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<br /> . 9• Upon �any � failure by the Mortgagor to comply with or . perform any of the terms, covenants or conditions of this MorF . � _ . .
<br /> . � gage ;equiring t6e payment'� of any amount of money by the Moztgagor, other t2�an the principal amount of the loan evidenceJ by � . � . �
<br /> � the 1Vote, interest aad �� other charges, as provided in � the Note, the Mortgagee may at its option make such paymen[. Every � . . �
<br /> � � � paymeat so� made by the Mottgagee (induding :peasonable � attorney's fees: incutted thereby), with interest thereon from the datc � � �
<br /> . �. oEsuch pnyment, �.'at the tate of six percent (6 %u ) per annum, except any payment Eor which �a different rate of interest is . . . .
<br /> . specified herein, � shall be payable by the � Mortgagor to tht Mortgagee on demand and shaLl 6e secured by this Mottgage, THis
<br /> � � Mortgage with [espect to aity such amount and the interest thereon, shall tonstitute a lien � on the mortgaged property prior . to �.
<br /> � eny other lien 'attachiag ;oY.�accruing subsequent fo � the lien of �. this . Moetgage. - � �
<br /> ' � 10. The Mottgagee, � by any of � its agents or �� tepresentatives, shall have the right to inspect' the mortgaged property from time : �
<br /> + � . � to timeiatany . teasonable hout 'of � the day. Should the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, � at any timc require inspec[ion, �. :
<br /> . repair� ;'.caze. � or attenlion� of aay � kind or nature �. not provided� by this Mortgage as determined by �the Mortgagee in . its sole dis- .� �
<br /> �- � � cretion;��� the �Mortgager may, after notice. to thr �Mortgagor, rnter ot cause entry to be made upon, the mortgaged property, and . � �
<br /> ' � � � inspect, � repair, protect, care for or maintain such �property, as the Mottgagez may in its sole disuetion deem necessary, and may � �
<br /> � � � pay� all . amounts of money therefor, as the Mortgagee may in its sole discretion deem necessary. - � � . � � � �
<br /> . . � li: Tl�e . principal amoun[ owing� on �the� Note together with interest thereon and all other charges, as therein provided, � � � �
<br /> � and all other.� amovnts of money owing by the Mortgagor to the Mortgagee putsuant to and setured or intended to be � secured � � � � � . �
<br /> � � bp� thiS �� Mottgage, shall immediately become due and papable without notice or demand upon the appointment oE a receivet or � � �
<br /> � liquidator, whe[her�. voluntary or involuntary, For the Morigagor nr any of the propetty of the Mortgagor, or upon the Filiag of � � � ��.
<br /> � � a petitioa by or against the Mortgagor under the ptovisions of any State insolvency law, or under the ptovisions of the Bank- � . � �
<br /> � raptcy Ad� of. 1898, as amended, or upon the making by the Mortgagor of an assignment for the benefit of the Mortsagoi s creditots. � . . � � � . .
<br /> �� . � The Mortgagee is authorized to declare, at its option, att or a�y part of suc6 indebtedness immediatefy due and paya6te upon the �. . � . � . �
<br /> � happening� of �any of the following events: . � . �
<br /> . .� (a) Failure to pay the amount of any instaliment of principal and interest, or other charges payable on the Note, which shall � � . . � � � �.
<br /> � have become due, priot ro the due date of �Yhe next such installmrnt; � . � � . �
<br /> . � (b) Nonperfotmance by tf�e Mortgagor of any covenant, agreement, term or condition of this Mortgage, or of tht Note . . . � . � .
<br /> . . � (e�ecept �. as otherwise pcovided in subdivision (a) hereof) or oE any other agreement heretofore, hetewith or hereafter made � . � �
<br /> � � � by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee in connection with such indebtedness, � �. � . . . �
<br /> . . (e) . Failure of t2�e Mottgagor to perform any covenant, agreement, term or condition in any instrument creating a lirn upon - � . � �
<br /> . : � � � the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, which shall have priority over the lien of this Moxtgage; ,� � . � � �
<br /> � � � (d)� The �.�Mortgagee's discovery of the Mortgagor's failure in any applica[ion of the Mortgagor to the Moitgagee to disdose � � , � � � �
<br /> �. � �. :�. auy ��fact deemed by the Mortgagee� to 6e material, or of th^ making therein or in any of the agreements entered into � .
<br /> � � � by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee (induding, but not limited to, the Note and this Mortgage) of any misrepresm- - . �. .
<br /> � tation by, on behalE of, or fot the benefit of, the Mortgagor; � . - �
<br /> (e) The sale, leate or other transfer of any kind or nature of the mortgaged property, or any part thereof, without the ptior . . � � � � �
<br /> written consent of the Mortgager, . � � �
<br /> . (f) The enactment after the date oF this Mortgage of any law of the State of Nebraska deducting from the value of � � -
<br /> ` � � � the mortgaged property (or any part thereof), for the purpose of taxa[ion, any lien thereon, or changing in any way � � . .
<br /> � its laws for the taxation of mortgages or debts secured by mortgage for state or local purposes, or the manner of collec- � � � � �.
<br /> � . tion of any such tax, so as to affect this Mortgage, and if after such enactment or change the holder of the Note and this �.
<br /> .. � � Mortgage gives written notice to the Mortgagor deciaring the Note and all other indebtedness secured by this Mortgage � . � � .
<br /> � � to be due and payable, because of any such enactment or change, immediately upon the expiration of thirty ( 30) days . � � . � �
<br /> i aftet such notice:
<br /> .� � . The Mortgagee's failute to exercise any of its tights hereunder shall not constitute a waiver thereof. AII the events in this Para• � . . . �
<br /> . graph . enumerated upon the �.happening of any of which the Note shall become, or may be dedazed to be, immediately due and � � � � � �
<br /> payablq am � in this �Mortgage calted "events of defaulY'. . � � . � � � . � � �
<br /> � � 12. T6e Mottgagee .may from time to time cure each default undet any covenant or agreement in any insvumrnt cieating a � �
<br /> � lien upon. .tF�e mortgaged ptoperty,. or any pari thereof, which shall have priority over the lien of this Mortgage, [o such extent � � � � �
<br /> as the Mortgagee may � exdusiveiy determine, and each nmount �paid (if any) by the Mortgagee ro cure any such default shaA be paid . � �
<br /> . by : the �Mottgagor to tfie Mottgagee; and the Mortgagee shall also 6ecome subrogated to whatever rights the holder of the prior � �
<br /> . liea� might have � �undez such instrument. � � . � � - . , . � � �. �
<br /> � � � � 13• . (a) After� the happening of any default hereuader, the Mortgagor shall upon demand of the Mortgagee surre�det posses• �. , � . �
<br /> sioa of the mortgaged propetty to the Mortgagee, and the MoTtgagee may enter such proprrty, and let the same �and collect all the � �
<br /> �tents . thereEtom � which are due or to become due, and apply the same, after paymmt of a❑ charges and expenses, on account of �. . � . �
<br /> � the indebtedness hereby secured, and all such rents and all leases existing at the time of such default are hereby assigned to ffie � � .
<br /> � -` � � Mortgagee as further secutity foi the paymen[ o£ the indebtedness secured hereby; and the Mortgagee may also dispossess, by the � �
<br /> � � usual summary proceedings, any tenant defaulting in the payrnent of any tent to the Mortgagee. � � . �
<br /> , � . (b) .�In the . event that the Mortgagor occupies the mortgaged ptoperty or any part thereoF, the Mortgagor agrces to surrendrr . . �
<br /> ' � � � possession of such property to the Mortgagee immedia[ely after any such default hereunder, and if the Mortgagor remains in pos-
<br /> . session after such default, such possession shall be as a tcnant of ;he Mortgagee, and the Mottgagor shall pay in advance, upon . � �
<br /> ( . � demand by the Mor[gagee, as a � reasonable moathly rental for the p.�emises occupied by the 2viortgagor, an amount at least equivalent �. � �
<br /> � . to one-twelfth oF the aggregate of the twelve monthly installments pa;=.tile in the current calendar ycar, plus the actual amount of � �
<br /> . � . the annual ground rent, if any, taxes, assessments, water rates, other governmental charges and insurance premiums payable in � �
<br /> ` connection with the mottgaged property during such year, and o�,,:. .ne failure of the Mortgagor to pay such monthly rrntal, � . � .
<br /> the Mottgagor may also be dispossessed by the usual summary I roceedings applicable to tenants. This covenant shnll become �
<br /> � effective immediatdy upon the happeniog of any such drfault, as aece. u,;;ed in the so(e discretion of the Mortgagee, who shall .
<br /> � � give notice of � such determination to the Mortgagor, and in the case of foreclosure and the appointment of a reTeiver of the rents, � .
<br /> the within coveaant shall inure to the benefit of such receiver. � �
<br /> 14. � The Mortgagee in any action to foreclose this Mortgage shall be entitled to the appointment of a receiver without notice,
<br /> � as �a mattet of ri�ht and wiihout regxrd . to the value c>f the mortgnged yroperty, or the solvency ur in�olvency of the I�Sortgagot
<br /> or other party liable ior ilir payment oi the Note and other indebtednrsssrcured by this Mortgagr. .
<br /> . � 15. The : Mottgagor, withiu � ten : ( 10) � days � upon request in persoa or wiihin � twenty (20) days upon request by mail, will �
<br /> , � � 4utaish� -promptly . a ��. wcitten � statement in � fo;m satisfactory to the Mortgagee, signed by tSe Mortgagor and duly acknowiedged, of � � �
<br /> � tLe � amount �thep � owfng �. on the:' Note � and othet indebtedness sec�ed by this Mortgage, and whethet any of£sets ot defenses � ,,.,;,�.� .. �,. :+..
<br /> y -' �� . esisf �agaiast such indobtedness or . any �part thereof. .. � � . . � . .. -- �� - � � . � w• � �
<br /> . . '�N. '� . ' .
<br /> . 16. The Mortgagot wilt give immediate nolice by registeted or certiEied mail !o the biortgagee of any fire, damuge ot other • � .
<br /> , � asualty �sffectiag the mortgaged ptoperty, oc of any codveyance, � transfer� or � change in ownecship of such property, or any part � � �p;� , " �
<br /> l thum$ ` r „
<br /> �;
<br /> � 17. Notice sna ae�a or request� may be made in writiag aad may be :ervtd in person or by mail.
<br /> � , 1$. In case of �a fOreclosute . sale of the mortgaged � property� it.� may be� soid in one pazceL . � . . � .
<br /> . � "19. ��The Mo;tgagoz �will `not " assign t6e reats, if any,' �in� wbole � or in patt,' from the mortgagtd ptoperty, or any patt thereof, .;,. � � �
<br /> wiihout the prior �mrittea consent bf t6e Mortgagee.
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