?s . . . . � . e -{'.• .
<br />,�� . . . . . . . . . .. � � � . � ( . ��.� �
<br />� �, . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . � ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � t .4:�� � . . . . �
<br /> �', � � � � . . . . � . . � �
<br /> �'�� - �! f) � � 1 �,3
<br /> 6. 3f he i'ails to F�ay an�� sum or keep any coreri,ant �rovidecl for in this mortgage, the &Iortgagee, at
<br /> its optzon, nza,y pay ox• ��r�foz•zn the same, azad all ex���:ndituc•es so made s?:sll he add�4 to the pgineipal sum
<br /> o�ving an the abGve n�te, shall be secured hereby, and shall Uear interest untiI paid at thesate provided
<br /> far'imthe prineigal indel�tedness.
<br />�,� � ���� . �i�. ii7CaTi iCtjue3l: vr f.ilC 1ViUA'L'f*&�Qet MOY'tffHS'OT' S�'1 '�iil vxatr��tn � anr� rint ,.,g�� � g iJt :�::..^,:2u.i � iiC� �`,c' vi iiiii`.r.5 .
<br /> ' � foa• the surn or sums ad�ancecl by� Mortgagee for the ali,eration, moderruaation, �z inipr�tiementmade at ; �
<br /> the' �.'VIUi-�ga�ar's z•equest; or for mainteiiance of said i�reinises, or for ta�:es oz• assessments against the
<br /> same�. and fnr any :other pui•pose eisew}�e3•e authorized tiereu��der. Sazd nate ur notes shall be 'secured
<br /> nerei�y on a parity �t� itli and as fully as if the adr•ance evidenced thei•eb3� x-ere incIuded in the note first
<br /> deseribed aliaye. Saic3 suppiemental note or notes shail bear interest at the rate pi•ovided for in the prizi-
<br /> �' ' cipal indebtedneas atrd sliali ue ��ayable in approximately equal monthl3� patirments for such period as may
<br /> be a�reec� upnu by tli4 �1Iartg-agee aud Mox•tgagox. Fai]ing iv xgree on tkie matu�:�it�, the �ti�hale c}f ttie sum
<br /> ^ or sums so adraizced sh�ill Le �lue and payable thirty {3C; days aftei• demand by ihe '�9ortga�ee. I�i no
<br /> c�veizt shaYi the n�aturit5� eateiid beyand the i� ltimate matur. ity of the nate fir.•st described above.
<br /> $. FIe hereby assigi�s, tt�ansfers and sets ocex• to the &iortgagee, to Ue ap��iied to�j�ard tt�e payment �f
<br /> Lhe iivte ahd ai3 sums seicured heT•eby= in case of a default in the perfoi•rnance ol' �xny oi the teims and co�zdi-
<br /> + tions uf tliis mort}xabe ar the saic� note, a31 the rents, revc�nues and income to k�E deri��ed from the tnox•t- �
<br /> gaged preinises dur�ing such time as the mortgage indeutedness shall remain unpaici ; a.ncl the �artg�ge�
<br /> �. � . Sfl�lll t12.VE�. i]f11tiPY t!! :l.Ttnn? nt nn;.' nea::h 3� .^..,^pC�^�:> �i�' fiia;y u2uii�v iGi� i:IlC �)iil'E)IJ:E! OI 1'C71i:1R�.�i114' SflIY102171C1 .G01- . . .
<br /> lectin� the renta, receziues ancl ineome, and it msy pay out of said incomes ��11 necessary r.ammissians and
<br /> eYpenses incurred in i�eiitink and rnanfl�ing the sarrse and of colieei;ing i�entais thereProm ; the b��Iance
<br /> " reinaining, if any-, to be applied to�vard tlie discharge of said moz•t�rage iiidebtedness.
<br /> 9. 13e �siil continuously maintain hazard insui•ance, o[ such type o�• t�•pes and ainaunts us i4Sortgagee '
<br /> m:ar from t3me to time �•e�7ui.re, on the impravements nocv or hereafter on said premisE:s xnd except �q�hen
<br /> pa��ma�nt fc�x• sxll such z�f•emiu�ns Pias theretofore been rnnde under (a.) of paragi•agh 2 Iiereof, �rill pay
<br /> promF�tiy cvhen elue an�� premiums the�•efor. Upotz default thei•eaf, 1vlortgagee may ��av the same. :�ll
<br /> insurance shail be carr-icd in com�anies appi•o� ec] by the b4ortgagee and the policies and re.newals thereoi'
<br /> shall k�e helci b,v Lhe :�Ic� rtgagee and have attacized thereto loss pavable clauses in fae.�oy� of aeid in 1'orin
<br /> acceptable tn the �1loi•tgag•ee. In event of loss i4iortg�agoz• �a�i12 give immecliate nc�tice b,y maii to the Dgort-
<br /> �,ragee, �s•ho rnuy make pr•oof c�f loss if not rnade proinptlY by Moi•tgagoi•, anci each itisui•anee coinpiny coit-
<br /> rerned is ]zerebt= aulfiorize� and directed ta malte payment for such tc�.r.s �� ir�-�et;;- tq t,ie irios•igabee instead
<br /> uf 2o tl�e blortgagor arid tYie DTortn:tgee ,ioiniiy, and tkte ins�2i•ance 2>rucee�?s, or any ��a�•t thereof,
<br /> ma,v be ap��liecl by- the Nlortgagee at its uption either to the reduction of t}ie indel�tedness hex�ebg� secured
<br /> oi� to tlie restot•tttio�i oz- i•epair of ttiF pa�opex•t,V damaged . Lii event of foreclosure of tl� is mortgage, or ot}ie�•
<br /> . � ' i.anii$ic2 Gs il�Zc � �v ti..N. R: (.Y�h:t .�`f;@:� 1�Yv (Sv^Yt'J' ' ai CXiliS&T'uiStlIiiC-ai� Ci i}i2 iliCi.8i3i.2iliGSS iEi.LlF2Ci � }i2i2u.}`r. dii � . . . . .
<br /> t�ight, title anci interesi of' the �Tortgagor in and to any insurance golicies then in f'orce shall pass to the
<br /> $ purchasei� or �r•antee.
<br /> , 10. t�s adc�itioual san<1 collateral secui�ity Lor the F.�aymenE of the note desc�•iued, and ali sums to become
<br /> di�e under this inortg:xge; thc illortgagor hereby assigns to the nIortgagee �il teasc bonusc�s, profits, reve-
<br /> nzics, royalties, i•ights, at3d othei• benefits accx•uing to t,ie DTortgagor zanctez• any and nll oil aiid ' gas leases
<br /> noic•, ur ciux�in� tiic lire ot' this mortga�e, executed on said premises, �vith tlie rigl� t to z•ecei��e anZl receipt
<br /> fal• the same ar�d apply tticm to said iiidebtedrzess as n�ell befoi•e as after def�iult in the condition� of tliis �
<br /> mc�rtgage, and t}te nlos•tgagee 7nay deniand, sue fox• and recover any� sucii p<iy�nents ��•hen daie dnd pa,y-
<br /> able, but siiall not be 3•�;quired so to do. TPiis assignm�nt is to termi:eiate and uecome nuli and �•oid upvn
<br /> rc:lease of this rnortgage.
<br /> 1 ] . He s}iall tiot c��mmit or permit �t�aste ; and shall maintaiia ihe property in as good condition as at
<br /> prEsent, �•easanzxu2e irear and teai• excepted. Upon any failure ta so maiut.ain, 1'�lortgagee, at its option,
<br /> may cause reasun� ble n�aintenauice ���ork to be pex•formed at tiie eost oP Mortgagor. Any amounts paid
<br /> therefor by Ivlot•tga�ee shall Lear intei�est at the rate procided for in the princi �al indebtedness, shall
<br /> thereupotj become a ��art of Lhe indebtedness seeured by this instrumeut, rataUi�- anci on a parity with al!
<br /> other indebtedness secuz•ed hereb��, and shail be paylble thirty (30) c�ays after demand.
<br /> 12. If the premises, or any part thereof, Ue condemned under the po���er of eminent domain, or
<br /> acquired for a public iise, thc damages avs-arded, the proeeeds for the tziking of, or tl�e cansic.ict-ation for
<br /> such acquisitiou, to the ettenti of the full �mount of the remaining unpaicl indebtedness secured byt this
<br /> mc�rtgage, or hereb,y assip>necl to the Mort�;agee, and sliall k?e paid foc•th�vith to said bTort.ga�ee, to be
<br /> appiied on accowrt of the last �naturinginstallments of such indebtedness.
<br /> 23. If the :4tortg�agor faiis to make an,y pay�meTr�s �vhen due, or to ranfoim to and comply �-rith any�
<br /> v
<br /> o£ the coiiditions c�r agi•eements contained in this martgage, or the notes �ti�hich it secares, then the
<br /> entire principal sum and accx-ued interesE ahall at ance 6econie due and pay-able, at tlie election of tlte
<br /> M=�rtgagee ; snd thi; moitgage may chereupon bc forectosed immediately for the ti��hole of the indebied-
<br /> ness hereb,y secur�d, includin� the cost of r�xtenc3ing the abstraet of title fror.� the date of this rnort-
<br /> � d:;dC �'O }4:C �'`.!I2C (). CQ:::.^.:C;:C;Ii� SuCil S:iit� �i, i��i,nu7ii.i.�Jle ilitUl'tlt'y' �S 1('.t+� Ht1U illlV �lllll� �7Ei1(1 Uy' T}1C �' C.tB1A21S
<br /> Administration on acconnt uf t2ie guaranty or insuraitce c�S ttie indebtediiess �ecur•ed liereby, all uf which
<br /> sliall be included in tlie decree of foreclosure.
<br /> j
<br /> 14, if the indebtedness :secured hereby l�e guaranteeci or itisu�•ed under Title 38, United States Cvi�e, ' �p �` " , -
<br /> ' ' ;: sueh Title ane� Reg�lations issuc� thpreunder a�d ir_ e��^t ari the riate hereof shall govern the rights, duties '� �w"`� "
<br /> � aud liat�ilities of the parties hereto, anci any provisions of t}iis oz• other instramerits executed in connectian � �
<br /> with said indebtecinesa rvhich are inconsistent with said Title or Regulations are hereby amended to � '; '
<br /> conform theretv I*,- .s " `
<br /> The eovenants herein contained shall bind; and the benefits and advantages sha31 inure to, the
<br /> ,
<br />� `
<br /> .;
<br /> �
<br /> .....�. . �
<br />, , �
<br /> �
<br /> . �
<br />