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<br /> �� �MOATGAGE—Saviaqs�and Loan Form--(Dkeet Crsdtt Pl���2bS2�(Spedal) ... . . � � . . . . . �. � .... :�, �.,�.
<br /> � �� �� . . �� .. . � . ..
<br /> 77-�+G 3 t�4 5 MORTGAC E
<br /> , ��''*?
<br /> ' '�.. .�._ " � . : , . .. LPaa No �
<br /> � rxts,trmEtrrU[tE,maa@ �h�, 30th June
<br /> �� . . . . day ot � �___._, 19 77.'bp�d betweea . ' �. ' .� , ��.
<br /> ' STEPHEN:R. BECTZER ANO KAY ZUECK BELTZER, husband and wife, each in his and her own,
<br /> +, right .atid as spouse of the other �
<br /> ��� Na4 � ` ` Couaty,Nebtaska,as mozlgaqor�.,�d Home Fedazal.Savinge.and Loan Asaoclatioa�o!Grand.Ialaad, .
<br /> s ? :a.cotporatioa organized aad��esiatinq�uader the lawa.o! Nehraelca wlth�iU principal otfice and place of buslaess at Grantl Islfmd.��Nabraaka, � � ' '�'� �
<br /> ;�.. �� .as mortgcgee: � � . � � . . . . .
<br /> i���� . WITNESSETH: That�aid.morigagoz�.S tor�amd in considermion�o( tha aum�o! - . . .
<br /> < " EIGHTY THOUSAND AND NO/100------------------------=----------------noua:n (s 80�000.00 ). ,
<br /> , '. . the receipt o! which��fe hereby�acknowledged, do ���_. by theae preeenta mozlgaqe aad��wmrant uato�said moriqaqce, its'eucceeaon and � �
<br /> .�as�iqna,�[orev¢r,alt the tollowing deecribod zeal eatate,�situated tn�the county ot Ha� � � � � � � �� .
<br /> `�" �.�'trad State'of Nebraaka.�to•mIC�� . . . . . . ... — �� ,'�.
<br /> ; . � . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . ..
<br /> '. ,..���. .. . . . . . . . . � ���-
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<br /> ��;r �. � . . . . . . .
<br /> i .� . � . . . . � � . � .
<br /> ! ����. # �. . . . . . . . � � : �. ..
<br /> ;
<br /> t
<br /> �
<br /> � � � � �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> , j �; y Tog;rther with-all heatiag. liqhtiug, and plumbinq equipment and fixturee,includia etoke:e and burnere, ecreeas,�awninga,etorm windowa
<br /> { ? ��'t and doqrs,and window shadea or,blinde, used�on or in conaection with said property, whaiher tha eame are now�Ixated on said property
<br /> � or�hozeafter placed thereon. . . $
<br /> .�TO HAVE AND TO HOLD TH£ SAM£, together with�all and aingular the teaementa,hereditaments and appurtenancea thereunto belong- �$t
<br /> iag.oi.in¢nywise appertainiaq,�torever,¢nd warraat the Ntle to the eama. Said mortgagor 5 hereby covenaat__with aaid mertgaqee
<br /> that_�ha�� . af e � ct the delivery hereof, the 7awiul owoeS_ot the premisea above conveyed and desczibed,and a re
<br /> �S sefaed�o! a good and indeleaeible estate o!inherimnce therein, Srea and clear of all encumb:ancee,�and.Ihat_��e.�[_�will warranl�and
<br /> 3 deiond the iitle thereto Sorever againat the clnims and�demands of all pe:sena whomeoever. � .
<br /> � F
<br /> � PROVIDED RLWAYS, and thte instrument is executed and delivered to securo the payment of the aum�of__.
<br /> ? � F i r,Hrv -r��ti�atin atin�/i nn
<br /> ; with iuteresl thereon, together with suah chasqea and advances�as ma �be due nnd lara (5 _ � _1 � �
<br /> . Y payable�to said mortgagee uador the tezme aad
<br /> eonditione of�the promiasozy nole of even dato herewith and seeured heceby,azecuted by xzid mortgaqor S to smd mortgagee.�payable
<br /> .��' ae expreased�in eaid note, and to aecure the perfozmanee ot all tha terma and conditioaa contpined�thezeln.. �The terma o( eafd note �e
<br /> �:hereby�incorporated hereia by thie relereato. � � � � �� � . .... . �
<br /> , i -� � . . � .� � � . . .. . . . ,. � �.. .
<br /> � 'll�in.lhe iatention and aqreement of the partiea hezeto that thia morlqage shall also secure any Suture advancee mada to eaid
<br /> moriqagor 5 by snid mortqagea, and aay r,nd atl iadebtednens in addition to the amounE above etated�which�said mortgagors, oi�arip
<br /> ��of.them, may�owe to�eaid moztgagee, hoxever�evidenced, whether by note,book account or otherwise. This aortgaga ahall remain in tull� .
<br /> � torse:and�ellect betweea�the pczties hereto aad�the'u.heire,:persoaal.repreeeatatives, avcceaso:e and aseigna,�until ali amounta �eecured �
<br /> 2 hexeunder,inelud'ang future advancea.aie paid in full wlth intereat. � � . . �
<br /> � j The mortgaqorS—.,�hereby.assiga_��..to�.said mortgagee all rents.and.income arisinq at aay.and.all�timea from suid propesig.md �
<br /> j hereby aut2�orize aaid��mortgagee or ita agent at ite option, upon�default,to take chcrge ot said property�and collect all rents�and ineome �
<br /> j the*•afrom vnd appty tho same to tke payment of iatereat,�pripeipnl,�inauranee premiume, tazea�asseasmenta,-repairs or improvementa necea- �
<br /> $ sqry�to kaep sa;d praperty in tenantable cronditlon, or fo othez chazgee or puymente provided lor herein or in the note hareby securecL This
<br /> $ zent aeefgnment.shall continue in force.unal tbe uapaid bulance oi aaid aote is lully pafd The tclting cf posaeseion hareunder shcil in no
<br /> � �. j manner preveat�oz retard eaid mortgaqee ia the coliecrion ot eaid suma by toreclosure or ot}aerwiea. � � �
<br /> 3 , } �:�. �.�_ ,:�- .. �� .. ..���. . .. . �. . . . � . .
<br /> -; The taffure of the mortqagee to aseert aay ot ite�.�righta.hazeunder at any time ehali aot be conatrued as a waivcr o!itn riqht to aeaert
<br /> �� the same at any. later time,qnd to:�:lmiet upon and anlorce�trict eompltance rovilh ali the tezme and,pr Y-iaions oS scid note and oI Ihia Sf ��� ...
<br /> mottg¢ge .. . . .
<br /> ' � If aald mortqcagor S �hall eevse Yo be'paid to eczSd mortqaqea the eatire amouht due it hereunder and under the torau and proviaioas
<br /> ot aand��atp1e Lezeby aeeurad;tneluding�.iuture advpae�s,aa3 any eztensioae,or reqewaln thereo} Sa accozdance with�the��terma�end providona � � . �
<br /> � yf .,� . . . . . . . � . .
<br /> -" j therao},cyd if ya'sd mpttgpcqor S �hall comply with Qil�.the p:ovidon�of sald note aad oi thia martgage,then theea�preaeata ehall be void;�� w (_ .�
<br /> ,� �}. otherwise to ramma in fult�.tozoe��aad�affect. and ea[d��mort a ee ebqll � � P Pa=�Y, �d may. at.tta� n~'
<br /> 9 9 be..qatitlad to tha powsseion of all o!said ro
<br /> �; oPu��.*iecla:e tha whole�ci wld note aad all iadabtedaeu repressnted thez»k�y fo be immediately due and payoble, and may fo�eNone�this � ""' ;;n } � ;,e,
<br /> } mortqage or take anp othez iagal acfloa to proteet fte righ4 and�izom the da�a ot euch datault ali.items ot iadebtedaem secured hereby - �, �3
<br /> , ahall draw intasesi at por�aum,�.]S,ppmf�ement waived. ,�
<br /> t '. -�. �� ... . � . - . � � � � '.�.� � ,
<br /> t � ThL'morlqaqa �ha be biadla'q upoa aad��hall oaurs to t6a�bYae(It o[��ths Lsir�,�ezecutors,admialstzatora, ruccessorm�and�ctssigas o! � "�"'�"�
<br /> �� the rwppe�lva.,par4as Lexeta ,. I .:. � � ';x x r
<br /> .. �.� - .� �.. � .. ...- . .�. .� � � � - �� ���;.
<br /> � TT'�:VVi �..1�VHEREOF, �atd Mostgaqor5. ti,. VB. h�xsuato�.a�t � 'F'hei I^ hand�...�he d y�� .. .. . . . .. . �, i, �
<br /> "s 3� wrtttea: ' . . . . . . . — � . - .. . ...ay and eac first cbove � � „
<br /> ; . -:. ,.,. ...�. . . . . • . . / . . . :. , ..
<br /> _. iy �.� . . . . . . �C . .
<br /> l L.
<br /> Stept�e R, .:Beltzer Kay Beitzer `
<br /> �» 4� �
<br />�' „""r�. .. _,
<br />: .
<br />