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.�; <br /> _ ,�; <br /> �. „ � � � <br /> � :�;,;.:� <br /> , _._ .. ..,, . r--__ ._, _.:_. � <br /> �_._� <br /> � �� �.�.MOR7GAGE--Saviag��md.I,omi`�Form-(Wrect Cr�dlt�Plaa)�2552.�(Spsefal) � � � � .� <br /> ��' ��4 0�3 �;AORTGAGE <br /> � �,Np . � . „' <br /> �� .,�.rHtsiHDEN7U8E. madeth�ti. 1�5th e,.;�at � �July .. � ...1s�Z.�.br�dbetweea�; � <br /> JAMES J. RUZICKA AND LOLA J. RUZICKA, husband and wife, each in his and her own rtght � <br /> 3 and as'sPouse of the other <br /> ,. x <br /> ;. <br /> of���: `��:He� I r mortga9�—•s �d Homa Federal Saving�w�d Loan Awciatioa of Grand�ld�d,° <br /> . , . . . .. . . ... .. . . . . .. � . .. , . <br /> a:.caorporation�oxqaNaed�aad��e�urtin4 under���Ihe laws�oi Nsbraska.with:1ts prindpal..otties aad plaee�oi buNiners at Grvad�Jil�d.Nab3asloa. <br /> m�.�mortqaqee: � � . . . . . . . . � .� � . � . <br /> .��WITNFSSETH: ?hal wtd�mortgago:5 !or and in oonsiderallon of�the eum of � �� <br /> ; =SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND- NO/100 '---------------------------------- otlan ts 17:Q00.00 �, ' <br /> iLe���Yaeelpt of wh[ch Id��hareby acimowledged, do�� by these presenta�mortgage� and�warrant uato���aid mo�tqaqee.��ib��uceeawn�d <br /> a <br /> asdigns. loreaer, nll�tLe ldlowW4 deeeribed real eatate, eituated in the couaty of. � Ha� ! � � � �. . <br /> '<md-Stale��oE�.Nebrw4w�to-wlt:�..��. � . . . � . . . . � . . <br /> . ,4�.�.. .: � . . � . . � . . .. � <br /> + � � � � . �. . .. . . . . . � �. � �. . <br /> LOT FIVE (5) IN-BLaCK TW0 (2) IN BOGG'S AND HILL'S ADDITION <br /> � TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA <br /> � <br /> s � � � � � � � � � <br /> ; <br /> >�-� � � � � <br /> � �.:�} 2oqether wilh aL heating, llghtinq, aad plumbinq equipment and firturee,iacludtng sMken and burnere,eaeens,ewnla�,stc.rm wiadowra <br /> apd�doois,aad window ahades or blind�,ueed on oz in conaeetiva with eaid property,whather the�ame eae aow located on aaid�pmperty <br /> t . � or horavtter�placed thereon. � : . . � . . <br /> � .��TO HAVE AND�TO HOLD THE SAME, togeihet with all and ainqular tho tenemeat�,heredilaments and appurteaaaees thezeunW betoaq- <br /> ' "r��� ��ing.�or in anywiae appertaining,lorevez, and wanant �he title to the eame. Said mortgagor 5 hereby crovenant_ with taid mortgaqee � . <br /> t��.� �thaf_the�- �a—r.e at the�delivery hereot,the lawful owners of the premiaea abovs rnnveyed �d�deaeribed,aad ��are <br /> < �� � . . .. � � � .. � <br /> ,� �� �.se'vsd of�a good and�fndefeasibte eatate oi inheratance therein, $ee and cleaz ot all encumbranees,m�d ehat,t�e�.�will wanaat�d <br /> �.,., . delen3.the.title�therero Sorever againet the claima and demanda o!all persoaa whomaoever. <br /> E.�. �. .. . . . . <br /> ' �#:�� � ���PROVTD£D ALWAYS, md�thia uutrumeat is esecuted aad delivered to aeeure the payment of the aum oL <br /> '4 SEVENTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/f00 ---_---------------------------n„11�, ca 17.000.00 ,, ` <br /> � � � with iatezeat tfiereon,together�wSth nuch charges and advancea as may be due aad payable to said mortgaqee undar�.the terme aad�� <br /> � aondlHons of�tha.�promtasory note o! evea date� herewith�aad eecured harebp,eze.cuted bp�aid mortgaqor��to said mortgagee,�payable <br /> �' ns��expresaed in said note,aad to eeroure the perio=m�ce o!ali the terms and coaditiona coatained thersin_ 2he terma of said aote aze <br /> . . hezehy inmryorated.Lereia by tW� reSereaee.. � . . . � . . . . . <br /> . �it ia lhe Yntention aad agreemeat of the partias hezeto that iLia mortqaqe shall also ee�re aap� luture adv�ces mada to eaid�� �� <br /> � �mortgagur�_ by said mortqaqea, and any aad all�indebtednaee Sn addiBon to the�amount above stated wLich aaid mortqagora,or aap��� �� <br /> �oi them,.map.owe to aa7d mostgagee, however evldenced, whether by note,book accouat or otherwiae. Thin mortgaqe chall remain tn tull � - . � <br /> �lozce�.�d.atfect��between the patties hereto�aad their heua, paseonal xe�eaentatives, aucceseors and aeatqns, uatil a11 umouatn secured � � <br /> hereunder,including future advmcas,�e paid in tull with lnteres�. � � � � � � . <br /> ���71�e martgagor 5�� herabq maiga,:__to�eaid.mortgaqee all.seate and�Sacome arisiag at �y aad aJ times from said prapetty�d . <br /> bezeby author3se aa[d moztgagee u�ib�agent ai ib option, upon dafault,to take ch�ge of�eaid propertq and collect.all zeais�d in�oma � <br /> 1 ���theietrom and apply the eame to ehe paymeat'ot intereat.pr3ndpal�Insuraxics�piemiump. tazea, aeseasmeuta. repaixs or improvemsnh aeeea• � - <br /> � �.�sary to kcep eaid property fn tenantnbla eoadiHon,or to other�charge�or paymeata piovided fw herefn or Sa the note hereby aacu:ed. �'Thi� � <br /> .�.rent aesignmeat shall conLnue ln lorce untii the unpmd balance d �aid aote h fully paid. Y'he taking ot posaesaian hereunder shall[n no � <br /> �.manner praveat'or retcad said morigagee [n the collection of said sums by torecloxu:o ox otherwise. . . <br /> ��The tailure ot ' �Y C#�.r[qhb hereunder at aop Hma shail not be eonamued aa a waioez of ib riqht to aeasri <br /> � tha�.eame at.aay la aa ���{'!qq t�pqd��eatnice atzict comp3iance writh nil the texms a¢d.proviaioas ot said note and of tLis �j � . <br /> 9a9 <br /> mo:t e. � 1�3'���'.�....,,w��,,, � � � � ��� � f <br /> If said mcstgagozS_sLall cause m bo pcid to smd mortgag�s the aatire.�oua1 due it heieuader,and unde:the terme and provima�. <br /> �. � ot sald aote Lezabp esnued.,facludia4 tqtusa.cdvancea..and any eHeuaious.or seaewrals thereot fa accardaace w3th:ihe tetma �d provle[oa� � <br /> � , � <br /> . � ther�f,aad if�sa[d mqrtqagor 5. ��.t6all complp wFth all t2u prooldan�of�aid note rmd of thie mortgage.then �hew preavnta ahaL be voCd; � <br /> . S othe:wlse to zamadn in lull,lorr�aad aiF�el,aad add awrEgagea �hall�ba�satltted to t2u�pw�eoeioa�of..a]!.ot said pcopeny. and . , <br /> �option,declare�tlae vYwle o(wid�ts and�nll iadabtsdne�s rspre�wted thetebp to b�Smm�sdiauly due aad payabls.aad may ioreclase thia � � � <br /> ; -.. <br /> mort9age or tako aaq atLer leqal aGiaxs to�proteet�ib.sight aad irom tLe�daW�ot�aeh deFault�all itom�of iad�btedness �eeured Lereby� � � -.i � ��: <br /> akali dra�v 3ntereat�� pei cmnum. llyymkement wafvad, � . . . '. - ��'"` � �� , <br /> 'lhie,mortqnge a6nII'bs bindlag npoa and sLall�nura to tW h�ne6t d the hs[n.�eeuton, admini�tratora. �ucessnors�d aaeigu� of . <br /> .'� tha renp�qivo paztl�s Lueea. , �. ,� �_ �,�.. ,.... . . . .� . . . , ._ . � `s,f�t'�i` <br /> . - ;"�rL`i. <br /> iN 7�ytTl�ss W�, rma 7�[oreyaqoc� 3a ve �,�b � the i r fi..,. s tn.aay aad yeaz�rs�atow ,^�+�: <br /> .` � � � <br /> _ n�%' �� +/Ie��� .-�K:y <br /> � : James,. R �< _ � <_-.�— -Lo;a J. Rdz i ck� , ,�,.,: <br /> , <br /> � <br />° �M _ L� � <br />� <br />� � <br />