<br />� t .� �,� .
<br /> � �
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of .......................:................................: '
<br /> Filed for record and entered in Numerical Index on
<br /> ! ................................................................ at ........:....... o'clock ............_... NI.,
<br /> and recorded in Mortgage Record ......................... Page .......:...._...........
<br /> ........ .. . .... ... By . ......... ... .............
<br /> � . . ............. . .. ......... ..._... ....... .........
<br /> County Clerk or lleputy County Clerk or
<br /> iRegister bf Deeds Deputy Register of Deeds
<br /> �7'�_?�?�8 9 9 REAL PROPERTY MORTGAGE
<br /> Gary L: Eilenstine and Linda L. Eilenstine, Husbund and Wife, each in his and her
<br /> own right and as spouae of each other , herein called the mortgagor whether one or more,
<br /> ; in consideration o£ Seven Thousand and no/100 BOLLAAS
<br /> reeeived from inortgagee, does �uortgage to Marvin S. Bjorlanan and Shirlee J. Bjorlanan,
<br /> '„ ;� � Ausband�and Wif e � � � �
<br /> THE FOLIAWING TRACT OF LAND: The South Half of the South Half of the West Half of
<br /> the Southeast Quarter (S'�S�gW'�SE'�.,), Section One (1), Township 'Itaelve (12) North, '.tanp,e
<br /> Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, sub3ect to a permanent
<br /> easement for road and utility purposes in; on and under the East Thirty—Three Feet
<br /> (E33') of said described tract in favor of the North Half of the South Half of the
<br /> West Half of the Southeast Quarter (N'�S�kT'-�SP'�'-�;)� Section One (1), and the North Ha1f
<br /> j of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter (N'-�CJ�SF�z), Sectian One (1), both Township
<br /> Twelve (12) North, Range Twelve (12), !v'est of tF:e 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> -�nd the mortgagor does hereby covenant with the mortga�ee and with mortgagee's heirs and
<br /> assigus that mortgagor is la�rfully seised of suid prernises, tl�at they are f.ree from encusnbranee, that
<br /> mortgxgor has good right un3 1ati�•ful authority to eonvey the sarrie, arid that inortgagor titi�urrants and
<br /> will defend the title to said preinises agaiiist t3ie lu«•fiil ciaiu�s of all per;ons whoi�isoever.
<br /> Thi� mortgage is given to secure t}ie paycnent of tlie proinissory note of this date tnade by
<br /> nioxtgagor for �; 7,000.00 puyable at their residence.
<br /> llortgagor shxll p�y all taxeu un1 assessrnent� leviecl upon said real propertr and all other tases
<br /> q levied on this mort�;age or tlie aote whicl� this mort�;xRe is giveu to secure Uefore tl�e same become delin-
<br /> que�it an�l shall maintain £ire, �vindst,orm and exteneieii coti�crage inst�rance �cith a mor#gage clause on
<br /> � � �tlie bailduigs on srxid preiui�es iz� t.l�ie anm o£:� I�ONE � . If. aa�ortga;or Fails to�a,y sueli taaes �
<br /> and ass�ssmeut5 or procure such instu•ant�e, �nort�;a�e�� ma�� I_>:ty such tases and purchaae such insurance
<br /> � anci tl�e amonnt. �o Hdvanced «•ith iutere;t at nine f'�errcrit per r�untim shall be secured by this mortgage. �
<br /> � � � � �Iu ease of 11efa�alt iii tl�e p�,yn�ieirt of the }n•inCiy�l suui or t�n,y installruent tBereof or of any- inYerest
<br /> thereon �vPien t,he sxrne �hall bec��ne due or in ca4e of th�> >ioii-pa�•irient of an}• tases or assessrnent[; or of
<br /> � � tlie f:tilurP Yo maintriiii in�urance as herr,iii provii3e�l, �nurt;,�aeee iun3• at tlie c�ptian o,f mortgagee, with- ��
<br /> �� out notice, at an,y Li�ne durin� tite continn;iner of' r:ur�h d��fault or breael�, deelare the�a•ho;e �'lebt secured � �
<br /> � by thih mortnaRe�to be iruwedintel�� dae anii 7�sival,ilc and may- £ox•eclohc tliis mortgage. � �
<br /> In fl��e ec�^nt of itefault in thc� perfoxrrnanr,e of any of the terms and conditions of this mort�ga�e or � �
<br /> � � the note secured Ly it,t�hi� rriw•tRagee�liaEll b�� entitleil to imn��ediate possession oY the 7�ropertp abovc de- �� � � � � �
<br /> scribeil and all the re�it.s, r��vetiue aud iucon�e dei•ive.�l tl�crcfrom �lurin� such time as tiie rnortga�;e in-
<br /> �ilek�tednr,ws rc.m.ains unpaid aliall be ap}�lii:d by Y,he �nortgaget� to tlie I��ayment of tkie note and all other � � �
<br /> sunis secured hereb�� af'ter draduct,ioit of a�iy necessar}� aosta of colleetio��.
<br /> �ted July 8 lg 77
<br /> , � � � _ r � � �
<br /> . y � c /� �C� S
<br /> : � k.h../•`•'.�.....���i.::4...�4........................................... `� .�::,,.:J��'1LC�;:!r:�.�...�.d.��ti=.:.1.�Cs�.�. r.��' . .
<br /> ;:. ,i� . . . : � . �.
<br /> ' STATF. OF NE33RAS7iA. County of ........_..Hall.. ...........................:
<br /> : Before me, a notary public qcialified for aa�id caunt5-, personallv cacne
<br /> ,`,r�,��r�a�e�,,,1', Gary L. Eilenstine and Linda L. Eilenstiae, Hu�band and Wife
<br /> �iQ� w������ known to me to be the ideutical person or persons n�lio signed tl�e .,�� ,
<br /> o � �
<br /> s �� � foregoing instrusnent and acl.not�ledged the esecution thereof to be his, ,_
<br /> :� �j�tp1�� � her or their voluntary act and deed. k" � :�� '
<br /> , � � � /
<br /> � p >
<br /> � ,i ,
<br /> � '�� �9•� P'N�� Witness my- hand an nqtarial seal on �.l......... �
<br /> . J' S :...� ...... ...�.... . ./.._./......... . � '
<br /> .,���Tq�OF NEO�.�`�� / ; . �'
<br /> /,// ��,� "
<br /> - . .. �� ��4ie�.i��������+ , . . .. . ..� '1'+G� . . f���'=•'�'��G'N-'�Totary Publie � .
<br /> � ...... ---.... . . ...... ...... . .. ..
<br /> ��. . . . . . . . � ' � .'.
<br /> My ommission eapires �...�L�ST.... 19 f�_... �'�
<br /> ......... ...,
<br /> Form 9.2 to Ue aPproved }�v I�e�raska State I3xr Assn eiation F��n�wotr oo..iraaw�,xee�.
<br /> � � �
<br />�
<br />