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� <br />� { w�^•� � <br />� �. ".�,.„----- _ _�:.:�.�., _. � _, _.C�- - -,�--- ._ � <br /> �� <br /> ��.MORTGAGE-3avings�.and Loan Fotm.-(Dl:ect Crodit P1anJ�iZ5S2.fSpeelal)� �. � � � � . � � . <br /> � a , MORTGAG� <br /> 77' t�03Sg1 <br /> ,, :�;;. '... � �.. .�� �� .� . I.oaa�No . . ...) <br /> s � ���THt3 tNDENTURE,made eF��� � I I th� am..�oL �J u i,�( .. .1977� bp aad betweea <br /> ; LAWRENGE R. 'TNYLOR 'AND JUDITH H. TAYLOR, husband and wife, each in his and her own <br /> 3 riyhi' bnd as spcuse of the other <br /> ' + HaI t ' , <br /> ,, o���� Couniy,Nebra�ka,m mortqaqor S� �d Home Federal SavSaqr aud Loan�Jleeociat3oa�.oE�Grand Aland, �� <br /> a��corporafion��organized��aad���asUtfag,uader tlte laws�o!Nebraeka with Ib�priadpal�oiftce and placa of busiaeae�at�Gzand Isl�md,Nebraska, <br /> � � as�mcrlgagee;� ,... . . � �� . . .. . , . . �� . . . . . . � . .:: �� . <br /> ���WI1'NESSETH: ThaP�aid mortgagor 5_._, for and in�consideration`of tha sum of .. . � . <br /> � FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100 --------------------------------------1�ol�a:a (E 50,000.00 �, <br /> y <br /> the�7ecaipt of�-��which Ss�hereby aeknowledged, do �._ by t2aeae presaats�mortgaga and w�rant unto eaid mortqcqee, 3u succesaor��cnd <br /> a cu[qm, lorevar, all the�[ollowiag .deec;:Led real.eetate, sttuated ia the munly of —_.—..h`�� � <br /> ' : ' aud'�State�ot�Nebrasica.��to-wit: . . � . . , . ..�. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... � . . . . . . � . . ' <br /> t � � � . . � � � . . . . . . � <br /> LOT THIRTY—ONE C31), IN HIDDEN LAKES SUBDIVISION NUMBER TWO; BEING A PART OF <br /> THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAS'f QUARTER (SE�NEw) AND A PART OF THE NORTH <br /> HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QURRTER (N�NEuSEA) OF SECTION <br /> �� THIRTEEN {13, TOWNSHIP -ELEVEN (II ) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9) WEST OF THE 6TH P.M., <br /> IN HALL -COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> ; , <br /> i <br /> , <br /> � � � � � � <br /> ; ; ���� � � � � � � <br /> } �. F Yogell�er�w[th alt healing, lighting, aad pli+mbing equtpmeat and fi�ctures.includ(ng�token aad buraere,screena,awninga,atorm windoavo <br /> �;< and��doore,aad�wiadow ahad�o or blinda, uned oa or in comecUon with�eaid property,whether tha eame axe now loeated�on said�property <br /> �� � or hnrealter plaead thereon_ � � � � � � ��� <br /> � .,.�TO AAVE AND�?O HOLD THE SAME, toqether with all and nIagvlar the tenemeata,he:editameats and appurienaacea Wereunto txtoag• €f <br /> ° iA9•oz in anywise appertaiainq,lorever,and w�rant the title to the same. Said�mortqagor S hereby covenan�_ with said mortgagea ? <br /> � ., � . . . � . . <br /> t <br /> �tLat��be�!-- a�e .at the delivery hereof,the lawiul owners ot the premiaes above conveyed aad.deaeribed,aad a�e � <br /> � j eeized of a good and indefeasible estate of 3nheritance thezein, lree and clear of all encumbranees,aad ihat t�e��will wurrant�d� <br /> S .' j.-� detond��the�title thoreto torever againet the daims and demaads o! all persona whomaoever: . � � . <br /> q �'PROVIDED �ALWAYS,�and� Ihis�instrument is esecuied Qud delivexad to secure the-paymeat oE the sum ot � <br /> ° FIFTy_THOUSAND AND NO/ICO --------------------- ------ n..uar8 cs 50.000.00 ,. <br /> "� with interest�thereon, Iogoihez witb�such charges aad advaneea as may be due and payable to smd mortgageo under.the terms and <br /> acoaditiona of..the promissory aote of even dotee herewith and secvred hereby,ezecuted by eaid mortgagor 5 to said moitgaqee, payable � <br /> ' �ae�expreased la said aote,and�/o secure Ihe performance of all the terma and conditioaa coatained thesein. T'Le tezma ot emd note aze <br /> € � � hereby'iacorpozated heTetn�by this xelezence. � � � � � � <br /> �. .. . � ..� . . . . . . . . <br /> . it�fe.the iatention�and aqreement of the partiea heroto that thie mortgage ahdl also eecure any tutau•e advances made !o wid . . <br /> � �mortgaqov.5— by emd mortgagee. and�aay aad al] indeblednean in additloa lo the amount above�atated whiah eaid mortgagon, ot �y � <br /> � ��of them, map.owe�to aaid�mortgngee, however evidenred, w�ether by note,book awount or otherwiae. Thie mortgage shall remaia in 2u17 � . � <br /> . �force�.and eftect betweea the parfiea hereto aad thnir heira, perwaal repr�eentativcm. aucceasor� m�d asa3gas. until all amouab �ecured � �� �-� ,. <br /> -�hereunder.�.including futu*e,advanees,axe paid in full with intarast.� � � � . �� <br /> .�The mortgagor�hereby.���� � to aaid moctqcgeo al! ceqta and�iacome aay an3 all times trom said propafty��d � � <br /> hereby authoxize eaid mortgagee�or its.ageaL at ite opaon, vpoa�default to take charge of said property and�eollect aR rents aad income � � . � <br /> i �.thetefzom and�apply the payment of interest,principal,':fnauranee premiume, tozea, asaeosments. repmre os improvemenb neces� ' � , � <br /> . ���sary to kcep saEd.pzoparty ia tenaatable eondition,or to other charqe�or�paymeate psovided tor heref.n or ia the note hereby aeeured. This � � . � � <br /> � �rent.cseiqnmens�eha11..cant9aue in ioxce.until the unpa[d balaneo o! naid nole 1s tuily paid. The taking ol possemiun hereuader n6all!n�no . . � <br /> ; � m¢aner prevent or�zata[d wkd morlgagee fn Wr collection of eaid suasa by tocecloaure or otherwine. � � � � � � <br /> „ . � .... �.�,�p'��.m�.«wrec�.»+� ,..,..,.�. . <br /> ��� ? 'The fallare of � ��fw�jtpp e(`tL tiqhb hereundez at any Hmo ahaPi not be a vcaivar of ite right to aasert � . <br /> �$3rr tLe�:.eame al any la p '� and to'��pGp�ip'am atld enforce�strict compliaaee with.aIl tbe tereas and prorietoas ol said aote and o! th3s $ . <br /> $� mortgage. . �e� .r.,, .:.: .' ..:�...� . .� . � <br /> � If wid moriqagor_� ehali eauee to be pmd to smd mortqaqee the anH:e amouut due it hereunde��.and mde:the ierma�d proviuoar <br /> , o!sald aote heseby aecuted.lnetudiaq luiure advaacea,and aay azteasions�or renmwats thereof 3n accwdaace with.tLe tnims and pzoviaioa� <br /> � , [heceot,and if��sald awrtqagor 5,�: sha21 wmplp�.�vith aU Uu providoaa oi aaid aote and ot this mortgaqe,then these preuents a6all be�oid: �� � F <br /> 4� �� � olberwi�e to��semain in�lull tozce�omdeffaet. aad.aald mortqagw ehall.�be antitled to tha pne�asaion of all oi said p[aperty. �d Sb . p <br /> �� � opt[on.deelare Iha w Sols of���aid�aob��and all LndebMdneu�zepreemted thsrebp to be immediately due mid payabls,and may toreciwe thL � � .»y.�,�y �� ^q . <br /> i mottgaqe or take amp�o,tEsr lagal aetioa to-pcoteet its�rlqht,���mid lxom�.the date o! sueb�default aU items oE indebtadaees��ecured�hareby � . � �� y� ,*' <br /> ahall draw lntarest at�ILilOCqer cnnum. 1\ppral�m�ment walved � .. . � , . '�` <br /> I�76 �_ ;� <br /> ], 17�b mortgage a2wll lbe bindlag upon aod ahall enure to ths boaeHl d the hsiz�, azecutor�, adm.SaLtzatoza, accersocs mid aauiqns ot � � <br /> -t, lhe xa�peetive,partia�Leieto. . � , � �.. ,:: ' �.,.�. � � � . . � . � . � . . . <br /> 1. <br /> iN wi?N�s WHEAE9P, .ad�.Moisqaqor 5 w^V e lweuaro ..s t h e i r �� _hand S tk,e das ana�vear t;rst abovo : . .;x`�': <br /> ' wrt�len. /�"/Y�,�-'�/ `,' /' <br /> � , - (. <br /> - ��...e�_".d � ':t.r"LL��- 1/� /���'��--'^ <br /> , <br /> ; LawrenC.e R.;Taylor ,.�` udith H. Taylor � <br /> � <br /> ,� i <br /> , <br /> . . .. . r�.../'" . . r_ . <br /> � � � . . .........�.........:�..,....,..:.....�....,......��.�,.........�....,...........-�..�.... ........,... . <br /> � � <br />