<br />� ' � �
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<br /> � . �
<br /> 7/~_ U d�9 c�� SU32VIV'(�R5HIP WA�RAN7'Y llELD
<br /> THUMAS DOI,TON and KRIS:r�E DOI.TON, husband and wiLe; and
<br /> � RON7iLD E. LUKESH and JEAN LUi:�SH, husband and wife, hercin called
<br /> the Gr2ntors in consid�ration of Forty Thousand and No/100ths
<br /> Do13.ars (S�0`;dO0.00) rec�iv�d from Grantees da grant, b,arr�ain,
<br /> I ' sell, convEy and confirm unto ��IICziAF..L I,. DicCOsZD and C;TN3�Y R.
<br /> i�1c.^.O�D; husban� an3 witc., as j�int tenants with right ot survivor-
<br /> shig and not as tenants in camrnon, the followinc� described real `
<br /> estate in Ha11 County, ?�Tebraska:
<br /> A tract o� 1ar.� comprising part of Lots Ten (1n) and
<br /> Eleven (1�.) , in Block one (11 , in "Stewart :C'lace
<br /> `', Subdivision" being a part af the �.Torthwest Quarter of
<br /> the North�ast Quarter (Ntio�l�7�:�) of Section 3'wenty-nine
<br /> (23) , in Townshi.p Eleven (I1� , Narth, Range Nine (9) ,
<br /> West �f the 6th P,hi., in I-Tall Caunty, DTebrzska, more
<br /> i particulariy d�scribed as io1lo�,as: �eginning at the
<br /> T�*orti�we�st carner. af sa9.d T.ot 1�, Bl.ock l, Stewart
<br /> �°lace Subdivision; thence running south�rly along and
<br /> ia.pon the j�Testerly ;line af .�aid Lots 1.0 and 1.1, a
<br /> di.stance of 130.0 k eet; thence runninc� Easterly paralle:3
<br /> E to the Northerly line of said liot 10, a distance of
<br /> �7_.0 Feet; thence running I�Torther].y paral.i�1 t� the
<br /> ; [9esterly line of said Lats 10 and 11, a distance of 130.0
<br /> �'�et t� the Northerly line c�f said Lot 10; i.hence running
<br /> �✓�'e�terly a�Iong and upon the i�rorther:Ly line of said I�ot
<br /> ;; 10, distan.ce o£ 92.� k'e�t to the plac� o£ bec�inninc3
<br /> 4 and containing 0.275 acres, more ar less.
<br /> `SU HAVE A2� To HOLD the above d�scribed premises toqether
<br /> with all tenements, Ytereditaments and appurtenances ther�:to
<br /> ; belonging unto the Grant�es and to their assigns, or to the
<br /> heirs and assigns of the survivor of them forevcr.
<br /> � And Grantors do hereby covenant with the Grantees that
<br /> Grantors are law£uZly seised of said premises• that they are
<br /> tree -from encumbrance; that Grantors have good right and Iawful
<br /> � ; authority to convey the same; and that Grantors warrant and
<br /> � will defend the titZe to said prer:�ises against the Iawf.ul claims
<br /> of alz �ersans whomsaever.
<br /> ; it is the int�ntion of a11. pazties her�to that in the event
<br /> of th� death af either o� the Grantees, the entire fee sir�ple
<br /> title to the real estate sha11 ves� in the surviving Grantee.
<br /> Dated Segtember �5� , 1976. � lTr /�'
<br /> �' f `� J
<br /> ' _ ` �'.T:�c�j�._ ; /��`�-
<br /> Thoma lton
<br /> � • �.. __ .,,_._.—_...... / / �r;l,..�
<br /> N�.Sf�ASl�A L�G'C`.t'� �tfd't�,RY `/'�// (
<br /> � ��a��"4°i�Zr.� f ;, _".. \.. � ;y� ' . � . � . .
<br /> s, ,s�/.C<_. 1� •f a �'+"�t.�
<br /> " `. Kristie Dalton
<br /> ,��J� � ,,'� ?�12� �---
<br /> � _ ;�� � � �rk}
<br /> $ __d�._BY_ ��Roraa E. I,ukesh
<br /> T..�_.. __._, :... �..
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