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<br /> < Lea K. Trueblood and Hazel A. Trueblood, husband and Frife, each in his and hes own
<br /> r }�ri�t and as spouse of the other� of Grand Island, Nebraska, herein caZled tY;e Gra.ntors,
<br /> {+, .
<br /> � �n consideratio.� of �32F3.05 Three hundrefl twenty eight dolla�s and five,
<br /> �iunTdxe §—
<br /> receipt of'which is hereby acknowledged, hereby gra.nt and convey unto the
<br /> a muxticipaZ corporation in Hall Courity, Nebraska, herein called the Grantee„a,permanent
<br /> and perpetual easement and ri�ht-of-way to construct, operate, ma.intai.n, extend, repair,
<br /> replace, and rem�ve public utilii:ies, incl.u.cling but not lim�.ted ta sanit�ry sewers,
<br /> storm �ewers, water ma,ins, underground and over�round electric lines, telephone lines,
<br /> �n�,nholes, pipe lines, surf'ace ma.rkers, and other dppurtenances upon, over, in, and
<br /> throu�h a tract of' land located in Block "B" of Park View Subdivision in the City of
<br /> �,
<br /> F Grand =sland, Nelaraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br /> A traet of land being the south ten {10) feet of Lot One (1), in Block
<br /> "B" in P�.rk View Subdivision in the Ci�;y of Grand Ssland, Nebraska,
<br /> containing 871 square feet, or $0.916 square meters, more or 1ess, as
<br /> Shown on the attached plat, dated 6/19/75 marked Exhibit "P." attached
<br /> hereto and incorpora.ted herein by reference,
<br /> together with the following ri�hts, namely, unrestricted 'n�ress and egress under a.nd
<br /> ticross such land for the purpose of' exercising the rigY�.ts herein granted, ta clear and
<br /> keep clear of' trees, roots, brush, and other obstxuctions f'rom the surface of such �ract.
<br /> Any such utilities and appurtenances plac�-d upon, over, and under such tract of lan d
<br /> ' shall remain the propexty of the Grantee and may be removed or replaced at any time.
<br /> 'The Grantors, f'or themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successass, -
<br /> and assigns, hereby covenant that no buildings, fences, or structures, shall be erected
<br /> or pesmztted an said tract and that the easement herein gran-ted shall run with the zitle
<br /> ta sueh tract of land and bF bindir� upon tYie Grar_tors, their heirs, executors, admin-
<br /> istrators, successors, and dssigns.
<br /> De,ted (e�25' 7 i"
<br /> :� �"'�'�-','o�K.lTru b1oo=^-�-
<br /> �7�-����� ��p����
<br /> I az� A. Trueblood
<br /> l s.c
<br /> _ cOUNTY dF' HALL )
<br /> On this �� de,y �f �,,�p , 1976, before me, the undersj:gned, a Nctary + , �
<br /> Fu.blie i.� and for said: County arid State, personally appeared Leo K. 'Pruei�lood and Hazel - �'�" y
<br /> A. True'blood, to me knoFm p�rsona,ll.y to be the identical pers ons who s igned the f'�r��uing '� •�
<br /> r._ r ry
<br /> � instrume�'1t and ac3rnowledged the execut5..on thereaf to be �heir voluntary acts and deeds �
<br /> �or the �aurpose therein expressed. 'N
<br /> h
<br /> 4TITNESS �y hand and Notarial Seal the De.te abo�re wri.tten.
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