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<br /> � Ir� the City oF Grand Island, Nebraska
<br /> The undersigned, Herbert F', Mayer, Jr., and Katharine S. Mayer, husbax:d and
<br /> wife, hereinafter called the Subdividers, as owners oi' a trac� oi' land comprising a
<br /> f
<br /> part of the Sou�h Half (S 21 of' Lot One (1), in Sect ion '�hirty (30), and part ofl the
<br /> Northwest Quarter (NW,�—�) in Section 'i�venty-ni.ne (29), al1 in Townsh�p �leven (11) Ncrth,
<br /> Ran�e Nine {�) West uf the 6th U.M., in the City of Gran3 Isla,nd, Hall County, Nebrasl�a,
<br /> mo�re particularly described as .f'ollows:
<br /> Beginnin� a,t the northwest corner of said South Half (SZ) of Lot
<br /> One !1); thenec easterly along the north line of s�.id South Ha1f (Sz)
<br /> of' Lot One (1) a distanre of seventy-six a,nd eight-tenths (76.8] feet �o
<br /> the east line oi' said Lot One (1); t.hence northerly alang the east line
<br /> of said Lot One (1) a distance of twelve (1?_) f'eet; thence rur�ning easter7.y
<br /> in said Section twenty-nine along � line twelve ;12; feet nprth of and
<br /> parallel t,o the south line of' the North Ha1£ of the Northwest Quarter (NzNW1)
<br /> a distance of three hundred fifty-f':ive and sixty-five hundx•edths {355,65}
<br /> fcet to a point twenty-four {24) feet east of the east line of the West Half.
<br /> of the Southwest �uarter of' t;he Northwest �Juar�er of the Northwest �,uartex
<br /> (W2Sjd,i—,NWuNW,�—,); thence northerly a1or� � 7.ine twenty-four (24) feet east o�'
<br /> and parallel to the east li.ne of' the Glest Ha1f of the Southwest Rua.rter af
<br /> the Northwest �uarter of the Northwest 6�uarter (W�-SW�Niv-,i,-NC^Iy) a distance o#'
<br /> six hundred forty-eight and one-tenth (648.1; i'eet to the south line of the
<br /> North Ha1f oi the Northwest �uarter ci' the Nor-�hwest �,uarter (NLN4�IuNW4);
<br /> thence easterly along said south line of the North Half of the Northwest
<br /> � (?uarter of the Northwest G�uarter (N2NW�Nrr7,�—,) a distance af nine hundred
<br /> seventy and seven+y.-ei�ht hundredths (g7o_78) ieet to the soiztlaeast corner
<br /> nf said North Ha1£ of the Northwest C�uarter of the Northwest �,uarter (??T2N�7-,���-I��14};
<br /> thence northerl,y aLong the east line of said North Ha1f' o£ ihe Northwest
<br /> Quarter oi' the Northwest ��uarter (N�NW4N64,i—,) a distance of six hundred sisty
<br /> and ei�hteeri hundredths (b60.18) f'eet to the north line of said Secvion
<br /> � Twenty-ni.ne (29}; thence easterly along the north iine of said Sect=on '�wenty-
<br /> nine (29) a distance of f'ive hundred eighty and one-tenth ;580.1) Peet to
<br /> the northwest corner oi' Piccadilly Squarc Subdivision; thence southerly along
<br /> the west line nf said Piccadilly Square Subdivision a distance of' six huxidred
<br /> sixty ('v60) f'eet to the southwest. corner of' said Ficcadilly Square Subdivision;
<br /> thence easterly along the south l.ine of said Piccadi2ly Square Subdivision A
<br /> distance of' six hundred 1'aurteen and ninety-twc hvnds•edths (614.�) feet �o
<br /> a point one hundred (100) feet west of the west ].ine of the Union Pacific
<br /> Railro:ad; thence southPrly and pa,ra11e1 to the west �ine of the Union Pa,cifia
<br /> Ra,ilroad a distance of seven hundred seventy and seventy-two hundre8ths (770_721
<br /> feet; thence def'lecting right 7�� 43' 50" and runnir� southwesterly a d.istance
<br /> oT 1'ive hundred sevent3r-nin� suid twenty-iive hundredi:hs (57;.25) t'eet; thence
<br /> deflectin� left 7£3° 40' S0" and runn3ng so_zthez•ly a distance oi four hundred
<br /> ninet,y-nine and thirty-c.i�ht hundredths (4y9.38) feet; thence defleetin�
<br /> right 9�° O�' and runnir� wester•ly a distance c;� five hundred seventy (57G)
<br /> feet; t::henee deflecting lef'� 4E� O ' running southwesterly a distu.nc�e
<br /> of one hundred t�rent three and ni�en�ed��, � 3•93, i'eet; �hence deYlectin�
<br /> Y- y-�hree/'12 � ;,
<br /> right (58° Ot3' 20" and running northwesterly a distance ��� one hundred thirty-
<br /> eight and four-t�nths {1.38.�) fee�; thence deflectin� rzgnt 81� 29' 10" and
<br /> runnir_g northerly u distance of eigh',y and eightiy-1°ive hundred'cns �&J.�S'1
<br /> zeet; i;iaerice czei'1.ectizig rigkit �3� 53' lU" and running northeasterly a dis+.,ance
<br /> of two hundre3 ninety and twenty-three hunclredths (290.23} feet; thenca
<br /> deflecting right 1S° 39' 10" and running northeasterly a distance o!' fifty-
<br /> nine and five hundredths (59.05} feet; thence deflectin�, right 5Q° S8' 10" �} - �„�.,
<br /> and running northeasterly a distance of one hundred ei�hty-nine and sixty- '' N
<br /> eight hundredths {189.63) 1'eet; thence dezieci:ing right 08° 28` 30" and � ,,
<br /> � running easterly a distance of one hundred ten and tw� hundredths (110.02)
<br /> .rr, ,
<br /> feet; tYaence de£lecting left 04° 43' S0" and running north_easterly a distanr_e � ;
<br /> � ' _ � �yG � R� ...
<br /> '4^ _n. I .. ...w
<br />� � � �
<br /> �
<br />