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-." �� <br />� � �� <br /> ,��,: .. <br /> ��_ r— � _ �, --i <br /> � . kSORTGAGE—Sarlage�gad Zoan�Form.—(Direct Crodll Ptan)�.�255-2 (Spacial) � � � � <br /> , � �, „ r MORTGAGE � <br /> 77 .(�03:99� . . <br /> ��o <br /> , !; .� �.TfSiS INAEfJTURE.�made thts� 1��5'f'h '. clay�.of �:l tLj�/ . . � ..� 19ZZ�.bp aad between �. �'. �.'' <br /> NE 1 L N NANNEN 'AND CAROL V. NANNEN, husband and wi fe, each i n h i s and her own r ight ' ` <br /> � 3 and as Spouse ot the other <br /> , <br /> � r_ <br /> o!�� �"'�a���� � ��'^unty, Nebra�ka, ml:mortqagor ` �and Home Fedami Savtngs and Loan.Asaoclation�ol Grand�.(ilmid, <br /> c'�;�oryoration�.orgaNxed��d�e�nsiinq under the law��ot N�brmka with ite priadpal�off3ce�d plaee oi buatnese at Grand Ialaad,�N�bmaka, <br /> ' .. . . . . . , y : .' <br /> ��a�morfqp+gee: . � . . .. . . � . . . <br /> ����WITNESSETH: Tbat eaid moxtgagor_5.�for aad in coaeide=aHon�o! lhe eum ot� � <br /> � ` THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AfVD.NO/I00---------------------- npuars (S'�5,100.00 ` 7, ' ` " <br /> � ' � � the��recelpi of which ia�hereby ackaowladged, doL'..a_ by theae preeents morigage�and�w�rant unto aaid martgagee, ita�eueeeseor��cmd ;' <br /> � � .. . . . . .� . � . <br /> asaiqne, fwever, a3!.tfie�IoL'owiag deecHbed real estate, ettuated in the county ot� Ha i I _ � � <br /> �.... �aad State�-ot��Nebzaska:�.tawit:� � ,. . . . � . �� � � . � ... . . . . . . . .. . . . �' , <br /> i LOT NJNE (9) IN BLOCK FIVE (5) IN CLAUSSEN <br /> COUNTRY VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br /> �# ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br /> ; : $ <br /> � � <br /> d .3 Togethex w(th all .heatiag, lighring, aad plumbinq equipmeat and tixturee,including�tokers aad burneza,acreen.s,awn[nq�,etorm windows <br /> ; { . and doora,aad wiadow shadea or�blinde, ueed on or ia connection with said property,whether the eame are now located on wid��property <br /> 5 az hnrecrRer placed tdereon . .. . .- . . <br /> J t �, <br /> p � 70 FIAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together witii all aad eingular ths teaements,hereditameats and appurtenaacea thereunto belong- <br /> ,p � ing,or is�anywise apperiawing,torever,aad warrant tha 8tte to the same. SQid mozigaqoa_g.—�hereby covenanL� with said morfqagee �� <br /> t}iQ��'�e,�_ a re ,at thr detivery heraof,the lawful ownez.�of�be premiees above aoaveyed a.nd described, aad a ra j <br /> $ �selsed�oi a�good and indefaasible entate of inheritaace t2�erein, free and ciear ot al! encumbrancee, and that t_Le�will warrant�d �?�. <br /> �S ��defond tha title therero }orever againat Ihe daime and demaads of all persona whomeoeven � � � � � F <br /> .�.� f � .PAOVTUED ALWAYS, and thfa inatrument ie executed and delivezed to eecuze the payment of the sum o! � . <br /> ; $ TH I RTY-F I VE_THOt3SAND ONE HUNORED AND NO 100-------------------=n.,�iaT■ cs 'z,5-I Oa.Oo ,, <br /> € with intereat thareon..together wilh auah cAargas and advances as may be duo and payabla to aaid morigagee.undor the terau and� <br /> � <br /> � �coudittona of the promieaory�note of even daie herevrilh and secu:ad hereby,.e:ecuted by said mortgago;_��to said�mortgagee.�payable <br /> y �' .m expressed ia aaid note, secuze the pertormaace o!all the termo and wnditiona contained� theraSn. Thc terms of aa3d aote�are <br /> }' � 3 hereby�incozporated hereSn by thl� reterence. . . � � . . . . � .. -.. . .�. <br /> ��� .G 3s�tl�e Snteation and agreement o1 Ihe paztiea herezo that this mortgage ahall also aecuza any Iutuze. ndvances made� to �afd , <br /> � anortgagor�_ by �eaid mortgage+e, �d any and all indubtednesa in addiHon to the amount above stazed which�enid moztga@on.'or aay . - <br /> oS-them, may�owe fo said mo[tqaqee, however evtdeacad,whather by note, book account oz otberwise. This mortgage shall�ramaia fn�full . .. <br /> �. S���. force and altect�between the parHes hereto�cmd their hain,�porsoaat representativee, aucceaeaxa�and asaiqaa, until all amounts aeeured <br /> . � hereundar.��includiag fulu�e.advmces, rne paid in lull wstt�Intereat. <br /> ��� T6e mortgagor_S�hereby�cset� S .-to�.aaid mo�i�aqee all ren4 aad income arieinq at anp�.and all,�times�lrom�.estid propeaiy�and i�� �� <br /> hsreby outhorize said mortgagee�or its ageat, at fta optlon, upon default,to taka charge ot eaid property aud collect atl zenb and Sqrnme j <br /> j. ���therefrom and apply tho same to the gayment oi intereaL principaL Sasuranca premiuma, tazen, aaaessmeats,repaiss or improvementa nacea•� <br /> . sery��]o keey�said peopezty 1n�tenantable rnaditton. or Yo o�her chargee or paymenta provided for herein�or in th.e aote hereby aeeured. Shi� <br /> �rent�assiqameni sha11 coa2iaue�ia loree uatil the uapaid tialaaca ot aaid note ls Sully paid. The iating of posaeasion ha:ounder ahail in�no <br /> � mdnnec;prevent or retard safd mortqagae in�the collectioa ot eaid�umr by foreclosuze or otherwieo. � � <br /> � «�w�� <br /> t ��.The tailure of the mo ��' �c#qng o# iti'Xigh4'�hereunder at aey time ahall not be cmustrued as a waiver oi ite rlqht to asceri <br /> the aame at.aay latez�Hm o ia�el`gt�tqp pnd eafa�aee btHet eomplianee w5th alt the terr:a and provisiona oi said nota and of this . <br /> mo�gaqe. � . n+.� r'�'a m,-,: 6 . . . . � . . . . �. . . . . .. <br /> .,..�».:.:� ...,.._.. ..,«. .. <br /> ; . � ..,..... . . . <br /> : � It said mociqa9ot � a�Lali ua�;yw lo be pnid to ucud�uwtiqagea �ha antire amaunt 3ue ii�erauu3er, w�1 undei tke;a:�.c aad provisiona � � <br /> �oi aatd note�hezeby�aecured,-fncludinq.lutuce advanees,and any exteadon� or�zenewals thereof�in�accordance with ihe teims and pmMdons �� � <br /> �thereaL aad-iE��aaid m4rtgagorS-�tlsall complp.wlth all..the�pzov3aioas oE aaSd aote and of�Wis mottqagu, thea Ihese preeeata ehall be vo3d: . � � <br /> » �' �o4herwlse m�remaia ln}uU toree and`alfoct,aud wid moriqaq�e shall be eaHtied to the poeeasaion of aII oi aaid property, and SU � � �� <br /> ct <br /> ��aplf5n,deelare the whole�wid aotw and�all lndebt�daeu zepra�snted thereby to�+immediately due aad payabla.�aad may[orecloae thL � . � � <br /> �morl9ags�vr���faks ,any�.other..leqal aetion!o�pznteet�lts ziq6t.�wd.irom.Ws dau ot such delacalt ail item�of iadabtedness �acused Leraby �.. . ^'�.� +'�:� <br /> `. s3�a11 draw lnterest at�� annum. AppraLemeat�vaEved. � . � � .. � . . �,.�. :�. . <br /> .'Thls more4aqe �hall!�bLndlag upoa aad �6ai1 eaur�b tL� b�nsJLt o! 1h�hetrs. e:seutoza,administratora�auxeasors�and anniqas�ot _ � � .��� ' <br /> }' ,r..r*.a�e+�v.rpam..,ss�voo. � � �� <br /> �; 5' � <br /> TN .�IYF{EREOFr ��4a9qr c�••••� hwrsunM �et�,..,� t.� �an�.g.-the day vnd year flrnx�abova ;� : <br /> i '"R�7 f .' � J? /� <br />� ` _ � �C..(��,�y.i� �J� �.._ ��, .T,S,�i:Y�/' .. <br /> _yC.__ � <br /> �VEi"L f�i. : !�lNElG (y CAROL V_ NANNEN <br /> � ...,,.,.�.......,.......,....�.�.,,., .,,,......,,a...,,...........,,..,..,�4.....,w.,�,,,..., ,,.,..,,-.-.�.,.... „ <br />�. ; <br /> . � � <br />� <br />:�'� <br />