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<br /> MORTGAGE-Savinqs qad Lo����Forns--(Dlreet Credit�.Pkm)�255•2 (Spedal) � � � ��
<br /> � ��� � � UO3&0'7 � MORTGAGE ��� � �
<br /> 77-
<br /> . . . . . . . . :Lo�No� .
<br /> � SEit3,INDENTUR£. mada eLti ���� �"�'h� � do�y or J U I.Y .. ��� 19��bY�zad 6M�veea :.�� �
<br /> ' JOMN A GREENE'AND JANICE�GREENEa husband and wife each in his and her own riaht
<br /> � � "�� .
<br /> i � anci as''spouse�qf the����other��� � � �� � � � �
<br /> �` , Mal I
<br /> ; p� .: . ;, �� ' ��... County.�.Nebzacka,as mortqagor S��d Home�Federal Savinqe and.Loan Auoclalion ol.Grand Llan$
<br /> � y a corporction�osganlsed aad a7dctinq uadcr the laws�of� Nsbraska��vith its priadpal otllce a¢d placa o1 busiaena at G=and Ielaad, Nabravw. � ' • ���
<br /> i k" � snortga�ee:�.. . .. . � � . . . � �
<br /> . : � ...: � �.� �..� . . . . . . . .
<br /> .} � WITNESSESH: 27tat�w[d mpriqagot5_, for and�in coaeideration�of tha sum ot
<br /> ^ THIRTY THREE=THOUSAND fIVE HUNDRED AND NO/100 -------------------nottars c5 33.500:00 �,
<br /> i
<br /> � �tlae receipt ot w6ich is lieceby ackhowledged, do ����by these�pre�enta�mortgage�and warrant uato�said mortqagee, its sucoesaors�aad '�� �
<br /> � ceeiqne, lorever,oll the tollowinq�denuibed real.eatate, dtuated in the rnuntp of_ � ��a}� . � � ' ��
<br /> � 1 .;. ' and`"State o[�`Nebrarka:to-wtt: . ��:' . .. � . � � . � �. � . . . . ^. . � . � ..' �:
<br /> .? I . . . . . . . . . . .. .
<br /> ` t '
<br /> ,3 .� � � � . . � , � � �
<br /> i.� . .. � �. � . . . . .
<br /> ":� # NEBRASKA
<br /> - � .. .. .. . � � � � . 1
<br /> � . . .. . . . . . � . . . . � . .
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> � � t Togather with �all hectSaq. llghtiag, and plumbing �equipment and flxmrea,includinq etokexs and bume:s, acreem, awaiag�, etorm windows
<br /> . � r�s� - nnd doora..and w5ndow ahadee or biiads, veed on or ta coanxtioa with said proparty, whether the same are now lxoted oa said proparty
<br /> � or.horeatter placed thereon. � �
<br /> �TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D Tf� SAME, together w3th all and ningular tho tenemeata,hereditameata and appuzteaances Ihereunio�belonq- .
<br /> , { �. .,�.. � . . .
<br /> ing,.or in anywiee appeztainfng,�torever,aad wanaut the.Htle to the same.� Said mortgaqor�_hereby eovenant_witL sa3d mortgagee�
<br /> , a . .. . . . . . .
<br /> = a that.��__the��— afe ,at the delivery hereoi,the lawful owner S ot the pcemieea above coaveyed aad deaeiibed,�aad are�
<br /> ( �
<br /> 3 �� seixed of a good nnd�indeteanibie eatate of inheritance tbereia, tzee and eiear ot all encumbraacee,aad that t1se�.'—.wil! warr�t and
<br /> ',� y� detond.the title�theteto torever against the elaima aad demanda of all pe:sona wkomecevez. � �
<br /> � ,� .��+ �PAOVIDED ALWAYS, aad this insirument is executed aad delive:ed to secure the payment of the aum oi �
<br /> � � THIRTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNORED AND NO/�00 ----�--------- n�llare �� 33 500.00 �,
<br /> with intereat thereon. together with such�cborges aad advances as may be due and payable to aaid mortqagee uader the lezma and
<br /> �, 2 � . . � . . �. . . . . . .
<br /> coaditionn.of the promiscory aote of even date herowith�aad sacured Lereby,execuied�by said moztgagoz S to aaid mortgagee,payable
<br /> " ' �ns.��ezpresaed in eaid note,and to eecure the performance o!all tihe ierms and coaditiona.watalaed the=ein. �The te�ms of said aole �e . �
<br /> .hezeby��incwporated Lerein by thii refereace. . � � �� � � � � . �
<br /> �
<br /> � �It fa the intention and agxeemeni o3 the parties hereio that this mortgage ahall dso aeeure aay futuPe advax:cee made to �aid �
<br /> � .. . . . . . ... . .
<br /> mortqagor S�by smd mo:tgagee, and any and a21 iudebtednem in addltloa to the amount above siated which said mortgagora. or aay ��
<br /> � of tham, map owe to�said��mortqagee, however evidenced.whether by note,booY aecouui or otherwiee. This ai�rigaga.ahatl remain in full �
<br /> torce�.�d elfect beiween��the��parties hereto and their�heize, peraonal repreeeatatives, auccesaoro�and aaslgns. until aIl amounta aecured ���
<br /> , � .,� heseunder,induding.funve advaacea. �e paid fn lull witL fntereat. .
<br /> i _
<br /> - # ?he mortqagoz 5...hereby�aeai,ri+ .b aaid�mort9agee all rents and.iacome azising ¢t anY.aad all times irom said propezep:.and
<br /> � hereby authorize �aid mortgagee az�3ts agenk at ila option, upon defaulQ to take charqe of sald.property and eollect ail:ants and ineome.
<br /> y . �therefrom.and apply the eame to the paymant of intereat.�prineipal,ineurance�premiuma��tazea, aeseasmenta, rapaizs or improvemenU neaea-
<br /> � � �S eacy Yo keap aaid property ia teaoatable coadition, or to�other charqe�oi paymea�s provided ior herein or in the note Lereby�eeaared. ?hi�
<br /> 3 zent asaignment shall coatiaue in force uatil the wapaid balana o! eaid nota te fully pat3.� The taking of poeaess on he:eundez ahall ia no
<br /> � } manaer,preveat or retard�aaid mortqagee.in�the�collection of eaid sums by[orecloeure or othe�viee. . � �
<br /> ��.; 1'he tailure�ot ihe mozi9agee M�ataert�any, of it's n9b4��hereunder at aay time ehall aot he coaatrued as a waivA=of ite right to aesert . .
<br /> s tiw.eqme al.any latec timp.:cWd.io���tas3at upon and anCorce�uict eomplloace with all the terma and provisioos of uQio note� cmd ot this.
<br /> �.� mortgage. : .�. . �.: . �..+:. ` , �..... .�. . . � . . . . . . . . .. .. � . .. . .
<br /> If said morigagar_S:shaU eausa to k»�paid to emd mo:tgagae the eatize amount 3uo 1:nereunder,cua�!under ihe tuxnw aa3.previeiun�
<br /> 2 ef eaid aaic horaksy saeura3.`scla3c�#utaze adranc,c.s,t nd any�ezten:ions�or zens�vais the�aot ia aceordance with�the tezma mid proHaioos
<br /> z} therepf.cmd if�-aqid 7aortqaqor_.-5 �ha11 complp wlth��all�ih�prov3a[ons of.aald note�d oI thla moxt9oga.thea the�e�preaenb�hall be void; � y
<br /> � + ;.; oWarwise tn[emain in lul:tevu.and e!lect.aad amd mozl9aqee..ahcaL be�eatitled to thm Poseeasion at.,all o!said proporty, �d may. at ib �
<br /> 5 optba.declare�the wLnla��of�wid aote aad aU�iadebtedmu�reprefmted�theraby to ba�im�aedlately due and payab7e,aad may forecloee thia � .. .
<br /> :.'t mwigags o:.take aap�otfier legai action to�.�proteet lts��zi9h4�and��lrom..ths�dats ol sueh defavlt�all ifems.�oE.Sadebtadnan �ecured �exebY . . .,,„ .�. � '. : � ��
<br /> . t ahall'drnw interest at�6'C�pet anaum. $ppraisement��vafred. . . � . � . . .. . � . . . . . ,�*,. � `�,,
<br /> ' J - Th9�moriqage ahail be,bindln4.*+P�a and ahal! �nux�!o t6� broetit o!tha L�in.esacuwn.adaeissiscraton. �ucceuora��and�asai9iu�d �`' � �.� .
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<br /> j . ,. rAae4vo pqStlas Li�zNo.. . .; . ;, .. .. . ... ' � ..J a,,
<br /> � � ���..
<br /> j �N SNI7NESS.1Vl�REOI'.,aaid Moctqcsyor 5*•• vE'Lueunto �st tha i r w..,. dvy p ;��
<br /> d_5__.th� and e�firet above
<br /> We re
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