<br /> «.
<br />_ . � . . :'As � � i
<br /> . . . . . . . . � . ..
<br /> � .. � � . � ' . . . 1 i�.^ . .
<br /> . . � . . . � � � � . .,,,.: . .
<br /> ��,..�., ��� ..: . �.��. � ... � . . � � ��..
<br /> 77� U03940 _
<br /> � � � � . . � . . . . . � � hIOR7'GAGGP.:
<br /> REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE avcc� F�NANaA� seavices `�i'
<br /> iQFBI'z!1`.?'fl 7.A;,C.
<br /> � MORTGAG6R(S)• ��30�V1U¢3�. � . ..� � �G1G �d�;ST . �'".CQi4�.? .
<br /> �nsr N
<br /> ` t � y .�:F.o =��'AJF. D. _ �£t1�!�D TSL�A�D, _,—.NEItxASKA ''
<br /> ��.t AGRlilil)�RA7'E 01�CHARGE�ON'PROM3SSORY NOTE��LXECUI'ED CONCURRfN7'LY HEREWITH:7'he agreed :ate of charge is 2'/s%per month on lhal� �!, �
<br /> j �pert of.lhc�unpaid bala�iee not�exceeding:5300;2%pertnonth.on any par[thereuf exr,eeding$300 but not exceeding 5500;1'/z%Fer month on any pect theceof�
<br /> �exs;eeJi��g 5500;but noi.ezceeding S10W;and 1%per month on xny pazt thereof ezceeding 51000 but.not�exceeding $3000. .�,
<br /> i ,
<br /> " A WITNCSSL•'T'I-T,��thxt Murigagor(s),does moztgage,p,r:uit,bazgain,scll;and�convey,untti D7urtgagec,its succesxorsbr a.ssigns the following.described:Rcal Estate ��
<br /> in�thu*county of �'^h �� � ,S[ute of Nebruska,to wlt: � . � � �
<br /> � .. . � . . . � � . � : . .. . . . .
<br /> � LOTS "�IPl:TY-0P7E(91) A:'dD *'ITd_wTY—T'r?�1(R�} I*a :.?yj,`^OPdT �L�DITIOPd T'O TH� CITY (;F GRAPli? I�Lq?]D
<br /> ; ,
<br /> � A7lL'. COIII9T�� i.C?RASK11
<br /> t
<br /> < ... . � . . . . . . . � . . . . i. �....
<br /> -$ :.. . . . . . . . . . ..
<br /> �
<br /> s
<br /> i - _
<br /> , :
<br /> � i . . � � � . . . . . . . . .
<br /> r�.° . . . ' . . � � . .
<br /> � .. . . . . . . . . .
<br /> , � . . . . . . .. . . . . . � � . .
<br /> � '� . . . �. . � � � . . � ..
<br /> ; � ' . � . � � � , � . � . � . .
<br /> �� together � b' s n � tovemcnts now on c�rcuftcr ctectud [hcrcon and etl screen� awnings,sh:+des,ttorm sash and blinds,xnd hcuting,ligh[ing,
<br /> � � plumbms,� . ,���Iy�4��fanQ airconduioning equrpm�nt used in cunnection the.rewitti, all of whi fi,Cor t}i�purpos�of tLis mortgage, :
<br /> ., � ei�alLbe dee. £izture���C��ie�lien hcreof,und tlic h�reditaments and appur[vnanurs perlaimng to th� pmpurty above�cscribed,�nd alI streEts, �
<br /> lanes, aileys, �� ��y� °s,riKhls,)iberties 3n 1 Privilegcs,whatsoever thereunto bclonging or in anyw�se appertaining a.nd the reversions
<br /> .,...�. . � anJ remainder,��•al!'SI'R+lii�l�d t� iereiiaft�i as tlie'prcnuses". � . � � � .
<br /> � TO HAVE�AND TO}iOLD the abuvedrscribed prenvses,wi[h lhe appurten:uicea and 1'ixtures,unto the said D7ort€aaee,�ils aucce.sors and assigns,for�ver,for�
<br /> y . �the,purp�ses�anS uses herein�scb forth,free from al3.rights and bcnetits undcr and by virtuu of anl'Homastcad L�cmption Laws of tl�e State of Nebruska �
<br /> "� wLicli may Ue�enacted,which snid righU and beneGts Yhr said Mortgagor do¢s hereby�xpressly rcleuse anJ waive. � .. �
<br /> Mtirt$agor •rlso��assigns�ro Mortgugac a0 rents, isyucs nnd prot3ts oi s�ud premi,os, ceurving tlie right to collec[:uid usr che same,with�or withouT taking��
<br /> ;, � � :�.posse.s5ion�of th�premises,-0uring continuxnce�of def:�utt hcreunder,and�dunng conunuance of such defaWt authorizing Mortgagee tu emer upon suid,premises
<br /> � . ��;fnd(or�to co0ect and:cnforce the sume�wixhout rcgarJ ro ad�quacy of;q�y security for tlto mdebtedness hereby xccured by am• lawfql mesns including�
<br /> • ; appoin[ment pf�a recciver.in the namo of any party }mretu,and to xppty thc sam4 1.es�e.ust��and eapensas uf operetion and rnllection,indadin��reasonabfc
<br /> � atWrney'6 fees,�upon any indebt��dness secured heeeby,in such�ardCr as?.torfgagee ruu}�du[e7�runc. �
<br /> 5 F'OR::THE�PllRPOSL^''OF�SL�:CLJRJNG: (ll.P¢rformanee nf each ugreomom uP Mortgagui.cuntained herein:(21 Payment of the pcincipal sum with intecest, �
<br /> �
<br /> � � as.provided in���accocdance.with the lerms and prowisions uF a Promissory Notr./L.oan AFreement (hereinaft�r reP�rred W as "promissory nute")
<br /> ` ,�. . da[ed � 7-7—��7 ,_ _,harcwith etecuted by Mortgagur and paynble to the order oC D1�rfg�yer, ' �'
<br /> �� � imthe principnl�som�of$ 7Fi1f1�_��j__und huving the dnte uf its finuf}�ayment�Quc un_?`�__t-2�-A'� .. . .
<br /> or.a5 exlended,delerred or rescheduled by renewal or rctin:�nco; (3} Payrnent uf any udditional advancus, wi[h inicrest thereon; :u mey heteaftr.r be � .
<br /> � � . IPaned�by Mortgagce [o Mortge$or in a msssimum sum nf S3 UOD_00 � �L�ichin 10 yrara from [hr date nf (his Mortgage; (4)The.payntent of eny
<br /> mOne3'. that maY�be advanced�bY tht Mor[gaguu to Mortgagor tiir anY r uon ur to third pnrnes.ti�i[h interest thcrcon,whcre the :anwunts ure advana�d�to
<br /> i �.�iro[eet q�e securitY tir in accordance witli Uw covenanls o1 th�is�1ortgage;(5)Any ronaval. re1'inancing or c�tension of seid promiswry notu,ur anY �cher �
<br /> �. �agrten,ent.to pay whlch may be subsGtuted �herefor. . . . .
<br /> 't A71�paYinents made bY Mortgugor om the obGgatian s�+curcd by this MortgaEe �hall be appLcd �n the(otiwvmg urdcr. � .
<br /> , �7 FIRST: To Ihe,payment of tuxcs und asu:�smenls tha[ muy be Ir�vied and sssxssed a�,ams[ suid premises,msurance prcmiums,repairs,and all other
<br /> .ch:uges�and�expenses agrccd to be puid by t6e.hfortgagor. � . . �
<br /> , .:.S�CUND:�To the.payment of'interest due on said lonn: . � � . �� . : . .. � -� �, .
<br /> ��.�.THIRU: "Co��the.paYmenF ot principlL. . . � . .. . � . � � . �. _ .
<br /> ; TO.�YROTECT� THIi�SGCURCTY Hl?REOF, MORTGAGOR(S1 COVbNAN'CS At�ll ACRLPS: (1) tu kuup saict premura ut-ur'd againal loss by firc �td
<br /> other hazurds; casualty�and contingencies up tu the iull value ol'all improvemcnt5 Tor the protecuon o#Mortgageo m such manneq in such amounts,and
<br /> � �in��such�compar��es es�Mpetgqgec.3nay Gom Iime ro time zpprove, �nd�that los. procecd> pess e�pense of collection) shall,:at MIortgagee"s option�.�be ��
<br /> . �applied on�said inde6tedness, whetlier duc or not os to tL� resloralion�oC said unpruvementa. In cvenl of loas Mung:�yor wiil give immediate notice by
<br /> " � 'mail�to the�Mortgagee,who�may make.Vroof.ol'luss il'nut m�de promplly tr��Df�rt�,a;;or,and ��rc.h inwrancc. comFany concrrned is hereby autliorized and �
<br /> ;� . Hiiected�to make�paymeat tot suG��luss duatly�to the Mort��gee in.tcad o! io thr A1ortE�gun(�)7'o puy a11 t�aes and speciui :�ssessments of any kind . �
<br /> that have beem or may. be levied or asxssnd�upon wid prem�.c,s,anJ tu deliver i� �1or�gn�, iF..i r�yu-sY nC Q � Mortga.gee,tti.c oCiici:il zecetpi shux9ng
<br /> ` ), pzymenC of'all such taxes�and asxssments. (3) in the event of dcfault 6y hlortGagor und�� 1 nr�gnphs 1 <:�r � abnve, M1iorlgaget�, at its opiion, may(a) '�
<br /> :plaee and,keep�such insurunce above.provideA foc in furcx throughout the life oi thi..Atorlg�ge and paY the reasunablc premiums and charges thernfor,(b). .
<br /> � pay 31I said-ta�ces :ind nsxssmen[s wi[hout Jetennining the validity th�rcot; xuA (c) I'ay suc6 liens an� aU such disbursema�nts shnll bc deemed a purt of
<br /> �.�the.indebtedness�Secived by this 4lortgxge and shall bc imrnediutely duc an�1 p iyuble 6y Mortgagur tn Moftgagcu. (4) 'To keep t7ie buildings �nd otiict
<br /> � �� lniprovements-aow existing or.hereafter erccted in good condition and repa.ir,nut to cummn�u wC1'cr any waste or aury use uf said prami�s corztrary to
<br /> ����rtstrictions of record.or contrauy to law,. and ro permit Moriga�;ec to.c«ter at ail rcusonabl� times fur the purpose of insp�cting [he pzemiscs: not to '
<br /> ���Temove br demo6s}I any building thereon; tu cesture promptly and in x guod anJ �corkmantike manner any builAings which may be.damuged or desVoyed �. . � � �
<br /> � iheicon,and��to��pay,when due, all clairns for labor peRormed anJ mstcrialn f'urmsheJ thcrcfor;($)q'hac he will pay,promptly thc indtbtedne�5 secured .
<br /> � �Lcreb�l,.and:perform�all. othec obligalions.5n fup.cornpliance wilh thc tenns ot said Yru�nissury Note and this Morigage;(6) fhat the time. uf payment of �
<br /> tt�e�..indebtedness hereby �Cured,��or of any Puction thercof,may Uc ea[endul or cen�wed,;md sny P�>«����+�f the promiu:n Leicin dcscribcd may, wipioul - .�
<br /> � � . �notice;lic�releauA�from.the lien�ficreol;.wiifiout�scicusing.or afCe<:ting thc perxonnt 6ability oC anp person or thc prioriq• oP this Mortgage;17'1 "I1iat hc � .� .
<br /> ��-��8oes tmreby forever wnrranh and w�ill foryver Jmf'end.Lhe title and poxscssion iliercof:�ainst ehc IuwYut claims ui�any yid xLL persons whutx�evar. , � . � .
<br /> .. 1 ..�. . .�. .. ... .. � . . . . . . � � - . . . � _ _
<br /> �. � �� IT iS�MUTUALLY�AC.REIiD���THA1`. (l) IY thc snid MortEaFor slrall I'aii or neglect to p�y instalhnents un said Promissory No1e as the snme may hcreai'ter ':. � � . . �� � . �
<br /> � b�come due,.or�.upon deYault in pe:iormanen at nny.agroom�nt la¢�tcun.l.r,ui'upon sxle or uthe�� dispusn.iun ol th•��r+:mise..by hioctga�,ui, or shuuld any� � �
<br /> , ;;� .�action or praceeding���.be� filed in�any court to enforce any�l�en on,ckaim�against or interest in the premises.theai all sums i':win� Uy the Mortg:�or to thu � �� � ���
<br /> Mortgagee.under this�Moztgage�.�or undcr the Promissory Nute secured hereby.shall immedia�eiy become due and payable at the optiun of ttie Mc.rtgagee,
<br /> ' on the application�of tht Mortyagee;or�assignee,ar any�othea�person wbo niuy Ue��entiticd [o thc me nies due thcenon.ln such erent the Mortgagee shall � �. j
<br /> 'y have�the righf�immediutely to ivreclou this�mortgsgr.-:by �omplaint foz�that purpusc, and such complaint anay b� proa�cuted to jud6ment and execunan �
<br /> . i and�sale for ttqe collecCion of"the��.�whole-�amount of the indehtulness and inleresC thereon,�including rcasonuble anomcy's fees, any xmauni> ad�ancud. . - .,j� .,�
<br /> , � pursuant to.�this mortgage,costs oY suit,�xnd cos[s oF sate,�if perinittud. by lux�, . . � - � * . ,...;,, �" • � ,a^M-��
<br /> . .. �. . . . � � � s
<br /> } (2)tn [he even!said pramiaes aie suld at a toreclosure sale,M�rtgugor(s).>4a11.be liabi�for any deiic�cncy rumai�ting ett�r s�le c>I Lhe prcmiae�s if�n:rmitted by � � "*r 4�
<br /> ' 'i law,and application ot iha'prou:eds of sai�sale.to the mdeGtedness�sr.cured and�to U�c crp�naes of forcclosure.,in�ludin�:Mortgugee'a reax>nabl.�actomey's �� ;
<br /> � '; fees and legal ex�ronses if'sllowad bYlaw. �� .-. �� �. �. . . . ..� � .. .. . � � � .
<br /> � .. . . . . . . . . . <��y
<br /> (3)Mortgagee�shall be-subiogatecl to thc lied�of uny and all prioi encumbrancei, licnc ur ehxr�.w.paid nnd di.charged from the proceeds oC the loan � � .,;i�q.,;,'
<br /> ' - + heicby secured�,-�and evea.though 3aid�.pnor liens huvo�Laen releksed ai'reoord, �hi aevxyment�of. said indeUtudness shall Uc u:e;uzed by such liens on the ., �c� -��� -��
<br /> pottioa�s oC suid:�premises�affected thereby to the estent�of.sucli pnyments,respe:ctively. � � � � �� . . _ �
<br /> "� �„ - . (4).Whenevet,:.by the terms of this"instrumenYor of said Promissory Note,�Mnrtgugoe is givun any oplion,such option may b• eeercixcd when the ri_e.ht � ".'• -
<br /> . •. : :n�ura ot xt�sea�y timn.tl�q��cafter. an1 nu au:�qpiuna=�Y.3�fwYgng.:.:uf payic�wat uf iuduLWJ�.us�ui .l..fuuli s}u�ll...wwlitula a �a:.,ivoi o:ar.l����.++lt Ilicr ..>.".. �
<br /> exisrfng and continuing or�.tLcreafter'aceming.�.� . � . . � . � � � � � � � �. . �
<br /> 26•OI76�REV.�d.]])NB � ... . .
<br /> � .... . . . .. . . � � �
<br />� �
<br />