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<br />` S ��� t
<br /> �: ^ �
<br /> � ^ 77-� 4.3�3��'2 �
<br /> The gr�ntor`
<br /> Singletree Corporation
<br /> � a corporation organized and esisting under ana by virtue of the laws of the State af Nebraska
<br /> i;
<br /> a
<br /> i3Y eonsideratioiu of Forty-four Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($44,500.00)
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br /> ` received £rom grantee, does grant, hargcin, seli, conve�• tina coufirm unto
<br /> .' $ Raymond A. Smith and Vera F. Smith, Husband and Wife,
<br /> as joint tenants tivith riglit of su�n�ivorship, ;ind not as tenants in comxnon, th� �n�!o•.�-i-�� deset•ihed rea�
<br /> i
<br /> : ' �roperEy iu ............................I�;.��,...:.......................... Gouuty, NeUrnska:
<br /> � , Lot Seven (7), and part of Lot Six (6), more particularly described as
<br /> ; follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner o£ Lot Six (6), running
<br /> ;- thence in a Westerly directton 45 feet; thence at right angles and
<br /> j running North to the North Line of said Lot Six (6); thence at right
<br /> -angles and running East along the North line of said Lot Six (6), 25
<br /> � ` ` feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot Six (6) ; thence in a Southeasterly
<br /> ' direction along the East line of Lot Six (6), 126.4 feet to the place
<br /> n ,
<br /> of beginning, all being in Block Six (6), in Meves First Addition to
<br /> �
<br /> the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> � ; � � � � � � STAPrt�7AX � � �
<br /> 4 ��� ���` .�►S� 1� 197�
<br /> ; �,���` °�� (.�r�
<br /> $ .5 eY
<br /> To 6ave auQ to hoid the aboce desc�•ibed prernises together «�ith all tenemenCsa hereditaments and
<br /> appurtenances iliereto belonging imto the grantees a3id to their assi�ns, or to the lteirs and nsc,igns of �he
<br /> � survivor of them iore��er.
<br /> � Anrl gi•a�itot• fox• itself and its successors does i�erehy cor-enunt witli the graritees an3 K�ith their
<br /> assi�;ns ai�d �+-i�}i Ll�e l�eirs und �ssigns of the survivor at tlten� tliat gi•antor is la�vfixlly seised of said
<br /> prernises; that tl�ey are free from encumbrance except easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> �
<br /> � tLat �rr�3itor has good right and lAwful aut,hority to convey the same; and that grantor warranLs and
<br /> will defend the title to said premises agaitist the lawfiil claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br /> It is tke intention of aZl parties hereto i2iat zn the event of the death crf either of the grantees,
<br /> ? the entire £ee simple ti�le to the real estate shall veat in the survicin� grantee.
<br /> � In witnesa whereof, grantor has 1lcreunto caused its eoiporate seal to be affi3ed and��tl�e`se�p��S�,ts
<br /> si�ned by its President_
<br /> Dated v � j� 797� ;> BrPr r ��'. "
<br /> � + �
<br /> �� ,� .,,,�.,�6 �� r ::
<br /> .'�>' Y4��E!°�3��?�, �
<br /> ; ; ,...Sin�letree Corporatio� ,��^,_� q��`..-�'
<br /> . ...._.
<br /> . 't5•,:.
<br /> f3y ..�'�?1.:....�........ . . .............. .. President
<br /> { �TAT� C)F Nebraska ..: � y of Hall
<br /> , , ... C,oaut
<br /> Aefore me, a notary T>ubiir,qua7ifiei3 for eaid county, personailg came
<br /> . � GENE�RFli�YOTARY-Sta• a��� ��._r, � pwen G. Benson � � President of . .
<br /> � RAYMUND A_BAK_�.
<br /> �°'_;,;;;� MY Comm.Exp.Sept 29.3979 a
<br /> Singletree Corporation , a corpor�tion, a"� "- "'\
<br /> 'known to ane to be the Pre�iderit snd identical person ti+�lio signed the fore�oing instrument, and acknow- �` � �;��� ,
<br /> � ledged the.esecution thereof to be his voln�tary uct aud deed gs such afficer and the 1•oluntary act vnd ?_► �"; "
<br /> rAF Tn��r
<br /> � °3eed of said corporation and that its eorporate �ea w�as thereto affiaed by its suthority. �c ,
<br /> . ���„
<br /> ; Witness my hand and notarisl seal on...... ` :�.. ... ............ ...._.............., 97........., c '
<br /> � ..
<br /> , � �. �.,
<br /> .. .: ...� . . �l�. . .......... tary Pnblic, .''
<br /> ' ' My ission espires �'" ..��.....
<br /> . . . .........:.......I.., ia.7.
<br /> : � . � �
<br />