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<br /> . _ �
<br /> ���MORTGAGE-3aviags�and Loan�Fozm.—(Dicect�Ctedlt Plaa)-.,255-2 (Syee5al) � � . . . . .
<br /> � 77�- U�?�74`8 hAORYGAGE�
<br /> . . � . .. � � . . . . . . :Lo�No� � . .
<br /> � rtns xrm�rrruetE, maae �h�, 6th d�, o� J u i y , is 7?bY aoa bei..eea �
<br /> PHILfP.E. KRIESER AND CHERYL A. KRIESER, husband and wife, each in his and her own
<br /> 3 _ right:and aS spouse of the otfier
<br /> or Ha I I �'ouuty,Nebraaka,m mortqagor`�,aad Home Federal Savinqs and Loan Amociatioa ot Grand Lland,
<br /> .a�eorporatiou.�orqanised-.md exyting;under�tl�e law� ot.Nebiaeka with�ita prindpal oEtiee aad plaoe�.of busiaeu at Grand Islaad;Nebraska, .�
<br /> - .�.�� as�.mortgagee; �` ' . . . . . � � � . , ,
<br /> ���WITt7ESSETFI: That said mortgagor S� for�and ia�con�ideration�oi the sum of ��
<br /> TH I RTY-EJGHT THOUSAND N I NE HUNDRED AND NO/1 00 ------------------ olta:s !s 38.900.00 �,
<br /> , .�� the��recelpt-ol which fe��hereby acknowladged, do_by��theee preeenta �mortgaqe�and warrcat�unto �aald mortgagee,��iU�succeseora aad��
<br /> �.assEgn:r, foreder, al! the tattowtaq deacribed reat eetate, eituated in the county ot Ha� �_ �
<br /> �� arid-Slate of'Nebra�ka.�to-wtt: ��:�'. . . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .� ��' ,
<br /> :,. � ' �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> ;_ ;i .
<br /> �� � � � � �
<br /> 3
<br /> ? jf� :Togeth¢r�with all heatiaq, lighting, and plumbinq equipmeat and fiauzea,includinq atokem and burnera,acreens, awninqs,srorm windowa
<br /> � � and���doors, and wiadow sSadee or blindn, uaed on or in rnn»ectioa with naid property, whethei the aame are now located ou eaid property.
<br /> �or herealter placed tbereon.
<br /> f �� TO.�HAVE AND TO�HOLD THE SANIE:, together wilh all and eingular the tenements,hereditamenta and appurteaances thereunto belonq- S� . �
<br /> � iag,or in anywise appertaining,}orever,�d warrant the title to the same. Said mortgagor 5 hereby covenan� with said mortgaqee ��
<br /> .� that�—the_�_ a�re �the dalivery hereof, the lawtul owner 5 of the premise: above conveyed ax�d deoccibed, and _ a�P.
<br /> ij �seized�of a�good and indefeasible estato ot inherltance therein, iree and clear ot al] eacumbrancee, and that t he.�_will war:ant and
<br /> i '�3 .deiond.the title therato torever cg¢iast the eloims and demanda of all persons whamsoevez. � �
<br /> �PROVIDED ALWAYS, and thls�instrumeal.is execu(ed and delivered to secure the paymeat o! tlte aum of
<br /> ' THIRTY-EI6HT THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED AND NO/100 ------------------ 38,900.00 ,
<br /> nollara (S_ �
<br /> j. ��mzth.iatereat theroon, together with such charges.aad advaaces as may be due and payable to aaid mortgagee under tbe tezuu and .. �
<br /> t �. conditions of the protniasory aote of even date harewith and secured herebp,eseeutad by eaid mortgagors to said mortqagee.payable � � �
<br /> ' 3 �as�expreseed in said note, and to eeeure the performance ot all the terms and conditiona.eontaiaed�therein.� The�terms of said note are � � �
<br /> B � � hereby incotpoxated herein by this zetereaae. � �. � � � � �� � . . � . � . � . �
<br /> �It ie the inteation and.aqreement of ehe parties herero that this mor�gage� ahall also aecure any tutuze advaacee made to said � �
<br /> � . . . � . . � . � . ,
<br /> i ��mortqagor 5 by eald mortgagee, and any and ali indebtednean In additioa to the amount above a�aiad which said mortgaqora, or any� �� � � �
<br /> ! � of.them, may owe to said mortgagee, however evidenced wheihez by aote,book acwunl or othezwise. Thia mortgage ahall remain ia full . . � � .
<br /> � forca��and efieet between�the�parNes.�hereto and their hairs, persox�at :epreeentatives.� aucceawra aad aasigna, uatil all amouaW secured � � � � � ��
<br /> hereunder,includIag tuture odvances,�are paid in tull with interest. . � � � �
<br /> ` ,:. . �.., � �. . . . . � � . . � . �
<br /> The mortgagor S����hereby�muir�r��_to said.mortqagee all zente and incoma�arising at any.and all�.timee from said�pzoperty �d t � �
<br /> x hezeby authozize said�martgagee or ita ageat.�at ita oprion, upoa delault, to take ch�ge of eaid praperty aad eollec�aU zeats aad income T� . '
<br /> # therefrom nnd apply the emae to tke payment of inte[eeC priacipal..�lnsurance�premiuma, tazes,asseesments,repaire or improvementa aece�- . . � . . .
<br /> sary to keep said yroperty in tenaat¢ble croadition, or to o�her chargee or paymaNs provided fpr herein ar Sn the note hereby aeeured. This � . .
<br /> � rent�aastgnment ahall contfnue ia force until the unpaid balanee o2 eaid note is fully paid. Tne taktng ot possesaion hereuadez ahaB ia no � �
<br /> manner preveat.or retard.said morigagee in the mlleetion oi aaid eums by toreclosure or otherwiee.
<br /> j ��� �7�e f y of ite rightn hereuader.at any tlmo shall aot be coastrued as a waivo�o!its sigLt to msert �
<br /> the'eame and enforce atrict rnmpliance with aII thu.terme.and prcvisions of said aote and ot. ihis �
<br /> moztgcge.�{ , . . . . � , . . .� � � � .
<br /> 8
<br /> �� � � 2f aat � � ��� � � ��� � '=3 to saf3 mortqagea tha entire�ntount due it heceunnei,cud under the wzma uad provuions . .
<br /> .�of aaid aote�. eteby�acvre ,Sa udinq fuhue-advancem.and aay extenaione�or reaewala thereof in accordaace with the.ternu and pzovietons � � � �
<br /> theieoS.end if���aald moctqagor�,5��Lall co.mply wfth a71 tha provlsions oi eaid aote�d of this mortgage, t6en these preeente ahall be votd; � . t
<br /> � Y otherwiee to zemaia!n�full lorce and�oHect,cmd.�atd�aortgagee��eholl be�atltled to ths poaae�eiop�of all ot said groyerty,�and may, at�ib � �
<br /> aption. declaze��the whole��ot.said aote and�a31 iadebtedoeu zepze�ented therebp tobe immedlalely due aad�payabie,and mcry fozeclow thia � �
<br /> moclqaqe Az 1a1ce aay�oihar,legal.adion to�prolect.ib-:righ4-�d irom the date ot �ueh�delault�all items of�indabt�dne�a secured�haraby �""� � '�a°•,
<br /> , % ahvll draw iautrest at�B.Bnt�Der�num. ��?lPPzai�ement walved. � . � ;. . . . .. � . . .., �-� � .�; ��' . :
<br /> �'f p
<br /> , � T1aL moztqnge ihall be bindiaq'.upon and ahall anur� to tLs 2»nellt�d the hsin, e:scutors,admlaSatratora,suceessors and assigns ot � �" `�(
<br /> i t6e ro�poctive-Partlr he[elo. . �:�. :.. .. �. ... .� .. . . . t �-
<br /> 1N WiT�S 1�F. �Id��Moct r.s h., ve r r � '��t<.
<br /> �ltt�. , 9ago. h�raunto ut � f11E. �_ltaad....S.._ihe and � .
<br /> . day yacr li�et abore . ���^
<br /> �t .. .. . . � : .�. . � � � . � . . � .
<br /> ����� � ��-�..�..'''--� {�^ir'_�'.�_e � :�"/. 7��,. �'
<br /> Fh:�1lp , ,,_ Kraeser Cheryi . Krieser
<br /> - � �
<br /> �
<br />� �
<br />