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<br /> ��`� E.t t? :� :� 3 2
<br /> be ' proposed under Article 32 of Chapter 2 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska 19�+ 3 ,
<br /> as amended . r!'his covenant is intended to run with the land a,nd be binding upon the
<br /> , � , successors and assigns of the owners of' any lot in the subdivision ; provided , however , ,
<br /> that this covenant sha11 not be c,onstrued to prevent a landowner , from challenging or
<br /> protes-�ing or objeetir� to the amount oE a particular tax or a.ssessment on , his parti-
<br /> cular lot or tract of 1and . �
<br /> 2 . Easements . The undersigned owners covenant and agree not to 'cht�n�e the �rade
<br /> of the surface of the easements in the px�opased subdivision without prior agprova,l of
<br /> ntility companies that have utilities located in said easements . The �rade in such
<br /> easements shall not be changed or obstructed without approval of -iztility companies '
<br /> having utilities in the easements so as to make such easements obstructed or unusable
<br /> f�r utility easement purposes .
<br /> 'I'his Subdivision :agreement sha11 run with the land described herein , and sha,11
<br /> be binding upon the parties hereto , their heirs , devisees , successors , and assigxas .
<br /> �
<br /> Dated �m,,JT ,� -i �
<br /> ��►��,o / / ) , /)
<br /> . *"=,y�_JLt�c �.� 3
<br /> Leonard L . Wichern
<br /> � �
<br /> _ ��'-. -�.� � �-..�� (c.:.�..� ���
<br /> ` - -'�inda Sue Wichern
<br /> �
<br /> CITY OF r,RAND ' TSLAN� , 1VF�BR�.SIiA _
<br /> ;
<br /> A Pthznicipal Corporation
<br /> � ��gy /��r'' '7.ti-._...�+,---z-_„
<br /> / , esident of the Council
<br /> ; �
<br /> , � � . . � . � Li, . . .
<br /> Attest
<br /> , ��� �----�
<br /> STATE 0� NEBRA,SKA )
<br /> ) SS
<br /> On t�i�.s ��,� day of , 1977 , before me , the undersigned , a
<br /> � ' � ` notary public in and for sa:id unty axid State , personally appeared Leonard L . Wichern
<br /> ., ,.,
<br /> ` artd Litrda Sue W�chern , to me wn personall,y to be the identical pers�ns who signed
<br /> - .�., �he for�egoing agreement and who acknowledged tlae execution thereof to be their voluntary '
<br /> ;: _ � .
<br /> � ; N a,��s:. ak�d deeds for the ,purpose therein expressed .
<br /> z. .., 1
<br /> � '. a :, . : i�� , .. . . . . . . . . . .
<br /> ,a ` ' j+T�'j'7`IESS my,:. hand and, no-tarial seal the date above writtPn . ' t - '• . ""�, `
<br /> r ` � ��z �', ' f
<br /> ....-----_ p /� �,^ r,l{.��
<br /> . .: :. C. YI,. �LdINKtEi2 � . . . � . A • � A � .{t Y • . . p, '� ��
<br /> � � yp �. , � �. GED}£RILt MQTARY � � � .. . '� ';e �� .
<br /> i „. Notary Public ., r �.
<br /> �� �.; - ��. Stat9 o,f Nebrask@ + �
<br /> . „ � : � MY C4�APyS,ISSlON EXPIRES � . . . .. . _ �. . . . . ' '" � •
<br /> . � .� I� ��. .. pebruacY 1. 1978" . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . � - , �
<br /> , . .. '..� . . . . . . : �. . � . . ._ � . _ . . . . . . � . . .:. . .::. .
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