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<br /> The grantor ROMCO STEEL PRODUCTS� INC,
<br /> a corporation organized and exieting under and by virtue of tl�e la�t�s of the State of NebT'aSka
<br /> ii� consideration of b-P'�t Thousand — — — — ($$�000,00) — — — — DOLLARS
<br /> receiced from grantee; does grant, bargain, sell convey and coufirm unto
<br /> John Preisendorf, Jr. and Thomas L. Anderson
<br /> herein called the grantee whetl�er one or more, the Following described real property in
<br /> ; �I31.1 . County, Nebrasku:
<br /> . . . ._._ ,,
<br /> ` �3 o traot oP Ia,nd compriging: a pcert, of Lot Qrae (�,), Mr�in2and, together with the aaarot;.�
<br /> ' �,an3 tY;axato, situated ix� part of thr� Scnthsaast Qua,rter of tho NortMwest Quartar (SSbfy �) ot `.
<br /> :;�c#ion Twenty-Sevon (27), Toxriship Eleven"(ZI) North, Ftarr�e Nino (9) Weet of the bth P. li. 1�
<br /> �� g`�;��.1 Countq, Nebreskc�, more,pai-�S,aulsrly degaribed �s Co22ow�a ,
<br /> � ;, ; : �,.
<br /> � Be�3�nn3.ng at tha southwe�C oc�rrter ot ea2d Northsrost Qua�tc•r (A`Wy)i thenoa ea,�teriy �loug
<br /> ' t}te sou�h line oS aaid NorEhwmgt Qu.arter (N4F��`), a distanoe oi' Forty-Ose qtxi F1ve Toratts�
<br /> (�1.5) faet�: to a po2nt on th� oasterlq right-oF-way li.na of Y,ocust Streot; thsnoe ru��4ra,
<br /> noxtherly along said ri.ght-o£..c�ny,2inn� _a diatanoe oP trne Hundrod Forty-Five and Tliirt.y+
<br /> Six }:urrdrodtha (1L,5.36) reoLi Lo n polnt Forty-Two and Sir. Hundraiths (u2.Ofi) Yeet runt . � '
<br /> oP the troat line of aaid SeCtion Txenty.Seven (2�), aloo baing e po1nC on the avnter7.l.na
<br /> a� the FIOi"'f.�li C1IAZSY)BZ OS�. t�Y9 P�A'L'tb River, and ihe ACiIIAL placa of beglnnin�; then�e �nrrw � '
<br /> tlnuine northorly along�the l�at clescribed course and along said right-oS-xay line, a �
<br /> distanoe o3' "Thirty-Four� s�d.Eigh�y-.Four H•widr«itha (34.8%E} fevt, to a point Farty»�:o arsr� M .
<br /> 2`�vo T+�nths. (A2.2) feet ea�t of t�a mest line of said Soetion Twea»ty-Seven (27); �h�raat+
<br /> � cc,nt:inuin� northerly along oai� rlght-of-waq line, a distance�of 2laanty_Nine an�l �w T+sn���
<br /> � (29.2) feet. to a poi�t Forty-F.ive and Thrao Tenths, (4$:3) teat east of the want line�� �
<br /> =9, eswid Saotion Twenty-Sc�vun {2'7); thanoo continuin� nor'�her2y along snid rigt�t-af-way 1Srme�
<br /> ;; a dS.s�Lc�.n•�e oS Or.v Hii�drr�<9 �1.x4J-'tine and ThlrtaFan T �sx�radths (169.1.3) f�et, to a �ssi_��t �
<br /> �'oa•�•,�_;�ix (l+f,p} foe$ o�st v�' tiha i.rast li.no of sc4d �Wcticn ^r:�nt�-Saven (27); thr�ne�� c�•x�-
<br /> '� i�.aut2r.� rigat &9� OS' and rurL*�lr�� eAsterly# i d:LG�:�AY100 Of' lY1Tt5A }iwdred F'orty-L•:ig,�i�: aYs�3 `�'
<br /> , F'Sv� Tanths (348.5) fset� to a paint on �Lhe westorly 3ine o£ T.ot Twc�ntp-Five {25), `�'
<br /> �; P:atth�ws 5ubdiviaion; thenoe southerly along ssici w�stor2y Yina of T.ot T4,renLy-Fi.ve (?.�),' . '�
<br /> F; n d2atsnaa oP Ono Aunclred Sixty-Threa and Five Fi4zndrei�ths (163.0$) fewt, to a p�lnt �n
<br /> tize ce,n�erline of said North Chatu�eZ of tho Plat'�o River; thenca detlaot3rig ri.ght 81 29�
<br /> 50" and ruru�ing southwesterly e2ong said ecint�arlir�ar� m distanco o� Soventy..Eight (78.0)
<br /> £eot; thonoe deflect3ng lsft 15° �• a�nd running sauthwoeterly, a dietanoe oP N�inc+ty..
<br /> ���� �95.�) �'eet; thence dafleoting right 17° 4�s� 5p� nnd running aouthwgaterly, a �iintmuco
<br /> o�' Cno Hw►dred Ninety and Three Tezs�hs (190.3) f�,ut 'Lo tho ACTUAL p],ao� ot b�g].�v�'t� and �
<br /> contair�3n� 3..637' aares, mors or 2ega.
<br /> �
<br /> �r.� Y �.
<br /> � ;� ;
<br /> � �, �
<br /> � �
<br />.'..� �
<br />