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<br /> �7 [)(�� ��lE; MORTGAGE
<br /> " � DATE W.' ROBERTS AND SHI.RGEY 1. ROBERTS, Husband a:nd Wife, as joint tenants
<br /> each contracting in his own right and as spouse of the ottzer,
<br /> ,
<br /> hereinafter called the mortgagor, in consideration of the sum of----------------- ----------- `
<br /> � Forty Thousand and no/100------------ ($40,000.00)--------�-���S
<br /> A � � .. , . . . . . �
<br /> � , in'hand paid, receipt of which is`hereby acknowledged,do hereby grant,bargain,sell and convey unto:
<br /> � � its successors and assigns, hereinafter called ttie mortga��ee, the following described real es�ate situated ia
<br /> � ' H�11 County, Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> ` � Zots Nine and Ten (9 and 10), except the South Twenty-five
<br /> � (25) feet thereof, in Geer Subdivision, lying south of
<br /> : f the southerly boundary line of 'l�aentieth Street, being
<br /> � a part of the Northeast Qua.rter (NE'-�) of Section Nine
<br /> ' � (9), Township Eleven (11) I3orth, Range Nine (9), West
<br /> � > of th� 6th P.M., in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebrask .
<br /> �
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<br /> ;
<br /> � .�� � �
<br /> a
<br /> � ith all buildings, itnprovements, dxtures or appurteaances nuw ur hereafter erected thereon, including all appar-
<br /> atus, equipment, 8xtures or articles, whether in single units or centrally controlled, used to supply heat, gas, air-condi-
<br /> tioning,water,light,power,refrigeration,ventffation or other services,and any other thin� now or hereafter therein or
<br /> ; � � thereon, the turnishing at which�by lessors to lessees is cusiomary or appropriate, including screens, window�shades, �
<br /> , F storm doors and sviadows,floor coverings,screen doors,in-a-door beds, awnings, stoves und water heaters (all of which
<br /> � aj' are declared to be a part of said real estate whether physically attached thereto or not); and also all reats, issues and "
<br /> � profits o!said premises whicl� are hereby pledged,assigned,transferred and set over unto the morigagee.
<br /> � Al!rents and income fro�n said reai estate received by the mortgagee hcrein,aftez paytnent of such expens�as mort-
<br /> � gagee shall consider necessary or proper to incur for the preservation, operation, maintenance or repair of said real
<br /> estaLe,shall be applied upon the indebtedness secured by this mortgage, including talces and insurance, but in no event
<br /> � shall mortgaSee be iequired to apply upon said indebiedness or to account for more than the rents and income actually
<br /> , � received by it from said real estate, less such expezises.
<br /> � ITpon request ol the mortgagor ttie mortgagee may hercafter, at its option, at any time befoze full payment of this
<br /> mortgage, make 3urther advances to the mori�agor and the same, with interest, shall be secured hy this mortgage;
<br /> fprovided, however, that tlie amount of principal secured by Uiis mortgage and remaining unpaid, shall not at the time
<br /> r of and including any suc3i aavance exceed the original principal stvn secured hereby; and providing further that if the •
<br /> � mortgagee,at its option, shall make a further advance or advances as aforesaid, the mortgaEor agrees to execute aad
<br /> -t � deliver to the mortgapee a note to evidence the same,payabie on or before the maturity of this mortgage and beaziag
<br /> ? auch other terms en the mortgagee shall require. The mortgagor does covenant xnd agree to and with the mortgagee
<br /> ;' to repay all such iurther advaaces made as aforesaid with interest; that such further advances and each note evidencing
<br /> ttse same shall be secured by this mortgage; and that all of the covenants and agreements in fhis mortgage contained
<br /> � t s7i�i:ag,;.',y to such furthes adyag&esw.�s Av,e�l_as to the original principal sum herein recited:
<br /> - ; PROVIDED, however>tha2"these"presenls`:are oa the following c�ndiGons:
<br /> i � �
<br /> . .,.y.,.. � � .
<br /> i That the said mortgagors have executed and delivered to said mortgagee a promissory note to repay the sum oi
<br /> money above mentioned, with iaterest thereon in payments as set forth in said note,and have also agreed to keep the
<br /> � h�iildings on said real estate insured against fire, tornado and hsil with loss payable to the mortgagee as its interest
<br /> � may appear, and pay all Yaxes,special assessments and insurance premiums On said premises before the same becnme
<br /> � delinquent.
<br /> IVow thereiore,if the said mortgagors, their grantees and assigns,shall pay or ceuse to ba paid tlie said sums ot money
<br /> when due ea set#orth i:a said note and in ihis mortg�ge, Lhen these�resents s1�a21 be null aud voi3; otherwise to ba aad
<br /> rewain in full force and effect and this mortgage staall staad as security for all amazwts mentioned ia esid promiasory
<br /> i note and fdr all amounts advanced by the mortgagee thereunder, and a failure to pay any of the amounts so secured
<br /> ' or to complp wiih any oi the agreements contained in said note or in this mortgage ahall cause the eatire sum herein '
<br /> ` t secared to becom�e due sad collectible at once at the option oi the mortgagee. 4
<br /> ,, , •
<br /> ^ � r. ' . .
<br /> , ��,ry.
<br /> , :>_ natea u� 14t11, �r o: July .ia 7 7 . ��';y „ �`� ;
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<br /> Dxa W Rob�trs /? �.
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<br /> � . � ���L:.L.c��.I-�_"..L.�.�� �
<br /> Shirley �J. goberts � �
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