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s�>. <br /> ri � ; ;vs <br /> : � � <br />�_ � `� <br /> ;, <br /> �� , . �� <br /> 9� . . . — � <br /> : . - ?7- � 03650 <br /> _ 2 _ <br /> 7 . D`terminacion of �our_daries : <br /> The Lessor shall havE the right , on � raason�ble basis , to <br /> � determine the boundaries be�ween the Lessee and his neighbors <br /> if tho Lessee and his ne7�ghbors cannot agree �o such boundary <br /> Iin� . The laice �ro.t boundary of i;he leaseci premises shall be <br /> � o the water line as the same m�y exist �rom � im� to tir:.e with <br /> � cnanges in �he water Ievel of the la:ie . The bounctary line c•� <br /> �P ', ` tY.e 1e� sed premises abutting tl-.� Lessor ' s com-non roads shall <br /> ; <br /> b� as reason�'.aly deter.r.ined by the Lessor . <br /> , <br /> 8 . � eaaeL- ul �oss � ssion : <br /> As iong as Lessee con�orms witlz �h� reauir�ments binding upon <br /> him in th�. s lease agreerner.t , �he Lessee shall peaceful <br /> possession of the leased premises . <br /> 9 . Ir::brovemcnts : <br /> , The Lessee shall 'xeep the leased pre:nises in a neat and clean <br /> con�ition at all times and shali keep all improvements o:� the <br /> i leased premises in a good condition o� repair . <br /> i <br /> 10 . Aba:zdor_ri�nt : <br /> � TY�.e L �ssee agrees not to ai�andon tne leased premises . <br /> 'f 11 . �ccess for instullina utilitY lines : <br /> 'Tl-.e Lessor reserves tn� riqht to com.= upon the leas �d premises <br /> ` � or installation of unc�erground or above grounn utility lines <br /> ar.d the mahing o� necessary repairs or improvements to or <br /> abutting �he 1 �ased prernises . Th� Lessor �qrees to restore <br /> tr,e pre:nises to substantially ihe sane condition as they were <br /> ; before ar.y suc�^. installaticn and at the Lessor ' s expense . <br /> Z2 , Ruies and Re4ulations : <br /> The Lessee agrees to comply with the ru7. es and regulations <br /> ' ' as prepared and furnished by the Lessor to the L�sse � , from <br /> ' ' tirne to tim� . Such rules and regulations snall contain re- <br /> strictions a:�d limitations , £ or tne nutual benefii. of all <br /> lessees at T{uester La:ce , pertair,ing to the use by the several <br /> lessees at Ku �ster La:ce oE the l �ke its �lf , cor.tnon roads , <br /> and the leased premises . It is ur.derstood that the basic use <br /> of the leased prc-mises shall be ior residential ourposes , i�ut <br /> the Lessor may p�rmit , from ti:se ta time , co;ranercial activizies <br /> on the leased premis � s . Any such rules , regul �tions ar.d permits <br /> are subject to c:� ange i�y the Lessor , excep� ing i:ha1: the 'vasic <br /> purpose of the leaseci premis � s as resider�tial sY�.all .ot be <br /> abridged . Any char.ges in the rul �s and regulaticr�s must be <br /> a�oproved by a majority of the 'l �as �holders prese�nt and voiing <br /> at a meeting called sor sucr, purpose o� ��.zich written notice <br /> has been given to all lesseholc:ers ( one vote per lease ) <br /> 13 . "' c~-�i �- a'- ion of lease bv 6e� ault of Lcsse� = <br /> Ii the Lessee fails , af-cer ninei.y ( 90 ) days prior written notice <br /> from tne Lessor, to remedy any default in his or her compl � ance <br /> with any o� th� obligations bir.ding upon him or her under this <br /> � - L@�S6 Agreement � OT ti71G'iEZ' �RG' 1�U �. GS and Reculai. i0i, 5 �11Z'ri1. Sf1LG � � � � � <br /> him or her by the Lessor , the Lessor .^:�ay , ai. its opL- ion , ter:ninate <br /> t;his lesse and retake possession of tl-.e l �ased premises but only <br /> after the �ollo�ving procedure has been compliea with : <br /> ( a ) A s�ecial :..e�� i:.g o � 4yl s� ockholders o = Lessor sha13 <br /> be callecl bv the Board o � �irec � ors of Lessor , �r.d <br /> written notice o� such meeting anci i� s purpose �e giver. i:o � <br /> � all such s�oc��cholders . Such meeting snall i�e called sor <br /> t:ze purposa o � d�term.ining by majority vote of th� stock <br /> of Lessor , present �: d votir.g . �s L- o wnether or not �� ' ' "`� <br /> � . . _ ._. <br /> termination of Lessae ' s lease snould be made becuuse os " � " ` <br /> � +N �^�z <br /> � c:efault by t:ze Lessee . At least 10 d�,ys wrii:ten notice � x " �, : <br /> shall be given ot any such meGtir�g and the Lessee s:-iall r �: <br /> � be given full opportunity �o s'tiow why his or her lease ��'� <br /> shou�d not be ter.:.ina� ed . <br /> . . . . . . ' qF: . <br /> � <br />�1' <br />,tiu .: <br /> ' . # <br />