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-.. <br /> � , � <br /> � �''u <br /> { f ��� <br />� .��. • �. <br /> �� �. �' � <br />�.r. �, ���, ' <br /> �� <br />' '.; � MORTGAGE--Savinge�aad.Loan'Focm�=(Mxect Credlt Plan)�255•2 (Special) ��� . ., .: � � �.����,. � � <br /> �� ���t� MORTC�AC�E..�..�.. �. �. <br /> �"? .: ,.,� 1 0�, <br /> ' �.o�'rro._.__.�_ <br /> '+ � ` 71I7S IND£NTURE, made thta—_,_.Z�L._.��day ot_—�-1��[�-_-- ��. --. 19��by aad hetweea � � � <br /> DELORES I��TZOLDT, a si`n�le werson <br /> ' _ <br /> � <br /> ^ j� ol.�.._., �a 0�:" _Caunty,Nebraska, cu moztgagpr�,and tTr,me Fade{al Savings�and T.oaa:Aesociation��t Grfmd���Ieland, ���j$ � � � ������� <br /> j} ,mcm�rat�� organized and eacisticaq under the lawa ot Nebiaeka wiih�its prmcipal o#lice�and place�af.buainees�gt Gzmid Yeland, Nebvaska. .� � <br /> S 9 g � .., . . ..�� , .. .. . .. . . � . .. r.,;. <br /> ,: W7TN£SSSTH: That eaid mortgagoz ���. , fo: aad in eonsiderahon ol lhe aum:of _ _ __ �. _._._ ,'.$jS� <br /> 2f <br /> i �11 N� THOl1SHNCa ANU Nl7i I OC�—_- ------ --- -----. `==—.._._,_=�oaxa:e ;s�_CJL�'-.`+19-----�. # <br /> � 1he secblpt of which i5 hermk�y'aeknow7etiyed, dq�.� by�lhene preaeats mortgnge nud wqrronl unto eaid m�rtgayce;.:ita autceeaare and .�2 � . <br /> ' SS <br /> ` . aneiqna, torsver, all the tatlowinq deecrihdd xe�2 eeitrie, eituafed in the,county df_ _. _+i�,i�� .., .__. _ . � �# <br /> c <br /> , and State o!Nehraska, to•wit: ��'� � .. . . . � .. . . F . . <br /> � �T <br /> � LOT FIL'E 61) If,l GLOCK Qf�E HI.INJP,F.� F�JRiY FlUE ! I45) IN !JNIUN PACfFIC #� <br /> C�AIL1dA'�' CC�'S :,E�OrlC AL?DlT;Otd 'i`0 THE TaWN, N�W C6l"Y �F GRANL� ISLAN�, �� <br /> � HALL, COUNTY, NEE3FZASKA. j <br /> �, ��x � �' <br /> t yS <br /> � � ���� <br /> �� <br /> � � �� _ <br /> � � <br /> y �3 . ��, <br /> j� Tageiher.with'all.haat�ag, lighting, and �plumbvng eqWpment. and fixturee, iqcludinq atokers mfd barners na:en�, pwninge, atorm windewe �S , <br /> re <br /> qnd doors,and window ehadee.�ar krltnda,.i�seil.on oi in eonnecHon w[Sh.aaed propexty, whethex the saia..,� aie�aow Ioedted ua said pro�erty � $ <br /> j �j� or hareafter placed therean. r � � <br /> z j� �� <br /> �y� TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TFIE SAME, together with all and ainqular Uie tenementa,hereditaments and c:ppurtenances there:u�to belong- �� � <br /> : �< in9, or in nnywioe appertaininq,forover, and warrant tha title to Ihe eame. Said moltg¢qoz__ hereby covennnt— wi�h said mortgagee �� � � <br /> f a <br /> � {� tha� —S—he_.____�5 , at the de]ivery hereof, the 1¢wful owner_..__of fhe premisea above conveyed and descrihed,and_.i�-___ �; . � � <br /> }� S� <br /> �, � $� seized o! a qood and indeteasible ealate of inheritance therein, Sree and clear ot all encumhrnncee, and thct —.he__._wiIi wo:rpnt and �# � � <br /> t > delend Ihe tiUe thereto fore�er againat the claims and demandn ot afl persona whomaa�ver. Sn � <br /> . f PROVIL)ED ALWAYS, and this 'nstrument is ezecuted and delivezed to socuro the payment of the sun oi___ _ �2}j <br /> , ? <br /> - � NINE THOUSAND AND NO/100-------------------------- ----____�l�a,b ��__ � <br /> � ---._ ...._,----- — —---- --- --- _ 9-,nA�-.�-.�. �, � <br /> �, . $ with mlereat the�.eon, together with auch charqes and advances as mcy 6e due and payablo to said mortgagec under the tervu end f � <br /> k $ conditions of the promissory note of even date hezewith and aecured hereby,esecuted by eQid mortgagor__to scrid mortgaqee,payable � <br /> . $ as expressod in&oid note,and to secure the perfozmance of all the terms and conriiUons coatained thosein. T'he terma ot scdd note ara � - . <br /> � � hereby incorporated herein by thie raference. <br /> � It is the intenlion and pgreement ot the pazties hereto thot this mortgage ahal! also socuro any luture advances mado to eaid �{ <br /> � mortgoyor� by B¢id mortgagee, and any nnd all iadebtedneea in addition to the amount above stated which su:d morigagota, or ¢ny <br /> } <br /> � o! ihem. may owe to said mortgagee, hawever evideaced. w'ietl�er by note. book actount o:mherwise. This mortoaqe shall remain in tull � <br /> . t. torca and e(!eM betweea ihe par�ias hereto and thair t:eica, personal rep�esenta6vus, Kuccensors nnd asaigns, unG! u!t amounts n�cu:ed � <br /> S hereundez.3nciuding future advnnces, are paid in full wifh intereat. <br /> � . � The moztgagoz_ he:aby asalgii�_ fo naid mortyagee all rente and income orising ut any and all timee .froci eaid property and f� <br /> ��. �� �ttt� hereby authozize naid moztgagee or its agent, at fta opt>on, upon default,to take cherge af said properiy¢nd co12•_ct v21 rents and income <br /> � . therefzom and apply the nc�me lo the payment o2 intereat, principa'., iasurance premiun_s, t¢xcu, aeaessments, repa:rs or impravemente nocva- f <br /> aary to�keep said proporty [n tenantable condition, or to other chargea or paymenfe prov.ded tor horein or in the n:ta l�ernby secured. This ` <br /> �f rent asetqnmenl ahall continue in force unti2 the unpaid bolonce ot eald note is lully p�fd. Tho t¢king of possaea �_ herounder ehall 1n np ; <br /> � manner pre�vent or�retard said mortgagee in tha chllection. of eaid eums b}'SOTfCIO3+:fe or o:2,e:wiea. S <br /> � �The tailure-o!�^!�} eb���ane�at+aag,.o1�:3tn sighte hezeundez at any time shail not be constrvc 1 as a wmvc�z o!ita riqht to aseert j� <br /> � 3 the same at anp�(q���d i'o 3hsatYm andxeniurco strict aomyliance with nl! ti:e tex,-.:s and };:..:- :�ns oi :,an�:. note and ot thu <br /> " �� raortgage. �"n1 ac + � t��, �; �� i <br /> FS k �t; ��..�,x.w�. .�, jSi <br /> #$ It said morfejCYC7FJf='°�4'"`kAYflS"ed8'i'C�"'Fd"`'}5b'"•"fia'3�9"ho eNd moztgagee iha entire¢rnount:1ue it hereund.-�r. . •i undrr t:.e t�:mx and proviniono 2 i I <br /> j ot eaid+�ote hereby eecuied iacludinq futuie advuncea,and aay exteoatone ot ronewu!a Uierro! in accordan r with ihe ta:ms aad proviaionn �,J . <br /> � theraot,and if suid�mortgagor_.._ahall comply with all the provlelona ot eaid note and nt this mortqaeJr�, Y6�n theae prex«nta ahail be void; <br /> . S olherwise ro remain in full lorce and ettect, aad eaid moztgagea ehall be entitled m the poaoeeaion ot all oi said propeny, aa3 may, at ita � <br /> � option, declare.ihe wboie ot ecid aote md all lndebtedne» repraeented thereby ro be immedia�ely due an3 payabie, and may forecloae thia "`-,;i� `,��;' <br /> . morfgage or take any other ]eo:l acHOD b protecl Itn righf, vud Erom the date of euch default all iteme ot indebtednese sacured hereby •� � . � <br /> � +� ahall draw interast at&�'Y''E er an¢um. Appraiaemeat wafved. � �� <br /> C <br /> � � Thta�mortgage ahall� b[ndinq upon`and �hali enure to ths b�neflt o1 the �ein, ezecutors, adm[nistratc�s, nucceesoce and aeniqns of � �' <br /> .ehe xeapec�iva parHa�hezelo. � � j ,�.: <br /> . zy IN WITDiE33 VIIf�REOF. �aid Ivlortgaqor _ha S hsreunlo �et_. har___'.__'____'haa�i___!lyo day ur.d yrar firvt ubova j . <br /> Swrlttan. � � j <br />� '� ,rr • �`' ,. ,--t �ft �2 <br /> DCLORES PETZOLOT a`"sing�le person _ `— �t � <br /> � ,� <br /> �� � ................». ...,...."......,....,.�;.,.3 � <br />_.� <br /> � � <br />