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�.�,� <br /> ' g`f. <br />��.o,,'��, � � ��� . . <br />�: � :���.� <br />�� <br /> � 77� U Oa�G S�a� SECOND ��� 1 `i.1��3� r.,����,�,i�u,•, in �>, � <br /> TIL�I¢ �IZ�1eritUCC� ASudo• �nd F:xrc;ut�d u,ir 24th �i��> ��r June n i> 77 <br /> ny ana b���w���, Myrtle A. Schuiz <br /> � . . . .. . � . �, . . .. . . pur�y uf tha iir�t pnr�t, � � . . � <br /> p�d Robert...1]..: .�' VanLeex�, Husband & Wife �,,,��y„r Ihe xi•rond i�„r�. <br /> � � WTTNFSSF.Tfd; thnt the auld pnr4y of thc flrat pnrt, for xnd !n consl�lvrnllon of ($2�7��.��..... .. . � .`I'WO 'tl"i0U3riC� � � <br /> � s.even: hundred.; and..:ns�/,.7..Q0 --- ---- -- --------- <br /> . .. ..... , .. . . . ....._... .. ._ . _.....Z�qI.S.ARS, iinld hy xxld pnrly o( thc <br /> Oecond part, the recrlpt whereol Is�hereby ackn�,wle.lgi.�l, hus �,ranted, bargufnvd, e��3d Finci com•rycd, nnd by theac prrvo�aLy, <br /> � �.doea grant.'bargaln. ecp and�com�ey, unto eui.l party ut lhe si�cond ��art. the [ullowing Jrscrlbed rra] property silunte In�thc . <br /> `��.. �County of��� � Ha'll... . . . . � ._.:�and 8[atc �,f Nebrsaka, to-wit: . . . <br /> ; Lot Eleven (11) , in, Bl.ock Two (2.) �,n_Da.le .R.oush .Secorid _Subdivision inthe <br /> ;, E� SW� of'_Section 14,.:.Township 11 North,. Hange. 1Q West of the 6th P.M. <br /> ...:............ .__ . ._. .___ .. ,. ...... . ..._ ._. ..... .__ _ . __ . . _ _......__ <br /> logether wilh all Uie lenr.menta, heredllamente und appuricnnnces W lhc Hnmc bclon€ro�, an�.l al1 thc rstutc, �iUc,��luwcr . . � � � � <br /> i � rlght ol liomuateud, clalma anA dernnnda whata��ever ot lhe sald pnrty ot the flrat parl uf, in or to �uld pmmlycs nr eun• part, � � <br /> �. lhareof; ancl eatd perty of lhe Arnt part doea here�y covennnt, thn[auW ynriy uf the flret pnrt Is lawf�lly xctzcJ ot naiil pn�m- �� � � :� <br /> � �ets,that eald premiaea are frce (rom ineumbrenr.e snd fhat saldprcrty cs! U�e tlrat pnrt wlit wesr pnt a id drfen i the fitle tc s� L . . <br /> premlaes aga�nst tlie Inw(ul claiine and dem�n at al ereona whomnoevcr, 2XC2pt a firs� mor�gage a� `�irst <br /> Savin s, Grand Island, Ne�ras�a. <br /> �:PROVIO�D AL.K'AY3, and lhese preeenta arc upon thene condfUons: � � <br /> - � � � WFiER�A9, anld party o!the�flret part hae execuled arxl dellvered to the snld pnrty o(the second pnrt � . � . . <br /> ` pro�,iasorynoc� _of even date_ in t:�z_.amount .of_ $2,700.OQ with monthly payments of <br /> $.5Z..0�4_be.ginning_.the ..f'irst .day o.f posssssion date_, being paid directly to <br /> , the sEllers account and sent to the First. Nati.9z'za1 Bank, Fullerton, Nebraska, <br /> with the secor�d and_.t.hereai'ter monthly payments_ b.eing made_ the first day af <br /> � ; . e.ach month,.b.eginning August l, 1977 , for a period of_ fiye, ,years at 9 3/4% <br /> .....�nterest. ............ ..._ . _ __._ . . .. __ . . <br /> nnd wherene, the pariy of Lhe tlrol part liae ngreed !o keop tho bui�Jingn, lf nny. upnn vulJ prenils��s, in.�urvd in y��n�r c„nr � � <br /> �Sany w ci�rn}runlex approveJ by euld ynrty o((he ea•cuud purt. (or thie IUII 1t1411PlIIlil`\'lIIIIC il�:':ilil.i(IIItiY by iire nnd«ind.tin ni w�th <br /> rxt�ndr.d covcrnge and depver to xnl,l parly of lhe acc�ind parl thc pullcy ur p.illries cuntulnlnA u stnn�3nrA inurtl::i�;r i•Inu�:i• ����ih . . . . .� <br /> �� lhe�loae puyab)c to anid party ot lhe aecond purt. or easigns,unJ has nF;rcrJ tn �uiy n❑ tnxrs nnd nssrssn�ent��ng:i�n.:i..a:,f �nriu- .� . . <br /> Isea'��befurc thc aamc, by law, become delinyuen;, �and hns agr�•o�l thnt if snid pnrt�• ��(Ihc flrst pnrl Jur.a n�,t �n�,rlur xu�•h � . . . <br /> lnsutnnce, pt' falla tq pay�all tnxex rts aforrsnld, then snid party af the scco�id part, or holder hereof, mnq fx�p.�urh in:;ur:incr � : � � <br /> end��taxes, or either or them, und all amounts so pnid by euld pnrty ut the seccmd pt�rt atuill benr Inlerrst ut thr ui:o n: � . <br /> per cent per unnum 7rom the dato of peyment, and Lhia mnrtguge shali staind as security therefor, and s.u1 +um m:ip br � <br /> . udded to the mm�imt of the mortgage debt, nnd thr x�.mc rrcovered us n purt thrrruC. D.ow, i! tha snld pnrt� nC Ih<• !1i�.,t �c�rt �. . <br /> � ^ � ahnlL well and tnily puy or caus�to be pu1J the said xum of muncy in sniil notr_.._.....,montluned. with intcrr.vt theroon urcnrd- , � .. <br /> � ,,. �� the lr,nor nnd eRcM c�f nnld nnlc....._....and ehu�l kccp niiid buil�hn�;a inaurci! ns nturosni�l, an�l vhnli Ic�•r� ��il t,�xcv nmi . � . <br /> ��.�. � aaecnamentn pnid, and ahnit duly kce�y, Einal per(urm ull thc olhcr cn�c.n.inta und nqrccmrntn hcr<•in cnntninr.J lhrn tho,o . . <br /> �prexrnla to b� null nnd vold. Rut If v:iid euni o( mnn�•y ur nny pnrt th. .uf. nr nny intcrc.vt lNrro.�n. ia nul pnl�l Hhen tl r r m;r <br /> ' �� In�dUc..or It aald bWldinga ehnll nut bu krpt lnvurcJ un nf��rov:il.i nr f( t.hc tuxas und n�ar+�nirntn ngnlnst a.nJ p�rn�i.�vv :u•,• . � . . . <br /> ��n�C�Pald at.or Lefore lhe time the name become by law Aellf�quent, or I[ xuid F,nrty of thr tlrat purt sli,ill hi:l ;n kaop :�n,f . <br /> � ����pePt�rm any.covrnante hercln contelned the hnlder her��u!vhult h:ivrt thc nptlnn to Jcrtarc thr whulc of snld in�lrbtrdm�s du�•:cn�l . . .. .. . <br /> � . paynble ut uny 11me afler xuch Isllw�e or de(uult. nnd mny nuitn tuln un nr�fon nt Inw��r rquity tu recover the.�+�ni��,:�uil thi•r��n, � � .. <br /> � tnenceinenl..o!e�ueh acliun ahall be the c�nly noticr. o/ lhe exerclse uf nnld option required. � <br /> � .AND.�IT IS FIIItTHER PROVZDb:U ANf>ACKEE!), Thnt thc vaid M.>rtp�nqor shall and will pny nll tnrca lc��iod u{a,n thic �. . . � . <br /> �mortgage or lhe debt xecured thFret�Y, together wlth uny olher lnxrs or xascas�uculs whlch mny Gr Irvi��.f unJcr lh.• I.��ti�s ,d , . . . � <br /> ��` Nebraska, agalnat the saW Mortgngen or the legal hulder of tho n¢Id prfn�dpal nnlc__... ..un uccount at Uiis 1ncleMoJneva . � � . � <br /> �. � AND 1T 1S FURTkiER F'ROVIDF:D AND AGRSP.P, that the undcr 6i d At��rt u�;ors o �nt xn�l b �tiith the�fortE:uti<'. �� � � . . . <br /> Ihut onr nf thr� condi�iuns for uking Ihis loun is thul the Murlgutiur.� f nd irl �unl� i . i. wn nn�i�ncc�.i�,� !h��roul r.l:.t�� . . . . <br /> . hercin den�ribed i,s thc prrsunal n[vaic dwvll�ng o! th�• iwri�;u� r s� 1� � n. Ih rz t�;u�,� i J Ih�,• sxid noti <�� rJ hrrc�t.�. . . . <br /> uny pert �herenl, rcmnins unp niS,1�ut uny umc, whilr Ihe m 6� F. � (f -.i anil�ho n ir�for which Ih�s m I � o�. • . � � . <br /> � Reeurity.�u any.pert thereu[, rrmoins unpeiA. Ihr undr+signrd ��1� t�o{;o� ...11 �un�op iho reul cst.�tc h<•n.i 1 ibc���,�u�r��. �� . . <br /> purt thcrrnl, or the Mortguqore: do not huve or ccuve t� ho e nel. tn �d ros�lrr.tul�- or �nY V+'rt �he•rco!r, � . t�pera��:�aily � . � <br /> uccupy lho 5a�d eal�eatete u9..i1u o ivale d:vell�np [ U- uidur+i�no�i��thrn und in uny �u�h r�••nts, iho AI� t�, N1.nt ��� <br /> oV��nn, declure Ihe unpaid.ormcive� ba�ener, und, of thr noto nuur�d hureby �m�din�rly Auie unJp..v��le. . � � � <br /> ; �Jn �e�timanp �9fjereort, _ _. _ _ _ <br /> _ __....... _ ._. _._ _ _ �.. _ _ � <br /> t .__... .IN PRESEI�CE OF_..... ... . ._ .. . . . .... . . .. <br /> _... ....... .. <br /> � /:��"�/"//��G� _. ��". .,`.'J . . .. <br /> � � � . . / �\ � . . <br /> .., fi'CATF: ON' NF;P.RA3KA, 'N On th18 .. . . . 2�t1"1. . duy o( . . JUY1G� .. . A. D. 1P 77 . <br /> .v <br /> Cuu+ity �rf hd�.l. ._.j Defore mr, x Nulnry Z'Ublir !n at�.1 fur ihe uni�i CounCy j��ersun��lly roirue thc r�tx�vc <br /> nnmed Myrtl2 A. Schu12 <br /> . -_ �,.,, <br /> , .. � � � . . . _ , �. ..._ . .. . . ..wl�itr 1S _. _ peru�nnlly knoun (n nie "^"v,� <br /> $�, <br /> � �� to he thr t�lcnticnl peraon whuae nnnu• .�S ptfixed to thr nlxn•i�Irielrum.�nt � �'� ' . <br /> ��] as grwntor and acknowteilged snid instrumcnt to hc . . h�-'Y'. . . voluntnry ect nnd deed. . � '�, <br /> � ' ,�y : <br /> . .. . WI1'NESS my hnnd iind Notarinl Senl the dale I:�st:+loresnid. :��<<�.: <br /> % ,�' :%7���` �� <br /> .--,<.��c�7?L c=�v�Z-c.,�� <br /> . . . . � .� . .. �f �/,?�/ / ...... Nutnry FZibllc. . ' � . <br /> My,commission.explrea � (,�;y) .�Y�. ! 7 Q� . . � _ .. _. . . � �� <br />� � . ... � . . � <br /> . . . . . . .. . .... .. . .. . �_ <br />