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� - <br /> . �� <br /> V r��. t <br />�=' � � � ( ,�� �, � <br />.� .,.�- <br />��, �. _ ' - � <br /> �....,�..=.�. <br /> �7 003�22 � <br /> � [; o�iiannca mo. Gi51 _ <br /> � � � . � .� � � � An ordinance creating Mater N,ain Uistrict No. 330 in the City oS Grruid Icland� Nebraska; deSining � <br /> � the troundaries�of the district; providing for the laying of a water main in s�id district; providin� Sor.pler.s � <br /> . � � �and s,pecification� and securing bids; providinG Scr the assessment oS speci¢1 ta�ces for constructing such � � � � <br /> � , � � � vater me.3n; and providing the hereo£. � � . � � <br /> � . � � bE IT ORDAIIte;D BY THE t�AYOR AND COUNCIL OF 1HS��CITY OF GRAI9b ISLATID� NF�P.ASKA; . � � �� � � <br /> � �� . � �� SECTIOti 1. Water Main District t;o. 330 in Lhe City oS Gra.nd Islend, NeSraslca, is hereby created for � . � <br /> � . � � � � the�layln3.of an eight inch, or.20.j2 centimeters, mater m�.in in 01d ^otssh N.ighsaay from the existin�r water � � <br /> : main in L:ebb Roul Eo Fiper �treet; thence north in Fiper Strect from Cld potssh Nighway to the existing water ��� <br /> � � � � � ,. . m+iia in horth Front Street. � � � � � � � � <br /> . . � �. � . i��. �� . . � . <br /> ' � � . � , � u•'.C'tI0.`7 Z. iS1G uGlltl;?i;�].CD GI :llC�1 rraLer nr�si� district sha11 be �s follcas: � . � �� - <br /> � - . � � � . Beginning at a noint bein� t?:� jnncti.on of a line 1g0 '_'cet, er 39.62�t rsetcrs, ,^,outh of the � - <br /> . . � . � south. linc oi t:orth 3•'ro�t ��tr^et wit7� a line 278,37 f'e.�t, or 84,8ti7 neter; east of the c-anC � � � <br /> � � line oP Pin�r Strer�t; 'uhnr:�e rur�ni:i.� cc':':}� �ri a 2i.^.: r.,r:11�1 to �,nd 278.37 Sr,�t, or 3�t�,f5�;7 . <br /> �� � meters, ensC of t?:e eu�t 2ire oi' Fiper ::Lrcet for a di�truue of' l,l'14,70 feet, or 348,905 m�tcrs, <br /> � more or lcss, to th� ;cut, 1_ne of Old --' a.�h Ftigh�.:�y, hein�. 33 fe=t, or 10,05� meters, south �'„�. . � <br /> � . . of the north lit::: oP ;Ielse_i :'vcund �u?:3i:�l.siur,; t?;cnce x•urm:a� ue�� on a line psruile2 to ai-d <br /> � � 33 feet, or 10.058 m�_rrs, srutt: of tf:e north lir:e c�' I�el.sen �econi Subdivision for a di.^,t.a.=ce <br /> { ' � oS h52,.71 feFt, or 137.c j .•Cers, more �r ie�s, tc :hc essterly 1'_ne oS Old i':iir Ao�.d; fhcra�c <br /> � � . . z'unnina south�rly cn the e.....:cr1y 1ine: ci GZd �air i�^>-3 for s distance oi'12 1'cet� or 9,G�F� <br /> �� � meters, more or less, to n p;iint 45 fr��t souCh nP tt:�� norrh ]i.r.e o:' !irl�en Sncond u di:i.cicn, � <br /> � � � � the south linc oi' Olrl Yotu.�h� t.i:rnce rutLzin; •:c�•st on Lhc south linc oi Old I'uta�h <br /> i� � � F }iipJ�iaay fo � dz tvice ef 95?.7G Seet e: �90.1i01 r tcrs, L� the ke L ]i,nc of TJelsen Ser.ond ��ub- �� <br /> �r\ �2 diviaio� ��.ne� runn tir n<x h en lu w-�Y t nc c � 1 en �r . .fl � .iivi;ion ;yid conLinuin��. ,�i•tiH . . . <br /> ; a � � 1 � .n �h� r - 1_n�_ f ���ue.� _..',. odn�l.i, 1� il.;i•th a �s;, oP ��ic uth f'or. 1 d.�i: ce . <br /> ' O 1 � f— o �0 ,•"�nt or �T 432 ia� c r� to a p�.anc 4q iceti, er 1?.71G ^�.:ers nort7� of t:hc cou�!� �,L c �tncr� <br /> 1.� . � �, a o a �� ai3 �c .iou �& }.encc n:�uinp a�:; on a line n�rall.c•L �o _:nd 45 Y'cet, or 13."l16 m..ter;., r.crtL � <br /> . ¢\�� � a� . k.c �u.;:� : sail ��c i<.�_i b i��.+• a di_Lsricc oi ]P7 1 1c�t, on• :�8.'j4 r.iclern, to C7�c r-�utli- <br /> ; . ���+ ` -- p .:ti c��rncs oi ;,..,. �t i+t I.,� ...tbu_v_..ic.i; Lhencc rur.:;i.n:- ncx;.i cn L?:e �;est line of ?.ot iJ i.n "�U � .. <br /> � . � Q�� � � .� �. rLdiri io� for n 1a� :s:iec o� ?�O PeeC, �r �G.2 rnc�crs, Lo t?.e nor:�h•.:e�t eorner oi' Lot �t in <�RD � <br /> � bdi:i i>> }cncc ruti:unr �i;L on Y.he. u�it�i !in cF Lot 4 ^�id Loa 5 in ?i��� Subdivi:ion ;.nd <br /> i�� n \ w cai i:u1.i�, _..:.t �,�� .:h_ nux:.n Liii�� of Lut .l tnrou�-h iot 3 in:;;trr•en e��bdivi�ion I'or a di;t.ente of <br /> �. . ¢ � —+ u'./ 2'ee�, cr 2.+'_.17. rot��rs, :..� 2he nor:h<•as:, coi•ner oi Lot � in ::'�*ren Subdivi::ion�, Chencc r�.::mia+• . . <br /> . north ot� the west line oY L��t � t hrou�_?i _.oi, 11 in ;C�rren Sub9ivisirn S'or s di�ieJ�ce ot' u05 :._et, cr <br /> . 18L.40 meLers, to the n'vrth:;est corner o: Lut 11 in ;Jarren Slbdivision; t3zence runnin.^, e^ct on the � � � � <br /> . � north linc oT Lut 11 'in Weirx•en :�t.bdi�•ir�i:�n Sor a 3i<t.a::ve of' i?3 1'cet, or y5.'-+02 �r.etcl•s. ;,u '_ttr � ' .. � <br /> � � � vest line of F'i�er Stre��C; '.};.:�nc� ru:u:in,- nurU� on the ;:est. o� ?i.per Street and its n:s-.h ' . <br /> . � prolo:3gati�n i'o:• a distr.�ic� c' li;�l 7 rc.e-_, es• 1^i3 5.� .-�tcrs, to t':e north l.ine of No:•t}i :'rc.�b . . <br /> . . . Street� Clience rumii�iq east c� t.he nur�h� of ? � th :rcn; S'ree: :or a di.ta�ice oi EJ i'ec`-, nr � � � � , <br /> - � 1F3.2E3:i n:^ters, to th� n:rth nr;ilcngatx��n oi �he ess: of Fioer S:rcet; thence ru!inin�.; sov:th on � � �� � <br /> . the north prolon�,:tion erid on the esst line of Pix: Street .or a .9istzncc o£ ?10 1'ect, er G==,OJ° . � � � . <br /> � � � aeters, to a po;nt i;J .'eet, er :9,u2�< <:e;.ers, souCh oi ;he south line of tiorth FronL Strect; thence � � � � � <br /> � �rviming east on n line psrall�l to and ??0 feet, or 39.6^�a r_aters, scuLL of the south line o_' �ort..*. � � <br /> . �� . F7unt Street for a;nce c!' ?7�4.37 .'eet, or 6lt.S�7 r,:ei�er^, �o t.2:e point of ber^inning,� as si�own � �� � <br /> � � �� . cui the plat n�rked F�ckiibit 'n" att�che3 hereto an3 iacerpor�ced herein by re£ereuce. . . � <br /> . . SECTZOT7 3. Said ir.:provc.r_ents shall tie �vde in accordance with pl�.ns sn@ specifications prcpare3 by � � � � .� � <br /> �� � � � the £n�ineer for the City vho shall esti�ute the cost thereof, and subait the snrue to the City Covncil, and � � � � <br /> � � upon approval o: tlie sam�, b?ds for t*�e constructicn o£ such x3ter r.ain sha11 be LaY.en a,nd contrzcts entcred � . . <br /> � � � � into in the c�anner provide3 by law. - � � <br /> � � SECTION 4. The cost of construction oY such iz��rovement shd11 be assessed ¢gainst the property wi�hin , . � <br /> �� �� � � � such distrir.t abuttin� upon the strect wherein such water msin 2is� bee❑ so placed to the extent oP ben=_iits � � <br /> � � � : to�such property, not to exceed the laying of a six in� water msin fcr the property zoned residentisl, rlid � �� <br /> . � � not to exceed�t}:e leying of an ei�ht-inch water main for the prop�rty zoned cthenrise, by reasen of suci: . <br /> . . � icnrovc..^.^n*�.� a,•g s pce_:.1 !:x c'.�all Le Ievied a. ....,. ,.�._� Lu cay ioz• sue:ii cost oS construetiea'as socn as <br /> . � . esn Le.;se��r��ai:.. ; �:.d scch sr�ceisl .,.�x wi3 as::css Jcn.r. ;ha21 ecr.stitate r� sinking ,ilind Sor ti�e pay�:.ent o?' � � <br /> � , . any so�rrenUs or bonds £or the purposr_ oP payir� the cost of suc2� �ater main in such district; and �uch >M1+�,.� -< <br /> � . . . . . - .. .� �u <br /> . . � 1 - � Ry: . <br /> . . . . . . . . . . I � <br /> . . . . . . . ..... �, „.'�.. <br />�; . ... : �. � . � . � . �. . . . , _.. <br />����'�. . � � <br />,� <br />