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x. . � . � . . � . � <br /> � .. . . . - . . . . . . . ..�.g- <br /> i'� ' �.';� �I <br /> _. _ . _ ._ __ _. .._� . <br /> - ( .�� <br /> � <br /> '; �"a`�* {�!°3'��(��j <br /> � A24./1tii�}.L4L �- � � _ � <br /> . . . � � � � � MURTGAGE LOAN NC)�. � ZZ�,71Q. . � <br /> KNQWRLLhIENBYTYIESEF'RE5Ed�1TS.Thax RObBPt 1v. T,cl5h 811d $dY'bdt'd J. Gash, each 'In h'TS hcld <br /> i i�er own right and as spouse of each other � <br /> nAnrro _,.Yt._fh_'i""_�s�... _ ._...�de rl:o....f.A., ^.:of <br /> ; � � ,n.,sa �........ . <br /> _. �. ,_ ...� <br />�,; Th;rtvn�-ia�:t T'tousand ar.� Na�?�Q---------------------------------------------------:�L[,n:s- �. <br /> ipaned to said.martgagor�by The£quitablc-Ruilding.a.nd.L,uan Ass+sciaticwn�f Crand lsland;Nebraska,A4^_rtoagee,tipun 3�0 �� . s3yares of stacic of �:�. <br /> �� said:ASSt3CIAT10h,C'ertificuTt No.L �e2��]j0�. ,dv here4y gran[;.coctvey and.mungaga un[u the sai�i ASSOCIATION�xhe foIIowutg :� <br /> described rea}��esiate,siivated in Hall CounYy,�I�ie.b[asf:a=` �� � �. � � � � � � � � <br /> JA LOT TWEN7Y- SEVEN (27} IN BLOCK TDtO {2} IN <br /> � NORMANDY ESTATES IN TNE CITY Of GRANQ ISLAND, � <br /> ', HAL� COUNTY� NEBRASKA. <br /> ' � <br /> � <br /> , <br /> � � � � <br /> � ` � �together tivit.h aU the tenemrnts,�hzreditaments and appunenances thereunto �eionging, including attached flooc coverings,all window screnns,: <br /> �window�shades,�Linds,sx�rm windows,awnings,heaaing,air conditioning,andplumbingaad waterequipmen[and�aecessocies thecezo,pumpa,stoves, <br /> �,aad athar l�LXtures�and equipment now ur herzafter attached to or usrd in cunnection w�th said eeal estate. . <br /> „"r, � � :e.,�i whn *tia.�i�t;,,,r+�_ :E,v ��_����!� <!.o o'+.._ _,_ �hy rti.. �, _ chail n�i witi oay ali Y:uces:and'dSSessmerits Ievied or . <br /> y �� assessed upon.said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond sec red thereb be£ore the same shnll trecome delinquent;ro furnish approve4 <br /> � insurance�ug�n.thr..buildings on�said premises snuated]n che sum of S�g s���-�� payable Co said ASSOCiATT4N and to daliver tu said <br /> f„�`� �.. � :15SflClAT[ON the palicins Cor said insurance:and noi ta commit or Qermit any wsste on ur xboui said prnsnises: <br /> �? � In case�of aefault in the perfornianca of any of the serms and conciitiwis oti this murcgage or xtie bond sr.cured�hereby,che murtgagee shall, . <br /> i^�! ��ots c�emand;�be enticled io irnmediate posse�ssion�of the mortgaged premises an�i� ihz mUrcgagor�hereby xssigns, iransf�ra�and sexs over tu the <br /> F�W � �. � mostg:sgee.all.tlia rer.ts,zxvenues and�income to bt derived from the mr�txSaged preinises during such ti:rne as.ehe mUrtgage insiebtedness shakl�remain..�� <br /> � unpai3;.and the morigagee shall have�the power to agpuint any�agezt or ugents it may desire!'ur the purpe�se aC repairing said.premixs and reniing � <br /> '� . ,�the same-.and�collecting the rents�reveaues and income,anr3 it may�pay out of said incnme a13 nxpenses af repairing said premises und.necessaxy� � <br /> ? f . �comntissions and.�expenses.incurred in rentin�and tnanaging the same and of collecting rentals tnaret`rom; the balance�ramaining,if any,to be . � <br /> � . aPr=zed le�a:'c!�.'•he.�^'s.,Fs•k.�. t��,:�:.�agc i:ar'�_S�t�u�.��a=.;;:hex righrs o;�...e m..,.gab��z,—=.ay be exe:asa.d et a y tina���ir�,the ax,istence u€su:h. � <br /> J defauJt,irrespect�ve e�i any temporary warvei of the same. � � . . � <br /> `�� � �.Thesz Presents,however,ace upon the.Condit:an,Tiut i]the said Mortgxgor sliaii�rcpay s�id�}oan.on cx before the m:�turity of sxid sharesby � <br /> ,',� .. � .. pay�ment;�pay.munthly to said.4SSOCIATION�Y t3ie surn spacitied in the BcnC secuted hereUy as 3nterest and pri�cipxl on said loan,�n or befure .. <br /> � tht Twzntieih�day of each und e�rery manth,uniil said loen n pn�d;pay ait texes and assessments 3e�9eS xgain�i s:iid premises and on itais Mortgage <br /> „,y :uad;�thr Hond'secured.thereby,before delinyuency:,furnish appcoved insurance upon the buildings ehareon in the sum o1'S�3$�000.00 � .payable�. <br /> '..,� � tn.sxid ASSQCIATIiDN;xepay�tv said ASSOC[ATION upon demand..all muney bv ie paid for suct,taxes,assessme¢tits and insurance wiih interesi at. �� <br /> ` � � the iswximum legal rate�thereon frum date of payment all uf�+�tuch Alurtg�gur hereby agrzes t.o psy:permit nu wasie.un said prernises;keep and comply � <br /> .,R <br /> ',y � with:atl the agraemrnts and cunditions of the Bond for 5 3$��Qd.�� this day the said hSor[gagur ia said qSSOE:IA;iON�,and camply��� <br /> � with�all the reguirements of the�Constitutian and Sy-Laws of said ASSOCIATION:then thes�praxnts shall become nu(1 and vuid,utf�erwise they <br /> ti; :� . shail.remain�in full.i'arce and�� foreclosed at the option of the�ssi3 ASSOCIATION after failure fur threc months Eo make any c�f suid � <br /> " �:payxnenU��or�ba tlire�.niUn�hs in arcesrs in�r.:aking said.m�nthly pa}�mecnts,�or to�keep and cornply with the agrnemenis and cunetitions vf stid$ond: <br /> ': � � �an�l�Mor[gag�r.agrecs�ta have x receiver ap�wioted Forthwith in such foreclasure proceedings. � � � <br /> .-� � If t6cre:is�an}�change in ownership of tlie rexl esta4e�mortgugad herein,by saIe ur ottierwise,than [he rniire remsining indebiedness tiereby � � � <br /> '3, suured sha13,at the nption�rt The Equitable Building and Loan Acs�ocixtiun of Crand Island,.�'ebraska,beco[ne imcrned'zately 3ue and payabie wzthouE <br /> c <br /> '� � � Curther notice,und.che ampuni rema.ining due�under s:i�d bond, and�ny other h�.n�f+r�.ny additional advacices made titereundec,shall,from ihe- <br /> � �� � �date�of exercise of wid optiom,bcxr interest at the max'vnum legal rate,and this.mc3rtgage may then be foreclosed to xatisf'y the.amount due on said � � � � . <br /> bond,and.sny otl�er btmct Ca�additionrl advances,t�gether with a1I sums paid b,y said Thr Equita6la Building end Luazx Associatiun of Grand Itfand, <br /> - .�� NeUraskx f tr insuranct;ta.!�es and assa.ssments,and abstracling extension charges. wiih interest th.ereon, f:um date of payment at the maximur.i . � � <br /> a'j iegairatc., <br /> �� �� � �:A5 provided in the Bond secured hereby,white this mart�aga remains in eiteet the xnortgagea may hereafrer�dvance additional sums to the � � <br /> . �makers of sais$vnd,theu assigns ur successurs in in2erest,which sums sttal]be wlitun the security ot�Uils mocigage the samn as�he fu.�ds originally. . � � � <br /> �secuied thereby,the�.tatai amount ai principal debc not tn excead at aoy time the orlginal arreount of this mortgage. <br /> s ,-' Dated his �� � dxy of ���`�,'. �.D..19'�� <br /> —K6I5�_�"� � � <br /> �,�.,,,�^,,,.,* �rr �..� ] <br /> .�� /`/„'3.<C✓l.6i.,2.L ei"..% ;,��. ..;�ti.%v�.W>�/ f �> �. . . . <br /> �3T`�Hra +7 B35h ��! � <br /> /r � <br /> STATE OF AIEBAASKA,� � y ..s".1 i/� r`f" <br /> ss. . On i}iis � � 3a of �:-,.j 14 �,beCore me, , <br /> COUNTY QF HALI. ��,.�/'r <br /> . .. . .. � . . . . ' the.�igned..a Notsry Yublic in snd sor said C.ouzity.Peisannlly cuino� . �� . . ..�.�1,,. . . ¢,� <br /> Ra�ert W. Gash<and Sar3bara J. Gash, each in his and her orm right aW�toasar�ause��ona1�y`�nQ nt� <br /> y ather 1 ,.� , <br /> tne fo be tkia identic�l pe�song � wlwsc namt S ..are�. thq above an�orcgaguxs a.-�d thE� .severaily p . . i�.Y,* ; <br /> ,;� acknowiedged tfic said insuuuoent to be t�?�'i x' volunsary act and deed: { <br /> r�: <br /> ;.;: 64ITNFSS my hanzi and Notacia9 Seal the date af'aresaid,: � `: � <br /> . � .. ,m«.nn rx�rrtg �/l�s �„c.,,.., �`'''.!:�- f 1.�/� f.� .', „ su <br /> .. +Nv t.'nrn � ..+�. i� . <br />�„; � . _ .. . �S a_ ' , �.. f 1. '�.i,+v r_d °..�r � . <br /> ��� �NuL8iy YUC1uC <br /> .. &1-27�1$1 ��..�� ���-�� . � . . � �.�� <br /> �' . . . . . . �. � . . . . . �. . <br />�,>.. . � . . � � . . . <br />