��ed . <br /> .� ".' ' insurance upon Iht•.buildinKs oti sa�d prcm�scs srcnatzd ir��he sini�of y. �{�l.Y�i��..�� F�i��::.h.� te> s;�id pSS(7C1'.���,...Q".� � 2a�elEver t���saiti <br /> an� <br /> . ���� ASSI?!.'IAT[O.'J tt:e Fulic��>fi.ror said,i.ccran�:s:;.�ud.iiot�.o�r,.cniy-�it o-perinit a��y.i��aste i�r,,>r at�o�:s:�.,i p�eit:isest . . . �.... <br /> ��� lu case�of uef'auli:�n the ;�e�.rFc�nnancc�vf e��y uf the ter�ris�and c�nditScros ��N rltis u��r[gs�� or tt:e.Le�id Securu.�'.1 •Qby;S}ir mor2gugee st�all; � � <br /> ' .,un' demancl;'be ent�tled o iinm,�diate p�ss0tis�on of i?tu martgaged Er..naises and.�¢I�ie m��t�;aEo; heretie•. dssigns, traa;f��rs�an� ,etc.uve: t� t#ie. � � � <br /> ��an�rtgaqee�aNl th-rci�itn.,r venu�e��and mcoiiie t¢�br,��ie+�ove�tiorri:nu rtt�rtbeEed ��o�e�mises dui�ing'sucti.¢ia��e��s;tlir.m�}riFa,�e ind��bae�nnqe�sMall rcrpeii� � <br /> .��u�paid:anil���tlze mnrig9���e snal➢Ilave;ha gbw•�to aFpoint any agent iir agents �t iv:a�� dcsire��.`.ic the ��urp��<i of repain�ig saiil prenuse3�und re�itir�g. . �� . <br /> fhe same�n�culleciing the renYs,rrveuues and income,tm�i it ntay pay out u( �id income all expenses uf repairing said premises and necessary <br /> � cummissioos and expenses incw�red in renting and mnnaging the same and of' collecting rentals UiereG-om; the balance rrina[ning,if any,to be . <br /> �� upplied to�+�ard ihe disdiarge of said mongage indebtedness;these rigbts nf thc mortgage.e znay be exzrcised a�any time during the e�istence of such <br /> a <br /> � default,irrespective af any�emporary uvaivec of the same. <br /> These Yresents,howevec,are upun the Conditiun,T1iat if the saic'1 Mort�,abor s}:al{rip,a}'said loan an ur befb[e the inaturity of said shar'es by � <br /> " payntent;paV mcmthly to said ASSOCIATfON of ttie sum specffied in the I3ond secured hereby ss interest und prinei�al on said ti,ian,on or hetore <br /> � the Twentietli day of eaclt and every rnunth,urtil said lo;�n is full}�paid;pay a(1 taxes a.nd asscssrnenu levied against said premises and on this 9lurtgage � <br /> � and die E3ond secttred thereby,before delinqu�ncy:furnish approved insurance upou tPie buildmgs�hereun in the smr�of S Q],�6QQ.�Q payable � � � <br /> to said ASSOCIAT[ON;repay to said ASSOCd 1TION upon demand all muney by ic paid i'or.uc}i taxes,assessments�snd insurance with interrst at � <br /> ihe muxi�nwn legaf ratc ihe�eon 4om date of pa��ment all of which Mortgagor herebq agrees tu pay�;pennit n�was[e on said preinises:keep and comply . <br /> �� - with all the agreements and conditions of the Bond for S�}1�60�.�� this dsy given by the�id At�xtgagor tu said ASSOCIAT[ON,anJ�umply � <br /> . with atl the requiremcnts ot'the Constitution and By-Laws of said ASSOCIATIOti;then these presents shall becume nult nnd void,othenvise they <br /> shalt ramain in full fo�ce and may be foredosed'et ti��e uptiun oi the suid ASSOC'JA'1'IUN after f�ifure for Yhree munths t<� rnakn �ny oi said <br /> . payments ur be three inunths in au�ears in making s�id munthl}'payments,ur to keep and comply with the agreements 2nd coi�ditions uf said I3ond: " <br /> �, and Mortg�gor agcees to huve u receiver appoii�tud forthwiNi in suclr toreclosu�e p�ureedSngs. " � <br /> } tl'thcre is any change in owncrship of the rcal cs'tate mortgagzd herein,by sale m utherµ�ise, then tht entire rerrtaining iodabtednzss hereby <br /> t � �. secured shall,at.the op[i<>n of The L'qui[uUle Building and l..oan Assuciation of Grand Island,'.Vebraska,becume i:uniediatzty due ar,d pa}'able without <br /> .. f'urther notice, and the amoont rernaining due under ssid bund, and any otl�er bond for any additional advances Riade thereunder,shall,Crom che <br /> �� . date of esercise of said option,hcar interest at ihe rnaximu�ii Itgal rnte,and thi> rnort�,xge m�y then oe foreclused m�;ttisfy the amount due on sai� <br /> �; bond,und any otlier bonc3 fur additional xdvances,together with al�sums paid by said The Equieable Building�nd Loan Association of Grxnd Island, <br /> . Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessmenes,and abstracting excrnsio�charges, with interest thereon, 3}um date of paymnnt at the nixximurn <br /> � Icgal cate. <br /> , As provided fn the Bond secured here6y,while this mortgnge remains in effect the mortgagee ma}�he�eaf�ter advance addi[ional simts to the <br /> � makers of said$und,their assigns ur successors in interest,which swns shall be within ihe securiiy oi this morteage the sarnr as thr[unds origina!ly � <br /> . secured�therehy,tlte totai amount of pri�ic�ipal deht not to exceed at uny time ihe original amouni ot tkvs mortgage. <br /> i� <br /> .[>�a cn;s lst?/ a�y or July �.t�..iy 77 <br /> -c'�'"�i'�%J �/�iYr" `/,` <br /> � � <br /> � ��rra'-� ,R�Sk1��'� .� i � i -- <br /> ; , , : � - ., � <br /> , <br /> oan K. Radcliff <br /> r `STATE OF NEBRASfiA,� <br /> � ss. On this 1St day of JU�v 19 ]] ,before me, <br /> . . COU?�TY OF t1ALL ,t��, .•, <br /> the unders�gned,a N�tary Pubtic ui and fur sa..1 Count},persenat1��cume ' � �� <br /> Jerry M. Radcliff and Joan K. Radcliff, each in his and her own right and as spouse of each � ' <br /> � dthQY' �'h�� a re personally known to I <br /> � n. <br /> .� �ma to be the identical persu� whose name5 d re afflxed to the above� strutnent as �ortgagar g and they severally � ��� <br /> �. acknowledged ihe said instrument to be thei r �oluntarv act and deed. � � <br />' � �� � � uy- an.;:u�3,�uta�iai Scai the uete aioresaid. �� �� <br /> �. .�-J ,-,. <br /> +was � <br />� � a ;4,. G h r RA w'i� : .. i i<''� � — 7f"% � i � <br /> 4. <br /> . p�� �r.� tiMy��ssion�:�expires / � / . �� ///���� � <br /> i <br /> � �'�c�'1lil //G <br />. :. '"e,� MY .a�ir,�.6��, 'Y,>v.•���/ . / 'y— lt�.— <br />�.,w � . 6 T-2M R] ..... .. . / /� �� � ._ Notary Public <br />�.=. . . V �� � / <br />� <br />�, � <br /> `�'� <br /> F� <br /> `� � <br />