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<br /> If�[[?1VIDU�IL
<br /> DUE C7N SL1LE
<br /> e�� SAVINGS PUND
<br /> F���C.
<br /> ��N�Q�.� Famm No:�2o Laan. Number___ 33,H55 _._=.185 __�=,__i:.:__
<br /> .1 � . ,. . . . . , .. . .. .TVPv .'N�a��eM1 . . � ..
<br /> F
<br /> �7� (�(��: �.�2' !VC O` R T G A G E
<br /> � 1GAf.;E, made �nd ex�cute<i this ......�'-rs.'.��.. .._.... . day of . ..\�/'.c.'Ccj� _. A.D
<br /> y 19....�H�betwen the 2t'I�rtgagor. .Chasles:.Jaaies.:Me�uzry.anrl,..�arolyn..I�ae .McC�izr3r:; .husband��iid
<br /> kri.fe,...jD.-Lntly...�nct.each.in Lhe.ir..Dran..righi,. ,.., .,,., .._...... ---- ---... ... ...... .:.......c:._--
<br /> of .WflA.d::Ct�.vsr . .:_,..,G�uni,y �f ...._.,>.Ha1T,.. ..,---.,State cif. �iehraska ,,.--,hcreixzafter referreri
<br /> to a's the F�orrower,,an� ihe 1�4urtgagPe, F'IRST FP:I�FRAL�AVI�I���ANLI I.OAiV ASSC)C14TION()F
<br /> LINCOLN,,l.ry35 "N" Sfrcet, I.incdln, N�lira�ka 6t35Q3, it4 successors ancl assign5. }iereirxafter r�ferked;to
<br /> as Lenr]er:
<br /> Wt7�x�ssaTri: That th�: said F3orrc�wer for and in L•on,�ii3eratioii�if fhe surn �if .:��GkIT.�EN.�.k107:7S.AND.
<br /> =. EIGHT:HUNUR�n..AI�iD.:'VO�lOQ.: - - ---;I�oL'ars ,(US $1_8,8Q0..9.0..- -,-,-
<br /> . .:..:..: ::.. ... ....:.... :... .... .:_�
<br /> 5 �aiti`bv s�iid Lenrler; �toe�hexeby rnort�;age, �ranti and coiivey t� Lender, i+s Strccessors anc3' assigns; tli�
<br /> ; ' fallowine de5<:ribscl�roperty loi:ated in the Count,y nf ...,., ...Hd21._-_ _.___. . , �tatc� of T�Tebr7ska:
<br /> c � . � , . � � �. � . � � � .
<br /> .I,ot: P�1.Fven (.11) axid. Tw��v� (;�2), El�c:k _�ive (�'), in Dci�3 ana M�rs1-i�31's t�dcii�ion
<br /> ; to' thc: 7'�wn af Wr�ecl River, I�a.L3 C'cunty., N��r�r,a.
<br /> ; '7C'cycr:TxEx with,all the impiovetr�crtts noµ� ar hereaftez erecteii on the �rot�erty, ancl �11 easemcnC.�;
<br /> #� ri�;hts, a�ipurtenances, rentis, ra,yalties, n�iqeral, oil and �*as ri�hls anFl �irofits, water, water rights,, ancl
<br /> water stncl:; and all fixtures now ar hPreafiet• at.tactiecl t,ri t:he �rogertv, a11 ��f which, in�•lur�inr rEplace-
<br /> :� nierit5 and aclditions,thereio;shall�e decrneii t.�I�e and remain a ;;art o( the prn}iex`t:y coc,�ered b�• this -
<br /> Mortgage; aiid arl of the foi�e��ing, io�ether w-itfl said kirqperty (or the leas<ahold estatF in #.he e����'nt thiti
<br /> � ' 1,1 are herein referred to as the ``Pr�Fert,y".
<br /> Mortgage is on a leasehalt
<br /> ` Bormwer coven�n�s t,haG BorrowFr ia la;xvfully seisecl czi ihe estat� herebw conve:yecl and has the: ri�ht
<br /> : to inortgage, �rant aiid c6nvey the Property, that th�'PropertS� is u�iencumberei3, ancl that T3orruwer wi11
<br /> warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims and demr�nds, subject to any
<br /> easements and restrictions listed in a schedute of exceptions to coverage in any title insurance policy �n-
<br /> suring Lender's interest in the Propert}>,or (2) attorney's opinion of title fr�m abstract of t.itle certified
<br /> by bonded abstracter.
<br /> ' Paovtat;n ALwnYs, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the follawing conditions,agree-
<br /> `'` ments and obiigations of the Borrower, to-wii:
<br /> " The Borrower agrees io pay ta the Lender, or order, ihe principal sum of EIGHT.EBN..THQIISAL�ID..FSGHT
<br /> ' HUNDF3FD..AI3D..NQ/.1OQ-r.--c----c-r.---r.---------r.c.--c----r�lollars (L.�S 3_.._.1.�,SDD...Q�.--.-.-.-_-?
<br /> payable as provided in a noLe executed and delivered,concuri•ently hereH�ith,the final payment of'princi��al,
<br /> � iF not sooner paid, on the......_lst.---.--.._... day of_.---- --.Ai��ust..__-- _ , � ='002
<br /> UxtFc�ani Covr,xnh•rs. 13orrower and L.ender r.ovenani and a�;ree as follows:
<br /> 1. Payment of Principal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the princi�.�al of and in-
<br /> terest on the indebtedness evidenced by thc �ote, prepayti3ent and lat<:• charge� as ��rovi<led in Lhe. tiote,
<br /> '� and the priocipal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by this '�tortgage.
<br /> 4
<br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subject to Lender's option wtder ��aragraphs -� and b hercaof. Bor-
<br /> rower shail pay to Lender on the day monthiy installments of 7>rincipal and interest.are payable undcx the
<br /> Note, unCil the Note is paid in full, a sum (herein "Fundti") ec�ual to onr-t.��elf'th of the �-early taxes anr�
<br /> assessmenLs which may�att.ain priority over this Mortgage, and ground rents on the Pi•opert}', if an�� plus
<br /> one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for harard incurance, plus one-itivc:ifih of yearly premium in-
<br /> stallments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonahly c:stimated iritiall� anJ from time io time by
<br /> � Lc:nder c�n the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable esi�.imat.es thereof, Lender shall a��ply thr Fundti
<br /> ' -
<br /> � to pay said taxes asse5sn�ents, in�urance�remium� �nd round rents l,cndc.i tii ali make na c•h�i e for so
<br />� haldino and apr��in� !hc ?�unds o: vc..f�.i:�; ,...a � ::.N.:...�; . 2 as,�_s.c,�:i.�.> �.iu' bi.;.�. Tl�.� �..,t..l�� .,h ..
<br /> give to the Sorrower, without charge,an annual accounting of th�Funds showing credits and del:�ils to the
<br /> Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additiona2
<br /> security for the sums secured by this Mortgage. The Borro�ver agrees that fhe F'und� may he� held hy the
<br /> Lender and commnigled with other funds and the Lender's own funds and the Lender mav pa�� Guch items i
<br /> from i�s own funds and the 3�ender shaLl not be liable for interesC or dividends on such Funds. !at" '.
<br /> If the amount of the t�unds held by Lender,together with the futnre monthly installments of Funds 4'� �
<br /> � payuble prior to the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance �remiums and ground ren�s, shal] exceed �
<br /> the amount required to pay said taxes,assessmen�s, insurance premiums and ground rents as thev fall 3ue, �
<br /> such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or credited t� Borrower on �,,a
<br /> monthly installments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds held b�� Lender shall not be sufficient to pa�� �
<br />� taxes, assessments, insuranc� premium� anrl grn�zn.? r�••rc �c t�,<.. {ait aso R�-�.,..,-�- �•ti >> -,�� +� T„�,��,:
<br />�' any amount necessary to malte up the deficiencv within f;hirtv clavs aft.er notice fr�im l.ender io Rorrr�wer �:.�
<br />,�, requesting payment thereof, or Borrower shall, by an increase in monthly installments of Funds required, �
<br /> repay the deficiency within the Fund accounting period.
<br />�, LJpon payment in full uf al1 sums secured by this Mort�age, Lender shall anply Funds held a�a credit.
<br /> ; � against all sums due.
<br />� ._ � J
<br /> � �
<br />