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<br /> -� � ��� f .62%Z--SECOND..R�EAL.ESTATE MORTQAGE Witb T8x Clause � � Th H ftms Generul Supply Houea, La 1 Aubr [ �
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<br /> �� ;x I ' � � � KNOW��ALL MEN�BY THESE PRESENTS: � � ��?
<br /> ` �i
<br /> , �E THAT I or WE, Rurt G. Enyeert and Gloria M. Enyeart, husband and vife, - pc{ '
<br /> Ps . . � . . .. . . .. . . . � . . .f ���:
<br /> r ;� of Hall Co:cnEy and State of Nebraacka ,in consideration of t/se suon of { �`
<br /> : � � � � ��
<br /> I� �, , � � '..
<br /> h �� One Thoueaad and No/100______________________-____-----($I,OOt3.00)----_-__-^�- _DOLL.4RS � �_
<br /> �• �
<br /> ? �` in hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONT�EY a�nto Da-Ly Reelty and Insurence Inc.
<br /> ' f Sf �
<br /> � � - , (mortgagee), � [a
<br /> F+ � of . Ball County,¢sed State of Nebraeka , the followsseg desc7ibed presrnses f '
<br /> � 'a stituated�i�e ��Hal1 � ���Co:+nty,�and�State of Nebra'aka � to-wit: �i� �
<br /> < x: � }
<br /> � � g� �
<br /> Lot Trro (2). Alexender Second Subdivison, in Tkse City of Grand Island, Ha11
<br /> '� ! Countq, Nebreske. � ',
<br /> �� �� � � � � � �� ,
<br /> ; �' y�( �� � G�
<br /> E.� F: 1 � . . � . . � . � . � � �. ;1
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<br /> �; � j
<br /> a �� p ,
<br /> f{ C The intentson beixg to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the rights of hon:estead and dower t1 '
<br /> � �j � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises aGove described,uritk all the appurten¢xces thereunto belonging :anto 1 .
<br /> ;j � the safd mortgagee or mortgagees and to h:s, her or their heirs and as.signs, forever,prozrided olze�ays,axd these pres--j ;i
<br /> � i; � ¢nts are u¢on the express condition tlaat tif the said�nortgagor or »aortgagors, his, her or their heirs, executors, admin i �!
<br /> �; utrators or assigns sh¢ll pay or caacse to be paid to the said mortgagee or morig¢gees and to his, her or their hefrs, ex � ,;
<br /> i f r ecutors, administrators or assigns, t�4e sum of ane Thouaend end ao/100 ;� ,
<br /> �
<br /> ' '� �f � Dollars, pay¢ble as follows, to-zvat: dr �
<br /> ,; �� t $IOO.00 per �nth with the first peymeat to be Septembar 1,1977 and a like asonnt � k,
<br /> ; �j • the firat day of eech month until �he full amouat of principnl plua interest at � ;
<br /> i �� , 10� is paid ia £ull. , ,
<br /> ; 3; � � ;i
<br /> , G :
<br /> � P� �. . � . . . � . . � - � � .
<br /> ' �� � � � � � s a1
<br /> � !� i � � . � . � . 1
<br /> ` '' ? with interzst thereon at 10 per cent per anxum, payablea8 4�v� annually, according to the tenor and e�ect o� j ;�
<br /> �� ; the pro�nusory note with interest coupons attached of said Mortgagors, bearing even date with these pres � i
<br /> I; ` ents,and shald pay a11 tases and any interest on, or maturing instaldmesits of princi¢at, due on a�y prior onortgage and i :
<br /> ' + � assessmeats levied upnx said real estate and all other taxes, ievies and assess»eents levied upon this naortgage or thc
<br /> G ` �� : note which this mortgage is given to secure, befose tke same becomes detinquent and keep the buildings on sasd �
<br /> � �� � premues tins�cred for!he sum$40�00O.00loss, if any, payable to such first mortgagees or this mortgagec, or Uoth i
<br /> s �� then these presents be void, otherzerise to be and re�win in fu[1 force. i
<br /> �x IT IS FURTHER AGREED jz) That,if the said naostgagor slut?l fai! to pay such taxes and sudi interest on, y
<br /> ;i � or matrsring installments of¢rincipal,du8��it=tnty.pf'ior;mortgage gnd.procure sucls insurance, then this mortgayee�xay
<br /> �; � pay such taxes and such interest on,or mats4ring snstalim,ents of princspal, due on such ¢rior mortgage and �rocare # `
<br /> � " �! 1 such'insurance; and the sum so advaxced�vitk'interest.at:nixe per cent shal!be Qaid by said�nortgagor, and this mort i ;i
<br /> i- s: } gage shall stand as security for the saane. (a)-That a failu�e to pay any af said qxoney,either principal or interest on � :
<br /> �1 � this nr any prior mortgage, wken tke sarne becomes due or a failure to com�ly¢crith ¢.n�� of Rhe foregoing ngreen�e�ts, '
<br /> " 3� shall cause the whole su»� of money herein secured to beto»ae due a�d collectable at once at the o¢tion of the mort �
<br /> s I} � gagee. �
<br /> S `. lu � :� IT IS� FURTHER AGREED�That�saSd +nortgagee,�yendixg foreclosuse�of�this�mortgage dnd after�decree and � � � 4
<br /> �, � ¢ending stay tkereon os a¢¢eal therefrom and¢endsng sale of presnises »wrtgaged, �y pdy;�,kh auxes ¢t�d matunng , � - �3
<br /> � '} � sxterest or maruriny;insrallmenrs of przncipat, on prior mortgoyes, prarure such snsurance and such sums shall be ' " + �°
<br /> ; .._
<br /> ' �` � added to t/te atixosent due on decree and upon corafir»�ation of sale by the court ordered taken out of prcceeds of sale � M �'
<br /> �{ � or if redeemed during stay, aypeal or sale,,suck amounts shall be collected the sanie as thoaigh it 2aere a fi¢rt of s3ich r��ik
<br /> � ..;-�� ( deeree. ' i:
<br /> ) � Sigsae hrs 18 ay of ,TulY , 19 77 � •:�'A
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