�=t �.
<br /> , � �;;�,� t
<br /> �:�_, r-_...__. �----..___._ ._.____ .._-__ __ ___ -
<br /> - � . :__. ._.. _..___ :._.__�._______�.�.__._ . _---.=- - -- -�
<br /> � MOATGAGE�-SaHngs�dnd Loan��:Pomi—(Disxt Credlt Plan)':��255•2�(Spedal) � � �
<br /> �.µ.N.µ � ,h10RTGA.GE
<br /> ��, .�►03�0�� ; . :
<br /> , . . . .. . :� � Locm�No .'. �
<br /> � � �� �� rx[s}rrD�rritAE.��mac� �• 3Qth ,,�`o, :�J une � �, is 77 ���yy�a bei,veen � � �
<br /> " CNRISTUPNER.'L: KASKIE AND ANN L. FERGUSON-KASKIE, husbancl end `wife. each in hls and
<br /> j ; -,
<br /> ; her.`ow,n right antl as spouse of -the other,
<br /> , �. � �-
<br /> ;'
<br /> ' of�� Ha�� `' ` �'ounty,Nebraaka. as mozlgagor 5,and Home Faderal�Savinqe pnd Loaa���Aaaodation�.ot Grand Ieland,
<br /> ? ��'� a��corporajfoa orqanf;ed and�axisttng��under�.the lawa��of Nebraska�with!U.priadpaI otRce aad place.ot buslaeas at Graa3 Isl�d,Nebraaka,
<br /> �
<br /> (..�: 2a.��mcrtqa$ee: � . . . . . . . . .;
<br /> i ��� W1TN£SSETIi: Th6t said�morigagor`-�"tor and in considezation�of tha eum ot� ��� "' �
<br /> � F I FTEEN THOUSAND AND NO/I OQ----------------:--------------------=--+aotlaze (S �5�nnn.n(L ).
<br /> j ,
<br /> ; � fhe�'receipt ot wMch ia�hereby��acknowladged, do_ by these preaents mortgaq@�and w¢arant unto�-eaid mortqaqae, ite.sueceaeore� aad � ' � �
<br /> � � aeatgne, forever, alt tfie fottowtag�dAuczibed reat eatate, sifuafed fu the county of �Na} 1� � � � � � �
<br /> , � �..� ..and State of���Nebra�ka,�to-wit: ��... . . .. . .. . . � .. . , ., . . . � ' � '�
<br /> � . _ . . . . . . � � ,c
<br /> .
<br /> ( � . � .: � � � . � � . � . � � �. .
<br /> � ,�.,'. . .. .. � � . �� .� . � �. .� . � � . ...
<br /> ,� � � � � � � . . .
<br /> s �� LOT F I VE (5), I N BLOCK ONE HUNDRED TH I RTY THREE (1 33), J N ;
<br /> 3
<br /> ,
<br /> �. 's
<br /> '
<br /> ; �
<br /> � ��� !s Toqether.�with all heating, Lghtiag, and plwnbiag equipment�aad lixturee,�ineluding�tokers and bumere, eaeane,awnIags, a�orm�windowe
<br /> S and doors,�.aad wiadow�ahadee or biinda..used oa or fn conneretioa wlth said propariy,whether th3 eame�are now loeated on aaid propetty
<br /> � ar horeatter�placed thereou. � . � � . ..��
<br /> �. . . . . . . . . . ..r : : . '�:.
<br /> ��.Tp�HAVE�AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with�ali and ningular the tenements,hered3tamente and appurtenaaces thereunto belonq• �
<br /> .i '�� � . . . � . .. . . . . . . . ,:��:
<br /> inq..�oF3n anywiee appeztainiag,forever,and�waz:ant the Htle to the same. Said mortqagor_�hereby covenant_ wiffi�satd�mortqagee
<br /> � � that_�.he_�L � arP � ,at the delivery hezeot, the lawlul ownerS..of the pzemiaea above conveyed and deecribed,and ar-e
<br /> E �� S? aeized ct a�qood aad indeleasible astate o[ �iaheritance therein, free and dear of atl encumbrancee,and that���e�_ will wazrant aad
<br /> � i - deland the title the:eto forever againat the�etaims and demanda of ali persana whomaoever. . � �
<br /> �� PAOVIDED�.ALWAYS, and this inatrument is executed and.�delivered.to secure the payment of the sum of �
<br /> ` FIFTEEN THO,�AND ANp NO/100---------- ---- ------ �,
<br /> °, _ _ ---- --- ----------�aua:e cs_ ��,nnn_nn
<br /> � �with,iatereat thereon,�togother with such ehargea aad advancee aa may be due aad payable to sald mortgagee undar. the�.termn aad�.
<br /> i � � conditiona�oY the promissory aote of even data. herewith and secured hexeby,azecuted by acrid mortgaqoz 5 to said moxtgagee,payable
<br /> �. � � ae.expreesed in said�note.�and to secure tha pecformance of all the terma and conditiona eoatained theiein. The terma oi add�aote are �
<br /> � heraby.(ncorporated here[a by this relerence. . � ...�. �.� � . .
<br /> � �It is the inteation and�agreement ot the parties hereto that this mnrtgage shall dao saeuze aay luture advancea mada to said.
<br /> . .morigagor�5�by.said moalgagee.�and�anp aad all indebtedneee in addiNon to the axnoux�t above stated which said mortgagora,��or�y� � -
<br /> .o!�them. may owe to:said mortqagee,however evidenced, whether bp note, book acaount or othezwise. Thia mortgage slaall remafa in�fu11.��
<br /> �toroe��and�eftect�betweea.the.partiea hereto aad their�hein, peraonal representativea, avccesaara an3 asaigm, until a12��amounta aecuzed � �
<br /> � hereuoder,includinq�tutu�e adv�cee,are paid ia Sull with intarest. � � . � � � . .
<br /> ���Tbe mortgagor�S�. hereby aeaiqn_—�to eaid�.�mortgagee all zeats and iacome arlaiaq at aay amd.all times from .aaid property.�aad� '
<br /> hereby wthorize �aid mortgaqee oz ih aqent, at ite�option, upon default,to take eharge of said property and�rnllect�alt.rents and incoma �� � �
<br /> . � lheretrom�vnd ppply t6e same ta!he paymeat oi intereaf,�prtndpai.�lnsurQace'premIums, tazee,aaseeaments, repaira or improvements necea- � .
<br /> . sary.�to keep eaid�pcopartg in lenantable.condition, or�to other chaxqee or�paymenls�provldad for herein or in the note Le:aby eeaured. This � � �-
<br /> � ���zea! aseignmeat shall eontiaue !a lorce uatil tha unpatd balaace ot eaid aote is fully paid. Tha taking ot possesnion�he:euader ahall ia no . �
<br /> �� . �manner praveat or ratard eaid mortqagee in the colleetlon of eaid suma by Sorecloeuxe or othemiae: �� � � �
<br /> C ,,,i The��failure ot the mortqagae�.tp auect any of ftd��=igh{s`.hereundar�at��aay timo�s6a11 aot be canatruad as a waiver of its rSght to assert
<br /> the�same�a4.any.later�time, aad to�tnsiet.upon.and ealorce atzict compliance with a21 the terma and pr�vieions of said note m�d oi tliis � , . . . .
<br /> �.�. mortga9e. . � � .� � . . ._ . . . .... � . . . . . . . ..... . . ,.. . �:.. . . .
<br /> � II qid mo�iqagor5__ ahaIl��cau�e xo ba paic��to eaid mortqagee tha eatize amount due it hereunder,�an�i undcr the tezme and proviaiona
<br /> ' ' ot aaid aote�hereby��eeuzed,inciuding futura advancea,and�aay e�cteaitone�or zenewals.thcreof in.aecordaace wtt2i tbe tarms tmd provi�iona '� .� � �
<br /> lhsz�eoi,aad 3!�wid mortqaqor.�.__�shall comply with�all tbs provtiioas of.wtd aote�d o1 thta moztgaga, th�en theee preseata ehall be�void; � E
<br /> �� S ofMtuwUe to rema3n in.lull fosce and s#oct,�and aald�mwtqagee-ehaU be aqtit4ad Ro�.;he�poaaeaaion af�.ail�o!said preparty, and may, at.ita � � � q
<br /> ��.� .option,dxlare�the wboie ot wld'note and all IndabtodaPas reprewn(ed thaaeby to be Immedlataly dua and payable,and�may�foredoae�thla .# .
<br /> �, ^ mortgage or 2pke mp�other laqal��:aetioa to�proteet iL,:dght, mid irom fhe dats ot auch dafault all ltems�ot fadebtedneea secured�herebp�� ..... ��-�., �; ��� 3'�'
<br /> shali draw interest a0C901Gper onnum. Apprai�ement watved. ���� � � ��� � � � Y'�' e�a P.
<br /> i� �, �
<br /> � TIW mortgaq� nc� bn btndinq apon �td�haU anura to Iha b�netlt ol the hsin,exeeuton, admtniatrators, sueee�eors��and aasiqas o!� � ��,.
<br /> tqP TasPecti9A.R,��N herMo. . . . . � ���.
<br /> ?N ��N£`.� YVFIEREQF. sa1d.,Mortqagaz `' h�V0 hereunto �et the�r haad�the day.and yearltrst above � � ,��;
<br /> ' ,j wdt�a. ' ,� ... � . . � � . . � � . . . .. ... ... . � ; ',
<br /> i �/�,ce�ifau� � . ��'Z��Q.. � � ` / ?." .
<br /> Gt�nsto h r L Kasxie - r r.�
<br /> - -; , p nn L. Ferguson- skie f ""
<br /> � L �
<br />