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<br />� 1.1—WARRANTY DEED Fslton 4 W/oIf Cpmpanr.L�daoln,M�br.
<br /> 2 . � �..'.� �..,;.� -,�.,�.. :.� ':; �.. . . � .. � . .
<br /> ` ?�'� U()4 0"�� vslAttttAN� ���D
<br /> tt` ALVIN A. I�UNT AND LAURA J. HUISIT, Husband' and' Wife, `
<br /> � , hercrin oalled the grentor �vhether one or more,
<br /> j in conaideration ot ` One Hund�ed Fifty, vc�llars. and no/1�0-----------------
<br /> � ;eeeived from grantee, doee �ran�, bargain, sell, convey an$ confirm'unto
<br /> �' ' Mark J. Griesman, a single man
<br /> berein called 2he grantee whether one or more, th'e fallawing'described real property in
<br /> ' Ha11 p
<br /> .................. ' ......,. '. , ......... .....:... Cauut , 2�Iebrael�a z
<br /> : i s. .FraetionaL Block Two (2);''nf J�ehnck's Additi�n to thc �ity of Ur3n�i
<br /> � ' Island, ;Ha11 :Caun,Gv, Nebra&ka, and
<br /> That part of Tzyan Stre.et beirig Ei:�;hty Feet (SQ' ) in wielth lying
<br /> , Uetwe�n the i,iesterly line of Cherry Street drici C.he Westerly li.ne of ,
<br /> " .Toehnck's Addition 'ta tiie City of Grand Islaric3, Hall County, '` „
<br /> `, NebraskaJ , `
<br /> _._�_.,._ ----
<br /> ._ _�...
<br /> F ' Nt.3�l,t+,SKA i7��i l'�i�fVTAfzY; �
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<br /> . . . . . � , �v� rG}�.._'�76:3� . . .
<br /> �. . .. . . .. . . ,;.. .�� ..
<br /> To havc and to hold the; above descriUecl premi�es togetkier with all tenements, hereditgvnsnts
<br /> and appurtenances thereto;belbaging unto the grantee and to grantee's Lei;s and assigns forever.
<br /> And the grantar dlies hereby covenant with`the grantee and with grantee'�-heirs and assigns
<br /> that granior ie l�wfully aeised of said pr,emisea; that they ase free 4zom encu�nbrance exCept
<br /> ;
<br /> easements nf record anc3 'visible easement's,
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful suthority to ouavey the eame; and that graator warranta and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawiul claime oi all pereone whomaoever.
<br /> �, Dated Jtxl-: /� 19 ��
<br /> ", ...... ....... ....... ............... f:...�'.".`:C. ..........4r,.-�.:.... :.,�c.:�..t:�.:f':���
<br /> ............... ............... ............ ...... .,, . ...y:
<br /> A1vin A. Hunt
<br /> c
<br /> .,: ,�
<br /> ; .................................................................................... ...:.........................,......................................................
<br /> Laura J. Hunt
<br /> z.
<br /> `. .................................................................................... ....................................................................................
<br /> 4� IOWA p� _ f
<br /> ' �TATE OF I�AF.�BILASX. CQunty of............s:'�/.�:5...��:2.:�:$............:
<br /> Before me, a notary publia quali4ied 4or eaid county, peraona2ly came
<br /> Aivin A. Hurit anci Laura J. Hunt, husband an3 wif�,
<br /> � � r�:? -
<br /> known to me to be the identical peruon or pereons who eigned the Poregoing instrument and acknowledged ' �.
<br /> Lthe ezecution thereof to be his, her or their volnntary act and deed. �
<br /> Witaese my hand and notarial aeal oa ��
<br /> ............. y l� �s.....�Z..
<br /> Ju1
<br /> �, v r7 r/ ,�` :.; r" ,�2^ �"'
<br />� ..............'t.. .,...:...:.:.�:' :v:.....�....�... ,-4..ti, :.r:.... Ivutary I�ublie. �
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