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<br /> , , � .$a��( prom,ieeory nolte wae, giyen to, secure a loan in which the �Small Buainess fidminiatration, an , agency of the
<br /> Uni�ed $tatea of America, hae,, pazticipaFed, Iu , co�npliance ,with:. aec.ion .10�.1 (d ) of the Rulee and Regulations of
<br /> � the Sina11 Bueineea Administration [13 C.F.R. 101.1 ( d ) ] , thie instrurnent is to be construed and enforced in accord-
<br /> anca.with applicable Federal la�. � .
<br /> � � � �u , .�. . , ;_ � �
<br /> 1:` The mort�agor cpvenants and agreea se fol�owe :
<br /> , • . .
<br /> -��'" " a. 'He wil2 ' pro`'mptly "pay�the ' indebtedneea evidenced by said pro�iriesory note 'at the tiines and"`itt t�ie
<br /> . = raauner therein prnvided.
<br /> � „ . ,
<br /> a '; b: ` He'�avill paq all . taxes, seeeasmeau; 'waterrates, and other governmental or municipaT chargea, fines, or
<br /> ; : ' impositione, for which'provision hea not beeri`iriade hereinbefore, and will promptly'deliver the oflicial'ieeeipte + '
<br /> , , ; ;therefor to `the aaid triortgagee. ' ` ; ; _ . , � . . .
<br /> , . � :. . , . � , �- � �, �
<br /> , ,� ; . ,. • ; _
<br /> ' c: He . wiA pay: .euch -eapensee and Eees as may 6e = incurred inftlie' protectibn and maintenance of axid
<br /> properiy, including the fees oE any atto;ney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of'
<br /> � The indebtedpess hereby eecured, or forecdosure by morigege,e's aale, or court: praceedings, or in any other
<br /> , . ; >;litigation ,or •�iroceeding affectin� eaid property, Atturneys' feea reasonalily incarre�l irr �ny other way ahall be
<br /> paid by the mort�a�or.
<br /> d. For better eecurity of the indebtednese hereby e�ecured, upon the requent �f the mortgagee, its
<br /> eucceseore or asaigns, he ehall execute and deliver a aupplemental mort�aKe or mortgagee covering an}•
<br /> additions, improvemente, or bettennents mude to the property hr.reinabore deecribed and all properh-
<br /> acquired by it after the 3ate hereof ( all in form Eatisfactory tu ruortgageel . Fz�rtLerniore, should �nortgagor
<br /> faii to cure any default in the payment of a Prior ar inferior encumbra��ce on the C� roperty described by
<br /> this inatrumeny mortgagor t�erel�� agrees to perniit mm•t�;ugee tu cure such default, but mortgagee is not
<br /> obligated to do ao ; and eucki advancea shall become part of the indeheednese Kec��re�i by thie inevumeut,
<br /> subject to tlie same terms and conditione.
<br /> , e.. The rights created by this conveyance eha21 remain in full force ui�d effect durinp� an� ppr�tpunement
<br /> i or extenaion of the time of ihe payment of the indebtednese evideneed 6y �aid promissory note or any par�
<br /> thereof secured hereby.
<br /> y f. He will continuouely maintain hazard ineurance, oE such type or types nnd in such amounte ae the
<br /> mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements novv or l�rreatter on rairl � Etroper� ��, :md
<br /> � will pay promptly when due any premaums therefor. All ineurance ehall be carried in companiee acceptable
<br /> to mortgagee and the palicies and renewals thef-eoE shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thereto
<br /> lose payable clauees in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of loes, mortgagor will give
<br /> immediate notice in writing to mottgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of lose if not made promptly by
<br /> mortgagor; and each ineurance company concerned is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for euch
<br /> loae direct3y to mortgagee inatead of to motteagor and mortgagee jointly, and the ineurance proceede, ar any
<br /> part thereof, may be applied by mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedneee hereby
<br /> secured or to the resturation or repair of the property damaged or deatroyed. In event af foreclosure of thie
<br /> mortgage, or other transfer oF title to eaid propert_y in extinguishment of the indebtedneas secured hereby, all '
<br /> right, title, and interest of ihe mortgagor in and to any insurance policiea then in force ahall pase to the
<br /> i urchaeer or mortgugee or, at the option uf the mort�u �ee, may be Durreculered Por a refiuui .
<br /> g. He will keep all buildinge :�nd other improvemente mi said pruperty in good rrpair ;�nd conditiou ;
<br /> will �ermit, commit, or suffer uo waate, impairinent, deterioration of �aid property or anq par: i'.nereof;
<br /> in the event of failurF of the mortgagor to keep tkae buildinge ai eaid �rremises and dioxe erected on said
<br /> premises, or improveme�ta ihereon, in good repair, the inort�,agee mu} make bucl� rep3irs ah in its discretion
<br /> it may deem necessary for the proper pceaervation thereof; and the fu❑ nmuunt of each and every snch
<br /> ,:
<br /> paymen[ e}iall be immediateh� due and payable ; and shall be secured b}• the, lien of ihih rnort�a�: �
<br /> r ' h . He will uet voluntarily create or perrrit to be created againet the property eubject to ihis mortgage any
<br /> lien or liaas inferioz or snperior to the lien o( thie morYRage without the written coneent of the mortga�ee ; and
<br /> furiher, that ,_he wili lceep anal maintain the same f'ree frum tlie l`I11771 0l' all pernonE suppiying labor or
<br /> � mat�rials,dor aanatruc�tion oL uny . and ull �wldin�s :or ,imprnvements' nnw bein�* ereete�l or to be erected ou
<br /> said premieee. : „
<br /> ' ' ' i. ` He will 'noCrent or aesign any part of the �ent of naid mortgaged prbperti- `or demoliNh, or reinu� c, '
<br /> or eubstantially altes auy buildin€ without the written cunseut nf the mort�:ak�e.
<br /> ;i. All awardaof �lemagax in connection wich any condernr.ztion for public ttNe of or injur�' lu any of tlie
<br /> E�rol�r.rty Nubject W this n�urtgage urr. Lereby aacig�>es sc�3 sliall Ue pai23 Ic� inort�;a�ee; t+'ho may apply tl�e '
<br /> same to payment of tlae insiallmenta I�st due under euid note, und mortga�ee iy hereby authorized, in t6e
<br /> ; , . ; :- name oi,the -mattgagor, tti 'execute qn3 deliver valid acquittancea thereoC and to uppeal from nny evch awArd.
<br /> ' , , R R K P E K P , _ tinu:. „� I . . , ,,• �
<br /> : . . w: �h . �- , : . . . w"a "
<br /> R . 'I he mort a ee e.hall hu�-e the ri ht to ins ect the �nori �a ed remiarh at an �� reaFonxble
<br /> 2,� Uefarn�t�ig aay �f tLe ataveaants or conditiona of thia inetruraent or o[ the note or loan agreement aecurec� `" tw ,
<br /> ; t hereby ehall terminate.the mortgagor'e right w posse=eion, uee, and enjoyment of the property, at t6e option of the �
<br /> (_, '- mortgagee or his aesigne (it being agreed tliat the mortgagor shall har•e euch right imtil default ) . TJpon any euch
<br /> � defanit, the mortgagee ehall become the owner o€"""'s� �o[� the 'lente and profite accruing after defavlt ae securin• �*..
<br /> fos the iadebiednees eecared hereby, with tbs, rie�t to a�itgx� upos eaid property for the pi�rpoee of collecting euch
<br />�' r�t►te and` p;a$te: �e instrument Bhall operate'ae an `aadi;gnment of eny rentals on Raid property to that extent.
<br />,,, � SBA FO RM 928 (2•� 3y � �
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