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<br />��� � . ��
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<br />'�� . � . . � �� S,r '�� . � �
<br /> ,
<br /> ,�
<br /> . . +,,. . , _ .� �.:.. . . . 3 `; �
<br />�
<br /> � ���
<br /> r { � i
<br /> �. t { .-- �; ., : :' , �� .., -. �: �. �. :.. ,. . ' .
<br /> . . . , .. , . .1 . ';
<br /> REAC ESTA'fE MORTGAGE FCRM F�.e zca tRF� i »)
<br /> ._ �__._,_.._._________v._.__..._ _____.,_._____:. ___._;��__. -- , - - - -- --
<br /> -.. _ _:__ . _... _ . __ _ ..,..._ � _. _ _�:.. . v�._�.
<br /> i
<br /> ��"`. �,�n���f3 Dar,c__.Tune 3�1977 __: �
<br /> � ,' Larry Hadenfeldt. �also known as Larry A. T-laden£eldt) and Pe�gy Eladen£eldt �(alsa known ' � i
<br /> �� -�—
<br /> �.
<br /> = .� � as Pe�gY Ann Ha�enfeldt), husband and wife__ r,ortg�gors, i +
<br /> or Hall ^�o�ty. _ _ Nebra5ka _ _ _, �n considcr3tion at !
<br /> ; :� � Lhe�.adv3nce oi t:he principal. sum reci!ed�:n the r.ote here�±.naft�•r �iescribed;recetGt of vPi1cYC 1� acknowle3�e;�;� hereDy�� �
<br /> . � � mort�age and comdey t;� . .,,. ;,,, ... . ;.� ,
<br /> THE FEDERAL LAND BANK OF OMAHA, a Cnrporation, �
<br /> af.Umaha, Douglas'County, ,Nebraska, whose address
<br /> ' ilding, Omaha, Nebrask.a 88100`; � -
<br /> is farm Credit Bu
<br /> '. , ; � .
<br /> � � ; � MorY.gaEee jsLh�ect to oS��i g 'yyaLPsm3I�diF7 r:E:,ht.; �wnPd�hy Partia� other�tha� Mc.^t�,agors; ex1�t".ng aa5e!�ents �f 'c
<br /> � � rer,ord; rPs�r��a�lc�s in Unite9 ���� �St3te patent>;an1 tha rights of the pubL:c;�in a..I hibhways j, tf:e fnliowtng- ���
<br /> , l , Hal;l ._,—cc:i:�c,:�. — . Nebraska
<br /> �eSCrl.per} eal�esta+�e in�,—_ __
<br /> �'` � 5EC. TWP. R�-''
<br /> � A tract o£, land in tlie NE�, more particularly described as �
<br /> , � follow5: Beginni.ng at the Sesutheast< corner af said NE�y r
<br /> thence runnir�g westerly on the South line, of said NE� a �
<br /> j � distance of 823.10 Eeet; thence defler.tirig;;right 88 d�grees
<br /> 02 minutes and 40,.seconds'and. runcting northerly a distance '
<br /> ',. { of 880.7J feet; thence deflecting right 6 degrees a'nd 20 � ,+ �
<br /> i minutes and running northeasterly a distance of-:429.95
<br /> 1 feet; thence deflecting'right`85 degrees and 35 minutes � '
<br /> + and running easterly a distanc� o£ 723.30 feet to' the t
<br /> � East line of said NEZ; thence,deflecting ri�ht 85^ d�grees �
<br /> , �' 49 minut�s and 40'seconds and running souCherly c�n the �
<br /> ; , to the
<br /> East line of said NE� a.distance of, l 313.70 fez�
<br /> ' , � paint of taeginning; containing 23.72 acres m�r� or less', ;
<br /> of which 1.0 acre`more'or .less, is County Road right-o�- - {
<br /> way - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 19 12N 12 ;W 6thY.M. �
<br /> ' , _ _ .� �
<br /> . .. ' . .. . . . . . .. ' k .
<br /> �
<br /> containing Z3•�2 acrE,, more nr lea::, I:oE?�°ther nitY� all of the right, T,itle, �xnd Snte:est . �
<br /> , (r.ow ownedorTtereafter acyi;ired) oi'[he Mortcr.��..or: in �si� propPrty, +❑.lutling all. buildings, lmprovements, fl.xtures, �
<br /> ' ; ���. � or appttrtenances tih?reon or herr.aPter ��lar�� Lhereon 211 wite�r, �rr+gation, anU tlraittage rights; the tenements,
<br /> �s he^ediY.aments, and ap�.�urtenances Lhe� to ard r i� snt i ,c;Lc �. r,ro;.��,, a,nd protiCz' ar±sing from sa!d 1a.�ds; %i.nd (if
<br /> ` ° the Mort�,a ors� ri � �
<br /> i, g ghts Sn the publly dom,i7 are iecuirec Uy Mcrtqagee. for sec�.�rlty purposes} all leases, permits,
<br /> ,�.� 1lcenses, orPrlvileFes, appt;rtenent o^ non,�p�.� C� ��iit to said mort�aqe.d premises, nnwar h?reafCer iss-ued, exLended, .
<br /> � or reneweA to the McrCgagors t�y the Unitec: .�t�.,.e„ or the ;tate Sn whir:h the above de>cr±bed propertv ls located or �
<br /> _ � anY dep[irt^.ient, bureau, or a�ency tY.i o''. ! �
<br /> � :hts mortgsge f^ P;.iven Lo .enure i F�ro..iiscor,y noCe of c:ven diT.e herewlth, execuCed by Mortgagors Lo Mortga�;ee, in �
<br /> i t�ie pr�ncSpal sum of 'TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HiJNDR�D AND NO�ZO� - - - - - - - - - ilOLLARS,
<br /> �� � pe;y�D1e vr!Ch ±nterest iicuurdSnF t.o the Germ � .. �afii n�ite, the Plnal P�iyrtient being due and p�i}��tble ou the first day � .
<br /> �r Februaxy. 2002 ,Tii: r.o.�.�e�,uice h:i;.l be �oid i:pon thP payment ot said promis�osy ncLe. �
<br /> �. I This mcrtgage Ss �ub,]ect to ',he provislcns o� TIiF, FARM C9ELIT ACT en' a'_1 acts amendatory thereof or su�;plemental ,
<br /> , $ thereto. The proceeds o: the loan secured hereby v:lll be used Ser th.e purposes rpecif?ed ?n Che Mortga�crs� appll-
<br /> i cation for sald loan and authorize� by s:id Act. �
<br /> ��' � The Mortgagors, a.nd e�.ch oS t}�,em, Ge^eDy wzrrant t.hat they are Yee owne:s o: the mortgaged real prcpertv: that the,y � . �. � � � � �
<br /> � �� � w111 QetenC the Cltle ag�.lnst all cl:imar.ts nY,omeoever, sr.d that saSfl troperty =s Sree Irem all encumbrac:ces; that ' � .
<br /> they w1.11 keep all the imgrovements, tixture�., ar,d �ppurtenar.ices occuPleG anA in good rep�x!^ az,d Fermit nn acts ef � �� ��
<br /> wsste; and they will rellnquish all .^Sght.s o2 home,tea� Sn sald prernises,�d covenant snd sgree witTi Che Mortgagee, - � . . � � � -
<br /> as rollows: - �
<br /> (1) 7'hat they wlll pay vrhen due a11. taxes, liens, ?udgments, o.^ sssefsmeitts wh'r,h may be lawTi!Ily ?ssessed agaList . . � � .
<br /> . Ghe pro�ert.y herein mor•tgaged. � . � . . �. . �
<br /> . (2} That they will !nstirF a[;d kee, :nsureo Uulldings or other ±mprovemer.t� now on or whlch may hereafter Ge placed � . - � �
<br /> on s2.ld premises Lo the sstlsSaccion aT Che Murtgagee, such Snsurance Fcl]cy shrall be endorsed v;ith a mortgage clause , � � .
<br /> wiLh the loss Lhereunder Lo be payable te the MortF,�Bee. Aqy sums received m�ay be used t� pay for reconstructic.^. �. . �
<br /> - of Lhe destroyed SmProvements; or, 1. not so ipplled, may, at t::e o0tion uS the Mortqacrze, be appll2d in payment c:' F -. �� � � �
<br /> � an,V fndebted�ess, matured or �arime.t�,:red. �ecu.^ad by Lhi: mnrCc,h¢e. i � � � � �
<br /> ..:. -; � � . � .. � .
<br /> . �. j (3) To pay all ;ents, ;ees, or chrirges nwti due or te '�ecqmc �+ue Lnder the LerRs of eaeh lease, per-dt, lic�nse, or � :_ � . . . �
<br /> privlle�e on the publlc dun,a_n :vh?c:. is :�pyU,tena:it � ciiu��.IP rteiia,�t to `;e nortgaged p:em:ses, v.h;c:i :ias been � . . , . .
<br /> issued, extended,or renewed by the UniteC StaLes or Lhe state i . which the aGove �esorlbed property Ss loca.Led; and � . .
<br /> . to perform antl observe every act, roven�nt, cenAitio.,, and sr±p�latior, ne.cessary to keep each of tne sa��e Sn good � �� � . ..
<br /> stantling; and to take every r.ecessasy step Cu secure the relssue, renewal, or exteneion of each oC che ssme; ar.ci Lo i : �
<br /> essigr., wa?ve, ple�e, o^ e.^.flerse 4o the 19crCg�ge� ea..*. les�^, �e^�^St, llc�r.se, o: gr::�i:ege if Mo;tgagers� rights k �
<br /> in publlc �domain are required by Mertga�ee Sor security purposes. ` � �.
<br /> ��
<br /> (a) Thar Sn Lhe event the NorCgagee Ss.a pasty tu any lit.iyatlon afSecLing the security or the lien oP ics mort- � � ��
<br /> gage,� including any suit by the Mortgagee to foreclose chis mortgage or a::y suit ir whlch the Nortgagee may be named � � �
<br /> 1�� a party deiendant Sn which SL Ss obligated to protect its rlghts or llen, Sncluding condemnation sntl oankruptcy 3 . .
<br /> i proceedings,� the Mortgagee may ?ncur expenses �nd advance pa,yv:ent fo-,- abstract Sees, attorney fees (except to the �
<br /> .extenL prohlbltetl Dy law), costs, expensas, and ot,her charges. �k��
<br /> {
<br /> � ' /S1 '^hAY. tha ?\ �+a Mn^f�a..+ �c fa.�� +ia.y W�'+ �'a T.3?'a,e '.IP�c �.. n� �cc ecmo-� n Pa�l *n � ..:
<br /> r� � F
<br />� '�.. � mRlnta±n S�s�a^ance eG h�reinbefere provided� or�Ya 1 te nay re.ts, Tee_, or c ..�_�4irde.^ th t �m�, cf y lease, � , � '
<br /> yeriaiL, i.., ii5e, �r ,�i�iviiege; �r iiu.'tga�gcc 'i rcyul.�=u �� .i�u;it� er:j.riise� ,.u_ ciU���l'a�i, iecs, a6L��.i�.cy iee.a, �udLs, � ,
<br /> '. �� .exPenses,and.other charges in connectlon wlth�litigstion, Mortg�gee may make such payment or provlcie suc*� ir.si:rance, � . � � � ��
<br /> or incur such obllgaLion, anQ the amounts pald thereior shall become a part o1 the Sndebtedne�s secured treby due
<br /> and payable Sr.unedlately, and shall bear Snterest Srom the dste oi payment at �he same rate as pr�vldcd *cr default
<br /> Sn the note. �
<br /> . _.._� .... .... . . . . ... ._ . .. . . . . .. .. . . .... . . . . .
<br /> � �: .. _ . . __. _.. . . _ .... . . . .. . i.
<br /> _.. .:. �... _� ,
<br /> �
<br /> r-` . .._.. . .. . .. . . . . . . �_ i �
<br />