<br />�- , .�
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<br /> �..�.�:
<br /> � � MORTGAGE-�a^aviaga.aad Loaa Form—(Direct�Credit Plaa)�255-2 (Spacid) � � � � �
<br /> U 0 3 6 9 5 MORTGAGE
<br /> � ��4� . . � � � � � � Loan No �
<br /> � 1°��.� . . SHIS INDENTtJH£, made thia �� 29fh� .�..aQp ot ..�Jiin2,. . .79�.bp�.and�beMeea I
<br /> �
<br /> JOHN+DIGK 'ZLOMKE, a single p_erson
<br /> ;
<br /> �, , � �o� ���'11 � �� � County,�Nebraslca,as mortgagoz__..,aad Homs Fedexal Savinge�aad I.oan Assa$atioa of Grand Iil�d,� ` .����
<br /> �a cozporatioa orgaa3zed tmd eziaNnq�uader the�lawa ot Nebraaka�withlb prindpal otflce�d plaee.o!bueineu at Gzw3�Ielamd�Nebmrlca, �
<br /> �.:..m mottqa4ee:.�. � � . . . . . . . .. . . .
<br /> �:.� WITNESSETH:. That s�ad morigagor_, fur and fa coneidexation of the sum of � � � � .
<br /> `EIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100-------------------------- va:s ca �5,800.00 ,
<br /> � ����Ute recelpt���of�whieh�ie�hereby aclmowledged,doeS� bp�theee preaeats mortgage and �w�rcmt unto wid mortgagea,.�ite succenaors mid�'
<br /> � ��aastqw,losever,�all the followiag desaribed zeal eetate, situated !n the county ot � H811� � � � �
<br /> � ..:�and Sta}e�of�.Nebsa�ica,to-wik. . . . . . . . � .. � ... � r
<br /> � �
<br /> i
<br /> i . F �?ogether wfth ali heaHag, llghtinq, and plumbing eguipment aad fixturea,iucluding�tokera�aad burnezs,sereens,awninqs,atozm windowe��
<br /> ��d�doore, and window ehadea or blinds, uaed oa or in eommectioa with eaid property,whether the same are now located on eaid properip .
<br /> . . or hozeafter plaeed thereoa. �
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together wtth all cmd aungular the tenemenb,bereditamentn aad appurtenaaoea thereuato beloag• �
<br /> lnq,or in aaywise appertainiaq, forever,aad manaat the Htle to the s�e. Said mortqagor_ hereby mvenant S_ with w[d mortgaqee �
<br /> . that—�e—— iS vl the delivery hereof, the lawtul ownez—of the premiee�above waveyed�d deseribed,and� LS �
<br /> salzed of a qood aad indateaaible estate ot inheritance thereia, tree and cleaz ot all eacumbr�ces,and that _�e—wii! waczmt �d .
<br /> defead the tllle thereto forever aqaiast the daims and demanda of all persons whomeoever. �
<br /> PROVIDED ALWAYS, ax�d this inetrumeat Ss executed and dallvered to aecu:e tLe paymeat ot the sum of
<br /> „ s FIFTEEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND NO/100-----�------------------nollara (s 15,800.00 �
<br /> .�4 �.with intereat thereon, together with sueh chargee and advaacea as may be due �d payable to said mortgagee under the terms and ,
<br /> . waditions of the promisaory note o! even datn Lerewith and necured hereby,executed bp eaid mortgagor_to smd mortgaqee,payable ��
<br /> aa ezpzeesed ia aaid note, and to eeeure the perform�ee of all the terms aad coadltlona caataiaed therefa. � The ternv of said note are �
<br /> � hereby�tacorpozated herein by thie referaace. � �� . �
<br /> � It L the SnteaHon and agceemeat of the pm'ties hereto that this mortqage ahali alao aecure aay future advaaces made� to wid -
<br /> ' . mortqaqor_ by add mortgaqee,md any and all iadebtedneee ia additton to tha�ount above Mated whlch said moriqaqora, or.miy � � �
<br /> . �oi them, map owe to said mostgagee, howevez evidenced whether bp aota,book aecount oz otherwise. This morigage shall remain Sa full .�
<br /> � � force.and.eftect betweea the parttes herew and thafr heirs, pereonal zeprane¢tatives, euecessoza and assigne, until all amouata recu:ed � �
<br /> hereunder,iacludiag�future advancea,are paid In full with iateteat � �� . . � �
<br /> . � The��mortqagor_hereby asetgx�.s to said mortgagee all reate aad lncoma mieinq at aap aad all times trom said property.�d .
<br /> hereby wtLozize aaid mortgagee or its ageat, at ib opHon, upoa defauIt,to take eharge of aaid propertp and cotlect all renta and Sncome � � � � -
<br /> � � therefzom and apply the same to the paymeat ol intere�6 prIndpal,iaeuraace pxemlums,tcaea, assessmeats, sepmra or improvement�aeeee- �
<br /> sary to keep aaSd p:operty io tenantable conditlon, or to other chazge�w paymeat�provldod tor harein or fn the note�herebp secured, Thia .� �, . �
<br /> . reat aselq¢meat ehall eontinue ia loree untll tk�e uapaid balunee oi said aote Sa iulip paid The taking of poaeeasion hareunder shall in ao �
<br /> manaez yrevent or ret�d said morigaqea ?n tho eolleetlon o!amd sume by lorecloevze or otherwiae. � ��
<br /> �' The IcSlure ot the mortqagae to.caeaxi�y of itw flghie�hereucdar at anp time ahall not be co�n�trued aa a wa3v�r of its right to aseert � � � �
<br /> j. t tho�mae at aay later time, axid„to ino[�t..vpoa and enforce-etrict compliaace wfth all the terma �d pzovfaloae ot eaid nole amd of this � . .. .
<br /> S �mottqaqa•. . :� .. , . .� .- .. . . � . .
<br /> � H tald mortgaqor_ahall cauae to be pafd to said mortqagee the entire amount due it Lezaunder,and under the terms and provision�
<br /> ; ot s�id aote.hezeby aacqred inc:u3iag futura adraaces,aad myexieasSona oz reaewaL thereot in accozdance with ihe teams.aad pmvisionr
<br /> ' ,Sj thereoi.md ii smd.martqaq�_ehall�mply with a11 tha provLioas ot wid note�d od this mortgage,thea the�e preeeats ehall be void;
<br /> �otherwise to�-remata la�.tull.foree aad effeet,.and e�d mottqages�hall be entitled to the poeseesioa o!�all ot said propertp,cmd may,at ita �
<br /> " � � �optloa,dxlare�ihe w5ole oi aatd aote�aad�all tadebtadness repre�sntad thareby�to-be Immediataly duo�d�payable,aad may�foreclose this � ji �
<br /> monqags or:take aap other leqal aeiioa.to proteet!ta.riqh4 �d from the dats a�aueh detault all items o! iadebtadness �ecvred herebp � y ^ ,"� �
<br /> �ehall�aw intare�t�nl�� paz aaaum. .Apptaisement walvad. . . . � �w�,,
<br /> , ���. __ .� . . .. .. - .. s,� � y�u„ .
<br /> ThL mottgaqe shaA be�btndlaq upoa aad Yhall anucs to�!hs b�ae#t oI ths hein.azeeuton, admiaiatraton,aucreuors aad aaeiqns of � y,
<br /> the reapeettvo pa:lfe�LsreW. '
<br /> Ft sk
<br /> � 4 . �.�. IH WITNESS WFIEREOP, wid Mort os *a-5 h�rsuato ��t s �. . � �_ih��d � . . . . . � �. �
<br /> gaq . ap and itrst above ,����"=
<br /> . writHa. - �. . .. ' � �.
<br /> � i "�\ J � ,p�J�y.=�'
<br /> John Dick Zlomke, a sirigle person ��'
<br /> �> �
<br />