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<br /> 1. The City of Grand Island, Nebraska, by action of its City Counc3l on May 31,
<br /> � 1.977,<enacted Ordinance No. 61aF3 which direeted the conveyance of the real estate
<br /> described below and the manner and terms thereof.
<br /> 2. Ordinance No. 6143 �rras puY�lished in the Grand Island Dai1y Independent accord-
<br /> ing to 1aw, and noLice of such sale and the terms t2-iereof was published in the Grand
<br /> Island Dai1y Independent for three consecutive weeks, on June 6, June 13, and Sune 20,
<br /> 1977, all as required by Section 16-202, R.F.S. 1943.
<br /> 3. No remonstrance against suc�'i sale was filed with the City Council of the
<br /> City of Grand Tsiand, Neb raska, within thirty days of the passage and publication
<br /> o€ OrdinanGe No. 6143.
<br /> 4. Section 5 of Ordinance No. 6143 provides that if na remonstra,nce be filed
<br /> against such conveyance, the Mayor and City Clerk-Pinance Director sha11 make, execute,
<br /> and deliver to Ha11 Cou.nty, Nebraska, a warranty deed far said real estate, and the
<br /> execution of sueh deed is hereby authorized without flzrther action on behalf of the
<br /> City Council.
<br /> N041, 1'HEREPORE, the City of Grand Island, Nebra.ska, a municipal corporation
<br /> in Hall County, Nebraska, as Grantor, in consideration of' Nine Hundred rit`ty Dollars
<br /> ($950.0�) received f'rom Grantees, does hereby grant, bargain, se11, cc�nvey, and confirm
<br /> � unto
<br /> , , husband and wife, herein called the Urantees, the following described real property in
<br /> � .
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska:
<br /> i
<br /> Lot Eight (8), Slock Ten (ld), Croitle's Additi�n to the
<br /> City of Grand Isla,nd, IIa11 County, Nebraska.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises, togetner with a11 tenements,
<br /> hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Grantees and to Grantees'
<br /> heirs, successors and assigns forever.
<br /> And the �:�rantor does hereby covenant with the Grantees and with Crantees' heirs,
<br /> successors and assigns that Gra..ntor is lawFully seized of said premises; that they are
<br /> free from encumbrance, except ea.sements of record; that Grantor has good right and 1aw-
<br /> ful authority to convey the same; and that Gra.ntor warrants and wi11 defend the title
<br /> to said premises against the lawful claims of aIl persons whomsoever.
<br /> ;
<br /> Dated Ci .��+`�I 7�.
<br /> S�iF�",nP TnX �"-.. �nicipal Corporation
<br /> � � �}� t ']G7`' BY /� � i.�.�.�.,�
<br /> . . �,i�7�_. �i... irl 3 i ���� . .
<br /> �1'� -� P s'd t of e Council
<br /> ������-.�;Y �--�.__A-ttes
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<br /> . . a.lE.r�.Ai,1c..ra c 6a b.,144 7,�,1� � . � � . � . .
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<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ) ' �
<br /> Bef�r2 nie, e, notary pubiic qualiiieci i'or said County, personally came J. r. Minor, j
<br /> 3?teside�t of the Council of the City of' l=rand Island, Nebraska, a municipal corporat:ion ' i
<br /> „7Sncrim tQ„me to be the President of the Council and ex offieio Mayor of such City, and �
<br /> -�hq �den�ical person who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the Toregoing ' � � . .�; "
<br /> , . si&na���re to,be h3s voluntary act and deed pursuant to Urdinanee No. 61�+3, and that its ` ''" , + � ,'.+�r .
<br /> coz'Qdrate seal was thereto' affixed by g oper authority. ,, w.e
<br /> � . W3TNESS my hand and notarial sea2 this t :=�,�_._�� .,. ry ,f�' 7_� � i � L _, :,
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