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� , ��� <br />�� � � � � � � � - E�'�' l <br /> ( �^�� <br />,. _ <br /> ��_—... _ _,_. �_.__. _,....� �...„ ._ --.._ r— � <br /> MORTG,SG£—Saviaqs aad Loan�Fozm-(Dlcset Credit Plan)�255$ (Sp�+ctall � � � . � . . � � <br /> �� MI�RTGAGE N <br /> ?7- UU�UOt3 <br /> . . � . . . . .. . . . . �, . . . I.oan No � . . <br /> � r �-, �"�TH1s 7NDSM1'UAE, mad�thm_� �.. !5th arsy��of 'J u I y � � .�1s?7�':by ana betweea �`� �, <br /> InNNIF f:._ .InHN'/aNll (:nNNIF l : .I(1H�I' hiichan�i anri wifc� edCh ift }11.5 a17d f16i' 0.1NGL -�'I.Q1��' <br /> y � and as spouse of the other <br /> af�. H3 I ('��' �Couoty,23ebraalca, ae mortgago:S.,¢ad Home Fedoral Savings and I.oan�Asauciation�ol Grand Island. � <br /> �a.corporatioa.orqanized'�and erzLflaq under�the�lawo of Nebraska�with its prinapal olUce and plaee of businees at Grand Ialand;Nebraska, <br /> � m�mortgagae; . . .. � . . . . ;� <br /> - �.WITNESSETH: 7bat�said awrtgagor S�tor and in��eonaideration�ot the sum oS � � <br /> � TWENTY=THREE THOUSAND AND NO/i 00------------------------ -----nol�ara cs �3 nnn_n� ,, <br /> _----- , <br /> the���receipt ot which ie:�hereby acicnowledqed, daP.S_�by�theee preeente��morigage and warrant�unto�aaid moiigagr.e,�its eucoesaora��and . <br /> �asaigne, foxeve�r, aIt the�totIowinq dsacribed real estate, situated in the county of F(a( j --- � � <br /> ` , .. ��aad�State nt�:Nebraaka,to-wi4: . . � � � � . � . � . . . .. � � � .. . .. --' . J� . <br /> ie� ... t . . . . .. . . . � . . . . <br /> r <br /> THE EASTERLY FIVE AND EIGHTY—FIVE HUNDREDTNS (5.85) FEET OF LOT NINE (9), <br /> , � ALL OF LOT EIGHT (8), AND THE WESTERLY FIFTEEN ( 15.0) FEET OF LOT SEVEN �. <br /> * � (7), IN BLOCK THREE (3), IN PLEASANT VIEW THIRD ADDITIOfv T0 THE CITY OF <br /> # 6RAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> 7 <br /> � . . .. . . � � , <br /> } .'��. �. . .. . . . . �. �. <br /> E S <br /> f .� . � � . . � $ . <br /> � � . <br /> �Together with al1 he¢ting, lighting. and plambing eqnipment and flxtucea, indudinq �tokerc aad burnera,urceas, awninga.stozm w:a:dowa <br /> i ����,� and doors,�and.window ahaden or blinda, ueed on or fn coanection with eaid propezty,whether the same are now loar.teQ an ea�d property <br /> �or hoieatter.plated thereon. � ,� <br /> r �<S <br /> ; ��� 70 HAVE�AND 'f0 HOLD THE SAME, together with aii and sinqular the teaemanta,hereditamenta and appu:teuan-.:ea thereunto belong- ry � <br /> s�3 <br /> i <br /> inq, or in anywice appertaining,forever,and wazrant the title to the eame. Said mozt3aqor.�_hernby eovenant�_with said moriqaqee <br /> S that t.hey are ,at fhe delivery hereof, tha lawful owner— of tho prernisee above conveyed and deacribed,aad are <br /> t aeSzed ot a good and indeteasible estate of inheritance therein, iree and clear ot ail encumbzancea, and tLct�_�e�(_will wanant and i���. <br /> � i �delond the title thereto foreve+agoinst the elaima and demande ot all persona whomsoever. � � � � <br /> � �PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and this inatrumeat ia executed and delivezed to secure the payment ot the sum of � � . . <br /> � TyjFNTY-7}j$EE THOUS AND AND NO/I 00-------------------------_____ nol�ars cs_ �j,nnn_ap �, fff <br /> with-interest theraon, togelher with such charges vnd advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terma and �� <br /> condit�ona ot� tba promisaory aote.of evan �date herewith and secured hereby,ezecuted by emd mortqagor�.._to said ino�tgagee. payable <br /> � ' aa expressed in eald aote,and to eecura the perfarmance ot al]the tarme aad coaditioae coatained therein. The terma �of said note are <br /> �� hereby �ncozporated huein by thi�reference. � � � � � � <br /> � � Ie is tha iatentioa and agreement of the parties hereto that thia mortgnge ehall also eecure any futuza advaaces� made to eaid �S� � <br /> morigaqor___S. by noid uortqaqe6, and any !:nd ul! indabtedneea in addiKon to the amount above atated whick said mortgagora;��oz'�anp � � <br /> o! them, may.owe to said mortqaqee, however evidenced, whether by aote, book account or otherwise. Thie mortgage�ahati remaia in futl j - � � � <br /> foree and e3feM between the parHea�he:eto�and� their heira, pnreoaa! repreaentativea, eucceesoza and as�igas, uatil all mmounta w�cured j � � <br /> he�eundar,iacludiaq 4uture advaacee, aae paid in tull with 3ntazeat. j <br /> .The mortqagoz._5_hereby assig�_ to.aaid��mortgagee all _eate aad income �ielnq at any aad all�timea Srom aaid property�.c,nd �F . <br /> heraby�authorize�said morlgagae or iu agent, at 3te ophon,.upoa delault, to tnke cb�ge ol said property and collect all renta�aad Snwme Sj . . � <br /> ��therefzom and apply the aame lo the payment.of interest; priaeipal, ineuzance premiums,lozee, aeaeesmenta. repeire or impzovemeata neces- � � <br /> � eocy to keep aaid pxopetty�in tenaatable conditioa, or to ot;�er chorzqee or paymenta pzovidad for herein oz in the note hereby secvzed. This � � � <br /> rent aeeignmeat s6a11 continua in lorm uatil i3�e uapa[d kwlance of eaid note is lully pofd. The talcing of posaosaion hereundar�shalt in no � �� <br /> � manaer preveat�or retard said mortqagee ta the collecGon of said suma by foreclosura or otherwiso. <br /> .�3 The t ' � °�t$�of ita righh hereunder at any Nma ahatl not be conetrued ae a waiver ol its right to asaert . <br /> $ Ihe same aC�� ' � �}�n}�nd eato:ce etrict rnmpliance with aII tho rerma und.prcviaions of said noie and o£ this � � .. ., <br /> . mort9aqe. � . . .. . .. � . � . <br /> ��.�. , .+� < <br /> g� � ���r����a '�� .. ...� �� . t . . <br /> Ii w�d awrtgagor�_�°i"La1(`�uee ro�e�pard to said mortgagee the eatire amouat due it hereunder,cnd under the terms and proviaiona . ... <br /> �� of said aote�hereby.necured,:indudiag fut¢re advancea,and any eMansioat or zenewala t]�erao! in accwdaace with eha te.-ma.�d proviaiona � <br /> thereol,cad�3t�w1d�:mprtQagwi ahall eomply wlth all G4o provldoaa oi ee[d note and ol this mortqaqe, tRen theea preaenla �hall be vo[d: . � � . p <br /> S��rempta in�tull loras��d.etloct.�and aaid tuaKgagae ehall be eat3tlad w.the poasesrion ot all.ot.anid property, il� � <br /> ,j � option,declare�the��whole of wid note md all iade6tedaer�rspre�eated ehereby to be immedlately due cad�peyable.and mvy foreclose tMa , � �� � , y,� <br /> mortgage or��icke txay oWer legei�nction to�protect 1te rlght, and from the date ol eueL detault all Stems of ind�sbtedness secuied hereby � � ;R <br /> shali.draw in�eratl ct X9(igy�er annum. Approbement waYvsd. � � � � � t � ' } � " <br /> " 23�ia morlqaqe sha��bs bindSng���sspoa aad ahall aaur� to th� b�aeHt o! the hufn, a:ectitors,administzatora.�succeewre and ancigns nt � �� �". � �.'j <br /> ' tha zw�PUG4ve P��a Lerato. " : � �.. � � . � � � �;"i. <br /> ua <br /> , <br /> 'IN 'WISNF$4 1�VFYEREOF. wld Ddast4agoY�—SLa..ate- her�uato ast f'}�g.'�-,.�_ �and..�_.the day aad yaar tirs•abore ��. � � � �,�' '� <br /> ' �� wrStt�a. " ' . .. � . . . .:. . <br /> !�� �' �, .. ��y�,,,�__�.. .. : �`' �\ (�. .�, _ ,�� 'i,. �: <br /> �_t.N� _�y��-i�>> l. . �':__y�_.._._—______--_ � <br /> L NNIE C.-.JONN / CONNIE L. JOHN � <br /> � � � <br />