<br />.� . , • �:
<br /> . �, . ��,
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<br /> not extend or postpone the due �late of the monthly inst.alhnents refecred 'to in paragraphs i :�nd 2 hereof or
<br /> change the a�nount of sucli installments:
<br /> 10. Borrower Not Released. �xtension of the time for ��a,yment or niodification of amortization of the sums
<br /> ; secured by this \�Iort�age granted by I,euder to any successm• iv interest of Borrower shall vot .opezate to release,
<br /> in any manner, the liability of tUe origitial liorrower nnd Borro��-er's si�ccessors in interest: I.ender shal! not be '
<br /> > required to cainmence jiroceedings against sucli successor or refuse to extenti time for payment or ottierwise modify ' ;� ' j.
<br /> " amortization of the sums secured by tl�is 1lortgage hy reasoi� of auy demand rnade by the original Borrower and
<br /> rBorrower's successors in interest. `
<br /> � ; 11. Forbearance by Lender Not a Waiver. ' Any forbearance Uy Lender in exercising any right or remedy
<br /> ; hereunder, o;• otherwise afforded by a�>plic�ble la�y , sl�al ! not be n �;�ai�er of or preclude the exercise of any right +,,,' ,
<br /> � or remedy hereunder. The proc�rement of insurance or tl�e payment of taxes nr other liens or charges by Lender '
<br /> � � shall not be a ivaiver of Lender's right to aecelerate the mnturity of the indebtedness secyred by this Mortgage. � „ :
<br /> 12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided in fhis \Zortgage ure distinct and cumulative to any ather
<br /> ' ! ' �� right or remedy under this \-Tortgage oi• nfforded t>y la��� or cr�uity; ' xnd n�ay Ue 'ezercised concurrently, independ-
<br /> ' ° ` `� egtly or'successively.
<br /> � � 13. Suceessors dnd Assigns Bound; joint cmd Several Liability; Captions. The covenants and agreements
<br /> ° ; " `-� herein r,antained shall bind , 'and the rights l�ereuqder shall inure to, the respectivr, successors and assigns of Lender ,
<br /> ' � and Borrower,`subjesti to tl�e provisions of paragr.�pl� 17 Iiereof. .A11 covenants and agreements of BoTrower 'shall
<br /> f ^ be joint und sever�l. The captions and hc3ciings of tLe paragrui�hs of tliis ltortgage are for convenience only and ' `
<br /> n are notto be used to interpret or define the prov:sions liei•eof.
<br /> � 14. Notice. Any' notice to Borro�ver provided for in this 1lortgage shall be given by mt�iling such notice by
<br /> � cerLified maiT addressed tio Barrower at tlte I'roperty Address statited betow , eacept for any notice required under
<br /> � f.�aragraph 18 hereof' to bc given to BorroH•cr in tlic munner l�rescribed la�• applic�ble law: Anv notice F�rovided 1°
<br /> $ " for in this illortgage shall be deerned to l�ave been given to Borro�ver when given in the iiisnner designaGed herein.
<br /> c 15. Uniform Mortgage; Governing Law; Severability. This form oi uiortgage combincs uniform, covenants
<br /> i for natioiial use and non-uniform covenants �vith limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform secu-
<br /> � rity instTuirient covering real property. This \foi•tgage shal] bc �;overned by the lan• ot the jurisdiction im tvhich
<br /> , e the Property is ]oc�ted. In the event that uny provision or clause of tl�is il4ortgage or the I�Tote conflicts �vith
<br /> �' applicable law�, sucl� confiict shall not affect other provisions oi tliis �4ortgage or the Notc �vhich can be given �'
<br /> �w effect without the conflicting provision , and to th:s end thc provisions of the ltortgage and the 1`7ote are declared
<br /> � to be severable.
<br /> � 16. Borrowez's Copy. Borro�i�er shall be furnished a conformed copy of this \lortgage at tl�e time of execu-
<br /> y tion or after recordation hereof. v .
<br /> i 17. Transfer of tlae Property; Rssumption. Ii all or any part of ihe Property or an interest therein is sold
<br /> + '� or transferred b Borrower �vithont Lender e �rior written consent excludin '
<br /> Y ' ' 3 , g ( a ) tl�e creation of a lien or encum-
<br /> � brance subordinute to this _lfortgage, ( b ) the creation of a purchase inoney security interest for househoId appli- ' `
<br /> � ances, (c) a transfer by devise, descent or by operation of Ia�v upon the death of a joint tenant or (d ) the grant of
<br /> �, uny leasehold interest of three years or less not containing rin option t.a purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option; f '
<br /> � declare al( the sums secured by tliis tt4ortgage to be immediately due and payablc. Lender shall have 4vaived such , ,
<br /> ; option to � cceleraie if, prior to t.l�e �ale or trnnsfer, Lender aud the 3�erson to whom the Property is to be sold or
<br /> ± transfer�ed reach agreement in writing tliat the credit of such �yer,on is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br /> � payable on the sums secured Up this �4ortgage shall be at sucli rate as L�nder shal! request. If Ler.der has �vaived
<br /> ° the option to accelerate provided in ti�is par�tgi•aplt 17 and if I3orrower's successor in interest tias executed � �vrit- '
<br /> � � ten assumption agreement accepted in �vriting by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obligations under ` '
<br /> : � this NFortgage and the Note.
<br /> � If I,ender exereises sucl� option to accelerate, Lender shall �nnil }3orrower notice of acceleration in accordance
<br /> ' ' � with }'�aragraph 14 hereof'. Such notice shall pro �•ide u period of uot les� than 30 da,ys from the date the notice is
<br /> `e mailed witl�in which Borrower �nay pay the sums declared due. lf l3orron•er fails to pay such sums prior to the
<br /> � expiration of such period, Lender �nay , ���ithout furtl�er notice or deinand on B'orrower, itrvoke any i•emedics per-
<br /> v � mitted by paragraph 18 l�ereof.
<br /> . ', 1�'ox-I? xiFoxx Covr;xnxTs: 13orrowei• atici Lender furtliei• eoventint and a�•ree as follo�+�s :
<br /> �. '
<br /> , � 18. Accelezation; Remedies. �xcept n .: �rrovirled in l �;iA•agi;t��h 17 hcreof, upon I3orrqwer's breach of itny
<br /> covenant or agreement of Borro�cer in il � is �iortgngc, inrluding tl�c covenants to pay �i�lien duc any sums secured
<br /> � by this \Sortgage, Lender prior to �.ccelei.�tiou �hall n�.�il i�otice to Bor�-oa•cr as �u�ocidecl in liaragrapli 14 hereof
<br /> ,: sPecifying : il ) the breach ; ( 2 ) the :�ction t�equircd tu {•urc cucli I�rcacli ; 13 ) a date , not less than thiit;v days �
<br /> froru the date the notice ismailed to I3orro�ver, l,y ���hicl3 sucL brcurli inust be cured ; and 14 ) that faihu•c to cure
<br /> such breach on or before t{ie dute specified in the notice ivay i•esult. in acceleiation of the sm»s ,ecured Uy tliis
<br /> � � '�4ortgage and sale of the Property. If tlie brcaah is not cw•ed oi: or be(ore tl�c c9ate specified in the notice, Lender
<br /> at Lender's option n�ay declare alf of the suuis secured by this \�iortgsge to be iminediately due and paysble
<br /> without further demand and msy foreclose this 19ortgagc by ,iudici�l proceeding. Lender sl�t�ll 1}e entit.lcd to collect
<br /> in such pr�ceeding all expenses of foreclosure , including, biit not. liu� itcd to, costs of docu3�ientary evidence,
<br /> abstracts and title reports.
<br /> 19. Bonower's Right to Reinstate. 1'otw� itl�standin� I,endei's acceleration of the sums secured by this
<br /> • Mortgage, Borrower shail hare tLe right to ha��e any proceeding:> begim bp Lender ro enforee thi� �lbrtgage dis-
<br /> ; continued at any time prior to entiy of a judgment enfopcing this 1lorignge if : ( xl I3arroiser pay�; I.ender all
<br /> ^ sums which would be then due under this �Inrtgage , tLe Note and notes securing Future Adeances; if any, i�ad no
<br /> ' accelerstion occurred ; (t� ) Borrower cures all breuches of any other covenants or agreemexrts of Aorrower con-
<br /> � Lained in this Mortgage ; (c ) Bormwer pays �all rea,onable expensc. incurmd by Lender in en[orcing the covenants
<br /> and agreements of Borrower contained in this liort�a�c and in enforcin� C;eader'v reine�ii�s av provid�v{ in i�arn-
<br /> graph lE� hereof, including, but not limite.,d to, reatson�l�le attorne�'c iees : an<i Id ) Borrou�er lakes euch action as
<br /> Lender may Feasonably require to assure that the lien oi 2his \Iortgage, Len�3er'. interest in the Property and
<br /> Borrower's obligation to pay tlie sums secured by thi:: ;�4ortgage ,Iiali continue unimpaired. IJpon sucli payment g
<br /> , � and cure by Borrower, this b4orbyage and tlie obligation� secured l�ereb}� �hall ren�aiv in full force and effect as if '" � • ,.r �
<br /> �. no acceleration had occurrod. � r �"��
<br /> 20." Assi ""' rN "�"+r +�� :
<br /> gnment of Reats; Appoiatmeat of Aeceiver; Lender ia Possessioa. :�. a�dititinal security here- }' + � �
<br /> ' � under, Borrowerhereby sssigns to �Lender � til�e rents of tlie Property, pro�°ideci �tl�at $orru«-er �sliall, prioi• to acceler- '�;R � �
<br /> ation under paragraph 18' l3ereof or abandonment of tl�e Property, have the right to collect and retain such rents � ',},�;``.r�;�
<br /> ' as Lhey become due and pavable. �,, �
<br /> ! Upon acceleration under paragrapl� 18 hereof oi� ahandomnent of the Yi•operty. J.ender, in person , by agent.
<br /> ` or by judicially sp�ointed re�eeiver chall ➢�e pntitle�l tn enter uY+on ; take I�ossess:or. of and manage `hc Pronerty ;' W
<br /> ,.,.
<br /> ; and to collect the rents of the Property, inciudin� tho.e ?,aFf dvP. Ail rrnt� ' col � .rcted bp I:ender or thc reccivcr a� '
<br /> shail be a�plied first to'psywent of.the costs of msnagemenG of tt�e Propc>rt}� and collection of rents, including, but
<br /> � not limited tt>, receiver's fees, premiums an receiver's bonil� an� rcasonal�le attomey's fees, and then to the sums
<br /> � secured by this A3ortgage. Lender and the recei}�er st�all be littible to �ccount onh� for those :•ents actuallv mcei��ed .
<br /> � y_ �
<br />