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,�. <br />� � � <br /> �;,:.�.W� _ __ _ <br /> � ���� <br /> � <br /> . �. �MOHTGAGE--3avin4s and Loan��Form--(Dtrect Crodit Plme)��,255-2 (Spetld) � <br /> � , � . MURTGAGE <br /> 7? 1f�39.13 <br /> . � � � . . � � . � .. � .. . Loan No <br /> � rxts sxntxx'vRE, maae �*� 12th ,,.,,.,or J u I y. 2s�br ana beca.eea � <br /> MAR�ON D, LARSEN AND LORETTA L. �ARSEN, husband and wife, AND HENRY C. BACH AND RUTH I. <br /> , us an an wi e, , . , us an an wi e, <br /> 3 e�c-h in his and her own riQht�_��p���GP �f thP nthar <br /> .oj^ Ha�I ! � r.ounty.Nebraska,as moriqagor`�.��d Homa Fedeml Savinqs�attd T.oan Aaeaiatlon�of Gzaad Idwd <br /> a�corporption��orqaafaed�and�e�risting uader��the laws of�Nebcaaka.�vlth�its prladpal ollicr aad place ot business�at Graad Islmad,Nebzaska, <br /> ���m.mortqqqee: . .. . . . . , . . . ; . . . . . . <br /> ' �:�. WiTNESSETH: That�tud.mortgagoz S. !or amd !a coa�3deratSon of the sum of � � ' . <br /> THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/I 00 ------------- ----------`===i>ova:e (s 300 D00.00 , <br /> � `� � tLa`�receipC.ot which�Is�here6y�ackaowledged, do_ by theee preeeate�mortgaqe and wanant vnto �emd mortqagae.�its �uaeseor� aad. , <br /> ' � ¢esiqar, torerer,��all the followinq.�dexrfbed real eatate, attuated in the county of ya�.�. � <br /> . , �.�� ..:�.and'S�ate�.of�Nebzcmka.-tamit: �:.. .. .. . . . ' . . . .. . . . . � .. � . . . .�:�. <br /> `,. . �. . � . . . . <br /> A TRACT OF LAND IN -1'HE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER (NE�NE„) OF <br /> SECTION TWELVE'.(12), TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (II ) NORTH, RANGE TEN ( 10) WEST OF THF_ 6TH <br /> P.M., IN HALL CQ:1N1'Y, NEBRASKA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOL�OWS: COMMENCPNG' <br /> AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 12 AND RUNNING SOUTH ALQNG AND UPON THE <br /> : EAST IiNE OF SAID SECTION 12 A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET RUNNING THENCE WES"f AND <br /> , �, PARALLEL ?0 THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 12 A DISTANCE OF 453 FEET; RUNNING THENCE <br /> NORTH ANO PARALLEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 12 A DISTANCE OF 200 FEET <br /> TO THf NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE RUNNiNG EAST ALONG AND UPON THE <br /> NORTH LINE OF 5A10 SECTION 12 A DISTANCE OF 453 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, <br /> SUBJECT T� COUNTY ROADS AND U?ILITY LINES. <br /> � ` <br /> ` �:�. js `�Toqether vrith all healing, lighHng, and plumbinq equipment aad liztures,including�tokera and buraecs, n�cens. awninge,ntoimwlndowa <br /> t� amd doore,aad w3ndow shadea or blinds, ueed on or fn coanect3oa with eaid property,whether the wme aro now lo�ated on aaid propeitp <br /> ' �o�horeattec placed thereoa. <br /> j � . � . . . .� � <br /> TO HAVE AND TO AOLD THE SAME, �ogether with all and aingular tha tenementa,hereditamante and app�uteaances thexeuato belon�- <br /> �ing, or in anyw3se appertaining,forever,and waxrant the title to the eame. Said mortgagoz 5 hareby covenant__ with said moztgaqee s . <br /> t � that _.._the�.—. a rE= ,a� the delivery hereoL the lawtul owner S of the preauees above conveyed and daecribed, aad � a r e��� <br /> .f .� aeized ot a good and indeieasible cstate oi inheritance thorela, free and clear of all encumbzancea,and that�.1ie�L.�_ will warrant aad <br /> j de4end ehe title thazeto lorever against the claima and demaoda of all persone whomaoever. <br /> ' � PROVIDED ALWAYS, aad this Inatrument is executed and delive:ed to secure the paymeat o!tha num ot <br /> 4 THREE HUNDRED THOUSAf�iD AND NO/I 00 ----------------------------- n.i��:e (s 300,000.00 �. <br /> i <br /> with��iutereet therooa,togother with auch charqes and advances as may be due and payable to said mortgaqee under the� terme and � � <br /> condittons of the promfseory nole oC evan date he:ewith and eecured hereby,ezecuted by emd mongaqor 5 to aaid mortgagee, papable � � <br /> . �. w espresned in said note,and to secure the parformance of dl tha terma and coadi6oas coatained the�ei� �71ie. terma o1 said note are . <br /> Lereby�incorporated hereia by tA3s :e[erence. . . <br /> � � � It�is tLe intentioa and agreemeat of the parties Lereto that tLis mortqaqe ehall also secure any luture advancea made to satd �� . <br /> mortgagorS__ by eaid mortgagee. aad aap and all Sndeb�ednesa in additioa to the amount above stated which eaid mortgagora, or�y �� <br /> . of them,.may oeve to said moriqagea, howvevet evideaced wheihar by aote,book account or otherwiae. 1'his awrtgage shaR remaia in tuR . � . <br /> foree�and atSect betweea the partias hareto and their heira. personal rePreaenlative�, nucceseoTa and anaigna, unGi ali amouab �ecured . . <br /> � hereundei,including futu�e adv�cae,are paid in fult with interest. � � � <br /> � � The mortgagor�s herebp aeaign—��to aaid�mortgagee dl zents aad incoma ariaiag at aay and...all 4man trom.aaid property aad .. <br /> hazeby authorize naid mortgagee or Its agent, at ite option, upoa detault,to take cha�ye o!eaid property and collect all reats and lnrnme <br /> therefwm and apply the eame to the payment of intereat piincipal,�insurance.pcem3uma, tazes, asseasments, repaira or impravemea�s ueces- <br /> S xrry to keep wid property tn tenaatable condition, or to other chaTges or payments pxonded fot�erein pr in the aote hereby seeured 7his <br /> Srent aeatgameat ahall continue ln force until the unp�ad balance of eaid aole is fully paid. She mkin9 ai poesossiwn hnreunder ahal!in no <br /> � manner preveat oz zetard wid mortgagee in the eollection oE aaid �ume by toreeloawe ar oihezwiso. <br /> ? � .� . .� . . . <br /> ; . . Tha lailure ol the�moztgagee to as+e+t any ot iffi nghts hareuader crt any time eball not be conetrued ee a waiver of ixs right to aseert <br /> �ZZ ths�aame at any ]ater time,and,to insist upoa and enforce auiet eompllance with all the terme aad:provlsiona nf naid aote aad ot this � <br /> � mortgage. . . . . . . . <br /> If satd mortqago�t��s ahaL�'�eau�e-to he paid�to eaid. morigagee the eatlre azaount due it heraunder,and under the turms and provisions <br /> , � �o[said nota.hereby�ecuied:'fcdudEa9�lature�advancea,and aay eztemions or zenswala theroof ia.accordaacc with [he tn:ms aud pcoviaions <br /> thezeof,aad 1!aatd mortgaqor�t- sha11 eomP1Y�rith aU tLs provisioas o!wld note and ot this moztgage, then theae P�eeent�ahall be void; <br /> ol6erwiae to remada�in tul! tore���d effect, and revd mortgaqee�eLall be�enHtled to the powe�eioa of.all of amd�property, and.may,at i!s . <br /> i� option,�dxlarre tLe�whole of wld note and all�iadebtednae�repraawnled the:eby to kie immeciiately due aad payabls,aad may lozedone th3a t � <br /> �..mottgage�or:take aay actloa to proteet f)� riqhl, and irom tLe dala o1 sutt� delault all items oE indobtedaees �ecured Lerebp . <br /> .. aha11 draw 3nterast at�94f.ePe[aan�..�AppraLement wafved.� . .. .. .� . � .. � � + p�n\ . <br /> -rr�, <br /> ::- Thia mortgaqe shaU be bfndtn�upoa�d ahall��anu[a to iLs b�netft at�the heln,ezecutors, admSnlstralure. suceeaeors �d aaaiqas uf � i �.� : , <br /> �' the re�pac�i�e pcutir Letnto. ... � . . ... � . �. ..... .. . . . . .. . d .: ` <br /> �. .�iN WITNFSS.WFgAEOY aaid Morega4� 5 h��� V2L�reucto wt 1'h21 f�: 2'-�fha day aad year first above � � � . . . �.�.6, <br /> , ,�� � ... . . J� � . �`�./ . . � ��; � _,- � � , . <br /> J <br /> n � � nr Rach Dean R ri • son� <br /> �• ��� -�" �-L- <br /> re . r u . Bac aomi� . rickson <br /> , <br />� � (.._ � <br />_� <br />