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� <br />� , {� <br />��: � LL�.-� ; <br /> � _ � <br /> . MOR2GAGE-Saviags.�and Loaa�For+n--(D3cxt.Credtt Pl�) 255•2 iSpectal) . � . � � �. � . � � <br /> � � � MORTGAGE <br /> �� �����t&'� <br /> � .. . � . .. � . . . � . � .Loan No� . <br /> {' .' 7TiI3 ,INDENSUAE, made,thi� $th .� ��py, ot , �.JulJ' . . .�. . .19�:bg and betweea '� { <br /> � . . .. . 4 .. . .:�. <br /> GALE D: WRIGHT AND DETTA V. WRIGHT, husband and wife, each 3.n his and" her ocm right and ' . ' <br /> 3 as spouse of'the other <br /> �`cE " Ha11 �� County, Nebraaka,aa mortqagor ,s and Fbme�Federal Savinga:and Loan Amodatioa��of Grmid Island, <br /> �. �a eorpor(itioa,orqanised and.e�6sttng�uadex the lawa of�Nebraeka�with�!!s priadpal a#fice��d plaee ot�busineea at Grand�Ialahd,�Nabraska,��� <br /> w mottgcqee: . � . . . . .. � . � � . . . � . <br /> WITb[ESSETH: .That eaid��morlgaqor S �for.m�d ia comddasation�.of the eum of � <br /> ' _iRTY ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NOz`100-----------------------,,�,var, (a 31;500.00 �. , <br /> TH <br /> : � � �`fhe reeeipt�oi which�ie heseby'�ac)mowledqed,��do��_�bp�theea`�presents mortgaqe mrd'wmzant�unb��eaid��mort4agee.�U� aucceenote aad ` �.:. <br /> .:c�sfqne.�losevar, all the lollowiag dexiibed real�eetate, athwted Sn the couaty of �1 1 � �� � � � . � � <br /> � ..;aad 8tate.of:�Nebrmka,to-�vit: �� .. � � .. � .. �. � . �- . .. . � � . �� . � � . . . <br /> v <br /> LOT TWENTY-TW0 (22) IN AMICK ACRES, HALI. COUNTY, NEBRASICA. <br /> ; <br /> j :t` � . . ... � . . � <br /> v <br /> > y� � � <br /> . -S... Toqsther�with a11 heatlng, 1lghting, and pluml�inq equtpment aad llxhues,iacludinq stokan�d burneza,acreena,�awnings, erozm windo�vs � <br /> � and doors, and wfndow ahadee or blinda, uaed on or Sn conaectlon with satd property, whether the eame.are aow ]ocated oa�eald propertp <br /> ..:ar herealter placed thereon. . . . . . . <br /> � j � ����TO AAVE AND YO HOLD Tf�SAME, together with all and aingulaz the teaemente,hereditamenta and appiuten�eas tha=euato�belong- <br /> � � iag,or in anywl�e appertaiaing,forever,�d warraat the dtle to the eame. Sald mortqagor S hereby coveaaat_with said mortgaqee� <br /> that�the y 8r,e at�the�delioery hereof,tkae lawiul owner S of the premieas above canveyed cmd descrlbed,aad � aTe <br /> :,wY � � aefsed�oi�a qood aad indafeasible estate af inherttmice tharsia, }ree aad dear of all eneumbrances, aad that_he�'_wi11 wanant �d � <br /> � :defead the Htla thareto tozever againet the daimn and demande of all peraoas whomsoever. � � <br /> � � � �PROVIDED ALWAYS, �d tLie instrumeat ie executed and dellvered to�ecure the payment of tha sum d � � � <br /> ' ' THIRTY ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100---------------------- u�� �� 31,500.00 � <br /> �� vHth faterest thereoa, together with such chargae and advanees cs�may be due and payable lo aaid mortqagee uadar�tkse terma Rxnd <br /> y-� � coa�ttone o! !Le promiasorp note of evea daLe herewtth �d sacured herebp,ezeeuted bp satd morlqagoz S� to safd moztqaqee,payahlo � <br /> t; <br /> �.����aa azpzewed�in said note, and to secure the pertorm�ce ot all the term� and coaditlone wntafaed�thereln. The tarma.of said aate ara � <br /> ' -.;. . ���Lereby ineorporated Lereia by thia tefereace. . . . . . " . . - . . . � . � <br /> � ...It L the iatentiaa and agreemeat of the partiee bereto tha2 tl�is morfqage shall also aeeure any luture advancea made to aaid. .� � � <br /> � mortgagoLs bp sdd mortqagae, and aay aad all indebtedaeu in additloa to the mnouat above stated�which said mortqaqocs, or mip� .. : �' <br /> �. of them,map�owe to eaid moqgagee, howevez evldeneed whether by note,book account or otherwtae. Thts mortgage ahall remain ia fuli� . <br /> forco m�d�effect��betweea the partiea fiereto and thair heir�, perwnal repreeeatativea, succeuore and asaigae, uati!�c11 cmouats seeured � � � � � <br /> hereeaader.iacluding tutuze�adv�ea,aze paid fn tull with latexect. � . .. � � . . . . <br /> �:�?he mortgagor S��hereby aes[�n_ to wid mortgagee all ranfs aad.iacome m7eiaq nt aay aad aIl tfines trom aaid property �d � <br /> � hetebp authorise raid moriqagee or ib aqent, at Sts optfoa, npoa defaulL�to taks ehcage oE wld�property cnd collect all�reats aad Saoome <br /> tLerelzom aad apply ttia same to the paymenl ai iaterest,. p�indpal,�Sasurance premiuma, t�es, maassments, repmrs or improvemenh necee- � . <br /> aary to kaep�aafd property ia tea�table coadition, ar�to othrr chm�gea or papments provided for herein or in the note heroby secured. Zhia ��. . � <br /> seat rnsigameat ahall eontinue ln lo:ce uatil ths mpatd balaace oi said aote L tully patd. Zhe takinq of possession Lereunder ehall!a ao � �� � � � <br /> � � �manaer pravent or reta:d safd mortgaqoa ia the collectIoa ot said sums bp foreeloiure or other�viee.� .� . . . � �� � <br /> . � ��Tha failure of tLe mortqngeo,So.asee[L:�g,uof.SL..righb herauadez at any time ehall not he coosttued a�¢waive:d ib riqht to aasert � � <br /> We wme at aay later Wne.�qnd_,¢a;,,3qs}�R;,u�1,�4���nigrae�trfct comP���e wlth a11 the terma and pcovialona ot said note and of thSa� ... . � <br /> �mOTS4a4e.. -•'. � .4.. ;,il A4; iTE'' 'FM7'r.:5 �r . . . . . � �. . � . . . . � . � <br /> . . . � I! taid mortqaqor S_shcll'ai�ue^tc�is"s'�pc�d,�Wt�said:.:moitqaqee tbs eaHre amouat due it Lexeuader,aad vader the terms amd prov5sion� � � � �.. <br /> . � . a!aaid aote bereby�ecured,lacluding iuture�advaace�,mid any exteneions o: renewals thareo( in aceozdaaee with the terms and pzoMaioat � � <br /> . lharvoL and it aaid morlqagor;8 ahall comply with a11 tha gsovisloaa of s�d aote mtd of this moriqaqe, thoa these preseab shall be void: .. <br /> : . j othenvLe to�..iamala.ia:lul2 foree cmd�elfeet, � mortqaqse:ehall be entiUed to the posseseioa oi ap.of sald propartp. aad map, at ite � � � � � � <br /> . opHaa,deelme ths�ehole ot wfd�aote a,nd all�iadebtedaem ropreseated.tLezebp to�bs Smm.ediatwlp�due and payable,aad may�forecloee thii � � . . <br /> : mpstgago oc lake any acNoa�.to�protect Sb right, and from ths dab of,such default�all items�oF Indebtednere seeured herabp r ., .:. �..� . <br /> •hall dre�v iaterast at��%per aanum.��Apprabemsnt wdved . � . � ' � _ . 'n'�5 <br /> v�k <br /> ` � r��27�Ss�moztgage �hc1! be binding upon'�d shall����nure�to �tlur�b�nellt ot�Ws h�iro, exseutor�,�administratore, �uecea.ora�and aaatgas ot � � � � � '� ' <br /> G the.xmpsativs,paiH�LereM. . : . . .. . <br /> � �� 2N WlTNF�.9 WE�REOF. satd Mortgaqors ���Ve h�r�unto �et �. ..��their.��. . �tiaa�s tLe day vad year Hrot abovs � � . �F� <br /> , <br /> r" <br /> ��wiftl�m. .. . , . .. . . . . . , . .. <br /> -� � � �-� �'� �_,��71' �-�-�.� <br /> ' e D. WrighL- tta V, Wright <br /> . . Gal <br /> r � L_ � <br />