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<br /> �" KNG�r7 ALL MEN BY THESE PRES?�JNTS; that Grand Isiancl Bottlin,� Company, an Iowa
<br /> corporatian; and Fred 'r'. Mehring and Iiel.en M. Mehring, husband and wife, herein cal.led
<br /> ; the Grantors, in consideration of' -------One Do11n,r (:�l,nn}---------------------------,
<br /> received from Grantee, do hereby �;rant, bargain, sell, canvey a.nd confirm unta the
<br /> a municipal c�rporation in Ha11 County, Nebraska, herein called the ^vra.ntee, the
<br /> foilowi.ng described real prop�x•ty in Ha11 County, Nebras�ca:
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of' Lot Twenty (20), Nehring and
<br /> Giesenhagen Second Subdivision, a part of Lot Two (2), Mehring and
<br /> Giesenhagen Subdivision, Ha11 County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> described as follows:
<br /> Beginnin� at the northwest corner of said Lot '?went.y (20); thence
<br /> easterly a,long the north line of said Lot Tcaenty (?_0) a distanee of
<br /> twenty-one and seven hundredths (?_1.07) fee� to a point of curvature;
<br /> thence southwesterly along the arc of' a curve whose radius is sixty
<br /> (6�} i'eet (the long chord of which def"lects right 106° 47' from the
<br /> last described course), a long chord distance of seventy-three and
<br /> eight hundredths (73.08) �eet to the west line of said liot Twenty (20);
<br /> thence northerly along the west line o= said Lot 'Pwenty (20) a distance
<br /> of seventy (70) f'eet to the place oi' beginning, and containing 0.031
<br /> acres, more or 1ess.
<br /> 'Po have and to hoLd the above described px•emises together with a11 t,enements,
<br /> hereditaments and sppurtenances thereto begl.onging un-co the Grantee dnd to Grantee's
<br /> successox•s and assigns.
<br /> And the Grantors do hereby covenant with the C>rantee and with Grantee's successors
<br /> and assigns that Grantors are lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from
<br /> encumbra.nce; that C;rantors have good right, and lawful authority to convey the same; and
<br /> thai; Gra.ntors warrant and wi11 defend ihe -title to said premises against �he 1aw±'u1
<br /> cla.ims of a13 persons w3zomsoever.
<br /> Dated E� "" �S ` 7�,
<br /> An Iowa Corpor tion
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