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� � . .. . . . . . . . . �. 1 . .�j�f . . . <br /> . . . .. � � � � � � . � � 1T.$^ . . <br /> . . . . .. . . � . , . . . . . . � . �C / . . <br /> �. . . �. � .. . . � . . k'�..,. <br /> ' <br /> x._,.n. ... .._c...—,-.. _ �__.._' "'_..'�._—_,....':..-.�.._'_�_.__ -:��...'— '_':...:,_.__'��� _'_ . ;...._.».. ,.._..,. .._. ..- � <br /> �� . � . . .. . � ;�. <br /> ��MO$TGAG,£---5aWaqe�:aad Loan�.Form—(Dl`eet Credlt�Plaa).�:555•2�(Speda]) � . . . . . . . . . <br /> � :; .�`.�.�'°U�4 0 4� MORTGAGE <br /> �Ko <br /> r ��; :�� THI3 IND$NTUAE.-awde thia . .. I 51'h��- day.oL � �:I��I yt �„ 19�7��by and hebveen � <br /> EARL D.''WOLFE AND JUDITH A. WOLFE, husband and wifie, AND LYLE A. FISHER AND'FRANCES M. <br /> 'r <br /> ; 3 FISHER,:> husband and wife,.each in his and heF own riqht and as s�ouse of the other - <br /> of� ��� HB I J. � _Countp,2Sebza�ka, as mortqagor���d Home Faderal Scvingr qnd Loan�Aaaoclatton ot Graad��I�lcmd, <br /> a rnrppaption��organfsed and ezuttnq,undor thv.lawa of�Nebraska with�'its prtndpal otlico aad place ot.busineia at Gran3��blaoid,NebSaska, <br /> m�mortgqqeer . . ' � . � . . <br /> "- � :. WITNESSETH: Thct wid mortgagor �S�for�aad in oonsideration'of tba eum of.� � � <br /> ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-N1 NE THOUSAND AND'NO/I 00'------- ` -.,o17ar, {�__17�,,n00:OQ ,, ' <br /> ' '- � the���receipt of. wh5ch ir�hereby acknowledqed.�do_ by�these presenta mortgaga�aad�warrant unto�said mortgagee, ifs suceeceor�cnd ' � � . !'.. <br /> aesiqae,torever,ail the followiny deecribed rea] estala, ainaled in !ho�county af Ha� � � � <br /> % � ' and State:ol�Nebraska.�to-wtL• - � . .. . . . . . �� �. � . .. . . .. � .'- <br /> . � . , .. . . . , . . . . � . . � , . . . . <br /> LOT FIVE (5) IN WOODLAND FIRST SUB�(VISION, AN ADDITtON TO THE CITY OF ` ,.. <br /> � GRAND ISLANR, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br /> � <br /> ' � <br /> a � <br /> i <br /> � � �� � � � � � � <br /> ;�. 4ogethez w;th� all heating. lighliag, ¢nd .piumbinq equipment and itxturea,iaaludlnq�lokers cad burnera, scrceas, aw¢iage, elorm windowa � <br /> � �r and doore,�and wtndow�ahadea or blinda,�used on or in connection with said�property,�whether the aame ase now locatad oa said pzoperty <br /> � F oz hereafter placad�thexeon. � . . . . . . . . .., ' t <br /> � $f �TO HAVE AND�TO HOI.11 TI� uAME, toqeffiez.with all and eiaqular t6e tenementa,hereditaments and appurtaaaaces thera�urto belonq• <br /> �,� j inq,or in anywfee appertaininq,fozever,and warrant the title to the eame. Said mortgaqor 5 heze6y wvenant_with eaid aortgaqee <br /> jthat .,—�he�..._� �a re ,at the delivery hareof,the lawlu! owner_�ot the premieea abone eoaveyed and deacribed,and a�"� <br /> ' '�� $ aeized of a good and�indefeaeible eatate of inheritance therein, Szee and clear ot all eacumbzaacee, aad that tka�_ will warraat and <br /> � � �defvnd the tttle thereto loruver against the claims and demanda af all persons whomeoeven � . . . <br /> } �PAOVIDED ALWAYS,�and this instrumenc is �xecuted and deBvered to sacure the � <br /> t . payment ot the eum of� � � <br /> ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-NINE THOUSAND AND NO/100 ----------------nollara (3 �29,000.00 �, <br /> wifh�intereet thereon.�together witH euch charges and advrsnces as may be due and payable lo naid mortqagea under�the te[ms and.� <br /> �eondltioas of the promfsaory aote ot even date Lerewith and seeured hezeby,esecuted by said mortgagox5— said mortgagee,payable <br /> :� as��exprereed in sa;d note,aad to eecure the periozmance ot all the temm aad coaditioas coatained therein.. The terms of etud not�� uze <br /> ���iacorpozated hereia by thi� :elerence. . � � � �� � � �. . � <br /> { .. . . . . . . � .. . . . . <br /> . Ii,�ia tfie intanlion and agiaemeai of the partiea hereto that this mortqage eha11 aleo aecura aay�.future advaaeea�.�mada.. to said <br /> �: mortgagor$� by emd mortgagee, and aay aad a11 indebtedneee in addltioa to the amount above etated which.said mortgagozs..��or�mp .. <br /> f '�of.them.�may owe to eaid��mortgagae, howevez evidenced, whether by note,book acaount or otherwine. This mortgage ehall remain�ia!uII� � <br /> . force�aad'eitea�betweea�the parHes�hereto and t4elr heira, persoaal repre9aatativee,�aucceesois and anaigna, until all�amounils �eeured�� <br /> a <br /> hereundez,includiaq�futura advances,are paid in !ull with SutereaL � �� '� . � <br /> � The mortgagor S� .hezeby�aesiqn_.�to ecrid mortgagae all rente and iacome arieiag at any and eII-timee trom.sa7d property..�and <br /> Lereby uuthorize said murlgaqee or�its aqent, at Ite op6on, upon default,to take chazge ot said pioperty and collect all�rents and Sacome <br /> SS ��therefrom nnd appty the eame to the payment of interoat, prinMpnl, inaurance premiuma, lazoe, aeueasments, repaiza or improvemeats neeee•�� � <br /> .._� sary�to keep eaid propexty in tennatuble rnadilion, or Io o�her charqee or paymeata provided tor here(n or in the note hereby cecured. 7hi� <br /> � rent�aasignment shall coatiaus 1n lorce untll tha unpaid balance of eaid aote is lully paid. The takinq ot posseasicm hereunder ehall in no <br /> mannar pravent.or relazd eaad mortgagee ia ttu coi7eetioa of �a3d sume by foracloauza ot otherwiee. <br /> ' � � '�?ha tailure.�o1 the mortgagee to aasert��y ot Sb right��he[auader at any tima ahall aot be waetrued ae a waiver�of its riqht to msert <br /> a .��r; the:.same M any later time,aad�to insi�t upon aad enfarce etrtat eompllance wfth all the terme and.pravieioae of said�note and oi thin � � <br /> ..S mdztgage_. � . ... :. �... . _ . . .. . . . .. .. � <br /> } <br /> � If said mortgagor_S_._ ehali cauae tc�be paSd to eaid mertqagee the eatlre ameur.t>!ue?!hr.eLade:,;:�3 undez�e:.;rms and proviawns <br /> �.� at amd note hareby secured,including�:tWuce advaacea,and�aay ertea�3oas or rene�vala���thereo! In eccordance with tho terma �d�provtalona� <br /> thnz�qt,m�d tl��aid morlqagor�5� ihe71 rnmplp with aU the provLioas of�aid aote and oJ ehls moregac�e,thea theae preeeats eha12 be votd:�� $ <br /> � S .�_otherwfre to xamaia�ia luil�tozw and effecl: aod�aid mortgagee ahaA�be oatitied to thw.�pwevaefoa ot all�ot said property, �d may, at!ts � � � <br /> �optioa, declare�tb�whols�ot wid note aad all�lndebtedne� rmpre�snted.therebp to�be immodtately due and payabla, and may fo�ecloae�t1�is � <br /> ; m <br /> , �mortqaqs ot take aaY�other�.leqal�acHoa��to�.protect its riqht��d lrom ths date ot aueh de�aulA aII.3wm�..o! indelaledneea secured hezeby , .,,..,� *' �' �xi�,,. � <br /> eLa71 draw huerest at�AoC r cnaum. Approd�emsat walved. � .� . ��� �. �� � � �� . . . . .�, �. . '�i , �;, . <br /> � � �� Y7tia morigaga �Ua���bindiag upon �d ahcll enurs to 16s b�ne$t o! the hsin, asecvtoz�,adm[niseratora,.sueeeeson aad aeatqa��ot g* # +s'�� <br /> � tbe swpaeuve partir,Aareta� � � :.., . . . . . �. . .. � :: � .. ; <br /> y��; <br /> � 3N �7l7tiES3 Wt1E�0� w!a os `�'�a Veh�rsuab a�t the i r � 5 i� <br /> ' rMrien. _,/'� �.���rt4a4 .. . �� .�and year tiret abovs i` e� . <br />� � ��/'U��-. �==�. . . . ` � "Gr"• ��' ...c...�., c,-�c.- /.� � . .. <br /> : --' <br /> : , <br /> s; -�..! �J. Yd— o!#o� � . �sher � �� <br /> #}}� ' '�. Ll'�y � ' il;.:�- �'��( .�6/2•�t�/.,..,....1....,,....� <br /> �u 7 � . ��C . -FISfI`@f� ...... <br /> � ..�: � ... .,: �. . _. . . . . � � . .. <br />� <br />