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<br />� � ,
<br />�. { ;�y_;�
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASI�A, Coimty of ....................................................: �
<br /> Filed:for record on ....:.......:. �.........., 19........ at............................ o'elock ........................ M.
<br /> and recorded in the I)eed Record ......:.......................... Page .............................
<br /> $'f�l'C7dENT �i7fi11Ci�
<br /> .......... ........ ....... ......... ....:........... sy .........,.................................�.�...._.
<br /> Ite�ister of Deeds Deputy Registe o�BBJ�A6KA faOGUMEf�1TARY
<br /> STAMP TAX
<br /> � 77- [?03715 SURVIVORSH�� WARRANTY DE D �u�. e ��77 �
<br /> Neil E. Axberg and Marsha J. Axberg, Husband & Wife _� p� �/�����
<br /> $uc�s,�BY-�x�-
<br /> r
<br /> ` herein called the
<br /> , grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of $75,000.00 (Seventy five thousand 2nd no/100--------�----------}
<br /> received from gruntees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto
<br /> Richard E. Reeder and Coru7ie J. Reeder, Husband and Wife
<br /> as joint tenattts with ri�lit of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following deseribed real
<br /> � property in ........13a1.]............................................... Gounty, NeUraska:
<br /> The South 610.65 Feet of the Southea.st Quarter of the Nartheast Quarter {SE�NE'�) of Section
<br /> Nineteen (19), Township Ten (10) North, Fiange Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Excepting
<br /> ZYzerefY�om the Union Pacific Railroad Comapny's Right of Way extending in a Southwesterly
<br /> direction throug� sa3d tract; and also excepting therefrom that part thereof heretofore
<br /> + conveyed to the State of Nebraska by Quit Claim II,�ed recorded in Book 81, at Page 124, of the
<br /> T�ed records of Hal1 County, Nebraska.
<br /> January 24, 1960, at 8:00 A.M.,
<br /> This abstraet is extended on this da.te to cover the South 610.65 feet of the Southeast
<br /> Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE�r,NF}4) o£ Section Nineteen (19), Township Ten (10) North,
<br /> Rang� Eleven (11) West of the 6th P.M., Excepting trierefrom the Union Pacific Rail.road
<br /> Compar�,y's`Right o£ Way extending in a Southwesterly direction throu�i said tract; and
<br /> � exceoting therefrom that part thereof conveyed to the State of Nebraska by Quit C1aim Deed
<br /> � '• recorded in Book 81, at Page 124, and by Warranty Deed recorded in Book 122 at Page 355 of
<br /> the De�d Records of Hall Countv, Nebraska, and also excepting therefY�om that n thereo�
<br /> convey t IVewe Hoha�,� d ��7 saN c b W t Deed c ed in ok 1 �at pa� 47,
<br /> �o �iave an�to bal"d-t�e aGaQve d�sQe��� p�-'em���ther wi k�i a��enemen�here�EamenEa
<br /> and appurtennnces Lhereto belon�ing unto t}ze grantees and to their assigns, or to the heira a�ad assigne
<br /> of the survivor of them forever.
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant �ith the grantees and with their assigns and with the haira
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is la�vfuIIy seised of said pre.mises; that they are free from
<br /> enenmbrance except ease�nts and restrictions of record
<br /> that grantor has good rig}it anc.i lawful authority to couvey tl�e saine; and that �rantor warrants and will
<br /> defend tl�e title to said premises against the larvful claiir�s of all persons whoznsoever.
<br /> It is the intention of all parties hereto that in the event of the dextli of either of the granteea,
<br /> the entire fee title tu this real prope•rtv chrtll vert in the survivin� �rt3ntee.
<br /> Dated Ju1y 1 19 77
<br /> h , ���]/J ,. �
<br /> .. ..:....................................................................... .....�.1.�..:-..f.%..�..........�;.
<br /> : -•......Neil E. �berg ....... ................
<br /> :. �:-'f't2��2�-��-�...... .......... ���z.
<br /> .. .. .... ... .......................................... < U
<br /> Nfarsha �7.....Axberg '
<br /> + STATE OF .........Nebr2sK3................................ County of ...........................Hall.............._..
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came
<br /> Neil E. Axberg and Marsha J. Axberg, ea.ch in his and her own rig�ts and as spouse
<br /> of each other.
<br /> t
<br /> �f
<br /> � ��� .i, : �. �� � � � �
<br /> ; kpown;to me to:be the it�entical persan or persons who signed the foregoSng instrnment and acknowledged - � . -�
<br /> �4
<br /> the ea�eution'thereof to be his,her or their voluntt�iy set and deed.
<br /> ,� , Witness my hand and notarial seal on ..�.... ...... .. ......_...sJ.U.�3'•...�..............., 19..Z_7.......... J � ���,,
<br /> i .� �� ,,. �. . . � . .� �,.�/ ' . �,�3
<br /> % GBIEIaI�wMNraw ....... .C".7�1'!'�r?......�../.1.:....�u'�.-?.Z�J�l`.r.�f! Notary Public > ', '
<br /> .�� ..... ......__.
<br /> � � ���►•QtR��t9e6 „ / 1'� � �
<br /> ' , 1Viy ��mmisRion expireg ....,.,,�"./..Y.:..............:...... 79..li_..�.....
<br /> Fan3� 4.2 To be a a ioveti �
<br /> ' � . � t^, . c�564CI8t10L Fdton.e Wolf(b..TSaaoin.Kebr. . .
<br /> '.��a by lnbrfl5ka State liaz'...,..�_� . _._ ._.._._ __
<br /> c�S' Lhc; t�d xe�c�rc�s oz Ha11 C;ounty, i�}ebraska,
<br /> ONL,Y �
<br />� ,
<br />