� � � � l
<br /> ;��
<br /> �. _ _ �
<br /> � �. � MOA7GAG&�avinqe and Loan Form—(Dizecl C=edit Plan)'255-2 (Speclal) � � � . � � � . -
<br /> �.�_,..w.x . 0 0 3$�`�' MORTGAGE �
<br /> .. �� . . . . � . ..�: � . � . .. . I.o�No "� �Y ��,! ' ,L
<br /> rrc�s [NnEt+�rtlt�.-maae �. I I th .,� o: J u I Y is�?ey anc b.iWeea ,
<br /> RONALD 6. SCHWIEGER AND PATRICIA M. SCHWIEGER, husband and wife, each in his and her
<br /> 3 own ciqht and as spouse of the other
<br /> ���oL Ha���� . � �County,Nebraaka, m mortgagx S�,and Home Federal Savingo and Loan Amodation of Grand Islm�d,
<br /> .�a�corporation orgaaized�aad.e�dsting uuder.the lavr� of Nebraaka��ci th its prtadpal ofitee and place ot buaineea at Graad Ielmd, Nebraska.� . .
<br /> aa mortqagoe: . . . _ � . ' . �� _. � .
<br /> � .WI7NESSETH:. Thct.saSd mortgagor S for aad ia coneideration oi tha sum oL � � ,
<br /> � 4. TWENTY-SEVEN THOUSAND F I VE HUNDRED AND NO/I00 ---------_-_-----na�lare (5 27.500.00. �,
<br /> � .�, the receipt�of which�is hezeby�ackaowledged, do— by theee presonU mortgaga aad wvrrant unto aaid morlgagee.�lca suxeaeon aad ,�'
<br /> aeaigua, foreves, aIt tha IoIIowinq deecribed reat eetate. aituated in the county of Hd� � � � �
<br /> .. ;��;�� . '���aad Sfate�ot Nebraska,Yo-wSh . � . � . . . . � . .. . . . . .. . . .
<br /> S
<br /> i
<br /> f
<br /> . �� ;
<br /> ` . j �ioqether with all heatinq, lighting. and plumbing equipmeat and fizturee,iacludinq etokers aad buraers, acreena,awninqe,siorm windows �
<br /> � �< apd�doon,aad wlndow ehadee or b$nda, uned on or!n comectSon wilh eaid property, whether the eame are now located on eaid property �
<br /> i ox horeafter placad the:eon_
<br /> 70�HAVE AND TO HOLD Tf� SAME, togeiher with all �d aingular the tenements,hecedStamanta and appurtenaaces thereunto belong• � �
<br /> .Ing,or ia anywise appertaining.torevez,and warrant the title to the same. Said mortgagor S herehy covenant_ with sald mortgagea ...
<br /> �' that—the�__.._a�e ,at the deLvery hereof, �he lawful owner__Sof fhe premisoa above conveyod and deaczi6ed, and �r�= � �
<br /> .�£ �eized of a good aad indeieaaible eatate ot inhezitance therein. tree aad ctear of all eacumbrances,and that t he�_will warraat aad .. �
<br /> s delead the�title thereto lorever agaiast the claims and demands of all persoas whomeoever. .
<br /> � �� PAOVIDED ALWAYS. and thia instrument ie executed and delivered to sacuze the paymeat of ihe aum of � ..
<br /> ; IW�NTY_��V�N THOUSAND FIVE HUNDR�D AND NO IOOv_=-__----------n.,Itara (5_ 27s500.00 �,
<br /> with intereaf thereon, together with auch.charges and advancea as may be due and payabfe to said mongagee under the terma and
<br /> ; conditions ot the promisaory note oi even date herewith aad aecured hereby,ezecuted by aodd mortgagor—S to said mortqaqee,paqable ��
<br /> + #: as e:pressed in said note,and to secure the performance oi all the tecros and coaditioas watained thezaln 1'he terms of said aole aze � �
<br /> '� hereby incorporated here[n bp thie relerence. .
<br /> � . It ie the'snteatioa and agreement of the partiee Lereto that fhia mor�gage shall also secure any luhue advancee made to said �� �� � �
<br /> � mongngor� by said mo:tgagee, and any and all inde6tednesa in. addit3oa to the amount above stated which eaid morigagors, or aay . � . �
<br /> of them, may owe to maid mortgaqee.howevar evidenced whethei by aote,book account or othezwiee. Thin morlgage ehall remain in full . �
<br /> torce and alfect�betweea ihe pcvties hereto and their he'ue, pereonul repreeentativea, auceeseora aad asaiqns, unti7 aIl amounta eecured � �
<br /> hereunder,induding fumre advancea. �e pmd ia Sull with interest. �
<br /> The mortgagor 5 hereby anstga to said mortgagee all�reate and inrnma arixing at aay and all timea from said properly.and � �
<br /> hereby autborize eaid mortgagee or 3Is ageat, at 11s option, upoa default,to take charqe ot said property nnd cdiect all rents and income �
<br /> 14esetrom and npply the a�e to the payment of lntezeut, principal, fnaurance premiuma, tazea, aseeeamenta. repmre or improvements neces-
<br /> sary to keep caid property in tenaatable coad3Uon, or to o�her charqee or paymanta provided for herein or in the noto hereby secuzed. ?hia � �
<br /> rent aseignmeat ahali eontinue in lorae uatil the unpaid ixilaaca ot eaid aote is fully p�d The taking oi poaseseton hereunder ehall ia no � �
<br /> manner prevent or retard aald mortgagee in the wllectiou ot eaid sums by foreclosuro or otherwiee. � . .
<br /> ; � The failure ol � asaer!':aay of ito r[ghb hereundez at any t[me nhall aot ba construed as a waiver of ita rfqht to asncrt � �
<br /> j the eame at any]ate - d'"'�f upon¢nd�entorce atrict compllance�with all t6e tezms aad provisiona ot said aote and ot tbia � .
<br /> mortgage. �'a+k�:.q;•iMc . � . .
<br /> ��
<br /> I! aaid mortgagor_..5_.shall caura lo bn pnid�Eo eaid nwitgagaa iha enl7ta n�nuuu[3ue li haie��dr.,ens uader the tarms au3 proviaiuuia � . �
<br /> � of eaid note herebp��ecuted,includinq�future�advaacea,and aay aztandoas or reaewala thereof in accrordaace w'sth the torms �d proviaions � �
<br /> � thereof.�d.if aaid mortqagor_S_�hail complp wft6 all th�provi+tona ot�aid nme and of this mortgage, then ihe�e preaeam ehall be�oid; �
<br /> otherwise b�remaia Sa full toree and e(leet, md eaid mor�qagea ehall be entitled to ths poarassion of.all of aaid propar!y, �d may,at !tw � �
<br /> � optioa, daclare the whole of eaid note and all indebtednes�repre�eated thareby to lae s^�^��+otely�due and payable,aad may lorecloee this . . �
<br /> ' �-�� moreqage.o,r�lake any other legal acCon to protee! !b riq66 and irom t6e date ot sueh detau2t all items ol indebtednens secured berebp �� v*,r��„� ��� `;
<br /> � � ehatl draw��5rteseat at$�C�annum.'Apprafeemeat walved. . .. "..'. ^I �.
<br /> I I �p ;�,,..
<br /> . :"ThL mortgage ahall bs bladtnq upon.oad �hall aau:s to th��b�aellt d tf�e Aein. ezeeutoca..adm3a.�atrato:a. eucce�x+rs mid aaei9n�.af : �+,_ ��.r�
<br /> 9a
<br /> ' �` � tha,re�peStiw�.,pmttsa herMo. _.. . � �... . . . . .. . . . . . . � � �, '
<br /> 1
<br /> �" ��IN W1'[NE4S VVEIEHEOP, aald.Moriqa4or S x.. V2 ti..�.nnm .4�_ the i r _.�,m�.��,aay and year liist abovs
<br /> . : -. I wzltte . ... ��� � . . . . ' _ � . . ,M, �-;
<br /> � „
<br /> . . /7 {' �.. ' .. , • � �i' � .
<br /> . .. � ��?^ZG�-� �.� ✓�.GCl1li�3.t�� . . n ��l 1,-='�y----•/�"..l.[,�-r.�.s',a £ � .. , .
<br /> onald G. SChwi�eger� Pa r ic;ia M. S�hwiey�r �---��� �
<br /> � t.................,...,............»..,.....,.........�............ ,....�,,,,...............,...,,,,..
<br /> . L_. �
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