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<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of ........................................................:
<br /> Filed for record and entered in Ntamerical Index on
<br /> ........ .. ....:...............................:.......... at ............,... o'clock ................ 11'1.,
<br /> and recorded in Mortgage Record ... ............... Page .............._.........
<br /> . ........... By .. .............
<br /> ..:._. ...... ........ ... . ......... .... ...................
<br /> County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br /> r Register of:peeds; Deputy Register of Deeds
<br /> ��- U 0 4�5 6 REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE :
<br /> Calvin K. Sarthalomew and Katherine J. Barthol.omew, Husband and Wife, each in his
<br /> and her own right , herein called the mortgagor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of Five Thousrind Four fIundred and nof100 DOLLARS
<br /> ; re�eived from mort�agee, doea rnortgage to ABC Engineered Trusses, Inc., a corpqratian
<br /> � orgazx2zed and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Nebraska.
<br /> THE FOLLOW�NG TRACT Or LAR*D`• Lot Tf,renty—Nine (29), Kentish Hills Subdivis3on,
<br /> ` located in the South Half of Che Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> t, (S�NW3tSW�) of Section 2t�enty Five (25), Township El�ven (11), North, Range Ten
<br /> (LO) West of the 6ttt P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> 4
<br /> And the mortgagor does hereby eoveuaut witli the mortgagee and tivith .mortgagee's lieirs and
<br /> �. asaigns tliat �nortgagor is la�vfully seised of said premises, thnt they are free froru encumbrance, thut
<br /> � mortg:igor has gaod right siid la�vful authority to convey the same, and tt2at rnortgagor w�arrants and
<br /> ; will defeud the title to suid preinises against the lawi'ul claims of all persons w•hoinsoever.
<br /> < ` This inort�age is �iven to secure the payment of the proanissory> note o£ this date made by
<br /> ' mortgagor for �;5,400.�0 pa,yaGle at AAC Eng�neered Trusses, Inc., office.
<br /> � Grand Island Air Park `
<br /> Grand Is7.and, NE 68801
<br /> �� � � � i1�Iort�agor sh�ll pay all taxey and aasessriieiit�s leviecl u an said real
<br /> p property and all other tases
<br /> ieviecl on t3�is mortKage or tLe note �vhiclt this mortgage is given to secure k�eforc the sauie become delin-
<br /> quent and sh�ll maintain fire, tvinclstorrn nnd eateticleci eoc era�;c insnra�iee «•ith a mortgage elause vn
<br /> n the btiildiiigs on ysitl premises iu the surn of :�; NONE If mortgagor fails to pay such taxes
<br /> � ax�il a�5es�ment� or ��ro<•nre sucl� intiurur:c•e, mortg,i �•e ma�� �x�� such ta�es and
<br /> ; � � purchac�e such insurance
<br /> f� t'ind the amoti�it so�advanc�cl �vith iiiterEst iat z�irie peret:nt per gtitiurn shall }ie seenrF�9 by this martga�e.
<br /> � � � In case of <lefaiilt i��t the paynxe.nt of the 1�inci�al .yum or an,y inst111ment tl��erec�f or of. any�interest �
<br /> g�� � � ��tl'iereoii �vl�en the setmc sliall become dtie oi• in e�t4e of the nou-payme±xat. of an�• taxes ur xssessments or oP
<br /> �� � tlse fuilizre to riixintuiri insurance as lierein pr•ovidei9, Tuort�agee ma3� at tlie opt.ion oY mortgagee, ti��ith- �
<br /> � � �out notiee, �at an,y time durinb thr cm�tinuancer of s��ch dt-fault or bre:ach, declare the n•hole debt s�cured �
<br /> ���� by t}iis,inort,gage t�o be imme��ii:�tely diie a:nii �'iavable ancl inay f�rec]ose tl�is mortg:age. �
<br /> � Tn thc eveut c�f defaizlt in t3re p�rforu�iance• oF any oS th�+ t�rms s�nd conditions of t�his mort�age�or
<br /> � the ui�1c seci�i•ed b�� it, t�li�> >nort�,x�;ee shr�ll Le entitled to iin��icdiata� possessio�z of the pro��erti above de- '
<br /> scribed aaid all the i•e�its, revenue• and ir�come dtrri��ed thercefrom durir�g sncli tiuie as tLe mortga�e iri-
<br /> debtedne�s remains wipai3 sl�all be �pplied by tLe iunrtga�ce to the payrnent of the note and all other
<br /> � swns securcrd )�ereb�� affer deductiou o£ �.ny nece4sary costs oF co?(ection. ��
<br /> ' , Dated July 9 �y 77
<br /> �
<br /> . �l /� ,�_�� f ,/ �/ � .'
<br /> l.�t'�':k:w.Y,!.../.�.,���z.�/!�l��rx.i.R—�'4'—'.. ���`�::u:�t.['./ ���•�'T:?'F�`c�t)
<br /> � ST�TE OF NFRR�.SIi�I, Connt.)' of .............Ha1.I............................._.................:
<br /> �
<br /> Before i�c, a notar}` P;:b2:e qua;if:a3 for ,::;�1 �i�unt.y, Persunaliy uame
<br /> Calvin K, Aartholomew and Katherine .7. Bartholomew,
<br /> '�� Husband and Wif e 4
<br /> ��� �' MF.y
<br /> � E• .��, known to me t.o be the idenCical persou or persons �t�ho signed the � "�
<br /> Q�.'�i,N �'9�'• � foregoing ingtritment and aelzno�viedged the esecution thereof to be his, � �'�a
<br /> :C7 C: �r "�;
<br /> ' � NOTaR't , 11ee or their ��oluntary aet and deed. �v
<br /> � ?'coti�nAissraa ; x
<br /> � Z �'�" �j Witness my hand a notarial seai on 7u1 9, '�`'
<br /> . � : R�jC o..Yh�� •� . . ....� ... /��g 7 i................................... �� r,,�a
<br /> : J' ...�..:.. ,�,�f`�' . . ..�r.."�..r4L..CsG..L...... -,�.! �� .'�.�.�'".? � -
<br /> k .
<br /> �'�l c - .. .. ...... .. wr.t?' '.. Notxry Yublic
<br />.�+ �pr C���i��w - �._. �'
<br /> ��,
<br /> ` M; ommission eapires ................August.....�.........., 19 .79...
<br /> Forui �.? to bc ;pj,z•oti•cd b5- �cU�as:L-a Ste6r. B�.a- �a,�cietiuu r<<mn s w�r co.,ua�n.:a�t�.
<br /> �, �_ �
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